

Jason shakes his head at Misty's questioning. "I don't know. He said that Car..." He hesitates, but knows that whether Misty still had bad feelings or not, he couldn't keep walking on eggshells. He keeps on walking, skimming over it. "...Carson found him out back of the Pizza Box. That's all I know."

Thinking about that, Jason's mind fills with reasons why any of this would have happened. One theory sticks out as the prominent one, and it makes his blood boil. But for Misty's sake, he keeps quiet about it...for now.

Kyle turns his head, and seeing Nate, he smiles a little. Glancing at Carson, he's a little more leery, but doesn't react. He lifts his left hand to give a tired wave. He was still a little foggy on all that had happened, but by now his mind was clearing things up enough that at least he now knew a little bit about what had gone on, and was realizing that it was by now, late evening.

He looks to Nate, then to Carson, then back to Nate with question in his eyes.

Carson recognizes the look and glances down for a minute, hesitant to approach the bed, but seeing that Kyle doesn't have any fear on his face, he goes ahead. "Glad you're alright, mate. You're lucky your attackers weren't too careful about making noise. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen you."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. Carson had been the one to find him? That was interesting. He looks up into Carson's eyes, studying them for a moment. He still remembered the day at Mom and Pop's. He still remembered the rough people that had been there. He still remembered Carson's threats. But tonight...there was more confusion and sorrow in those eyes than malice. And if Carson really had found him and gotten help, then Kyle owed him a thanks, no matter his personal feelings.

Knowing it was right, Kyle raises his left hand as a gesture of truce.

Carson can't help his surprise. He could still feel Kyle's foot smacking his face, and now wondered if this were a true act or if it was just to make it look good. Carson didn't know Kyle very well at all - only through Jason. But he'd never heard "dishonest" and "Kyle" in the same sentence before.

Though hesitant, he closes the gap, reaching down to shake Kyle's hand.

Kyle gives a little nod and releases his grip.

Carson hooks his thumbs in his pockets and sighs. He'd heard about Kyle losing his voice, and now this. "So what's up? Any idea why the Agency would be after you?"

Kyle swallows hard, his thoughts a bit garbled. He knew a few things about the Agency - stuff that Jason and Katie had told him. But what would they want with him? Was Carson right that it was the Agency? It appeared that way. He opens his mouth to try and respond, but suddenly a nurse comes in, interrupting them.

Kyle's eyes widen. It was the nurse from the third floor from the nurse's station.

The nurse sidles in past Nate and Carson and stands at the foot of Kyle's bed, setting her hands on her hips. "I thought I was done seeing you."

Kyle can't help his quirky grin, and he shrugs, throwing her a wink.

The nurse just shakes her head, unable to stop a chuckle. "Doc said you can't talk too well, so you just stay there and let me check you over." She goes about her tasks, trying to make Kyle as comfortable as possible.

At one point, Kyle stops her, forcing himself to speak in a raspy whisper. "So what's the verdict?"

"Honey, you'll be just fine." The nurse pats is shoulder. "You got a nice bump to your head and a few battle scars on your face, but nothing that won't heal proper as long as you behave yourself."

Kyle glances down to his right hand.

The nurse gives him an encouraging smile. "Don't worry. Your hand has been broken. Looks like someone dropped a cinderblock on it and several bones were broken, along with two fingers. But the doctor went in and put everything back where it belongs, so all it needs is a little time to heal. We'll just keep you here overnight to make sure everything is okay."

Kyle can feel his heart sink as low as it can go. This nurse had no idea what he did, and how important his hand was. Sure, it would heal...but broken bones didn't just heal overnight. He forces a weak smile to the surface and mouths a silent, "Thank you."

She keeps her smile. "You just rest now. I want to see you bouncing down these halls again before you leave."

After she's left the room, Kyle turns his attention back to Nate and Carson. He'd lost his voice. He'd lost his hand. Both may or may not have been permanent. Considering who he was, considering what had happened, the answer to Carson's question is as clear as day in his mind. Maybe not to the others...but only because they didn't know quiet everything. Though he wasn't going to tell them. Not now. No one else need feel any more pain or guilt. Especially Misty. "No," he manages. "They're just thugs."

Carson shakes his head. "They're more than that, Kyle. There's always a reason. Have you run into them before?"

Kyle shakes his head too. He hadn't.

Carson looks to Nate. It felt like another dead end. But if this didn't stop, Kyle could wind up more than just roughed up.

Jason heads with Misty down the hall after having asked where Kyle was, and getting his room number. The male nurse had also informed them of Kyle's condition. Jason had immediately realized what this meant, but tried to be positive about it.

As he walks with one crutch, his anger grows for this situation. His hurt for Kyle heightens. His irritation for whoever had done this increases. His emotions rising, he doesn't stop them, but uses them instead to form a more important thought that is propelled into the open and cast into oblivion. It's Kyle. Hurt but okay. Hospital. Call me.

Reaching Kyle's room, he enters, letting Misty in with him. Seeing Carson with Nate, he stops in his tracks. Nate had said Carson had found Kyle, but Jason hadn't expected him here. Not after the confrontation between him and Kyle before. The thought that had come to mind earlier came again, and his fists tighten. "What are you doing here?"

Carson whirls around, and stops dead. He doesn't like Jason's tone. But even stronger was the unidentifiable feeling that hits him as his eyes move from Jason to Misty. He hadn't seen her since the day at the restaurant and that had been less than good. But he isn't given a chance to say anything. Jason's on top of him again.

"What do you know about this, Carson? Did you just find Kyle, or did you tell them where he was? Maybe help them out on the beating?"

Carson's eyes widen, then narrow as he receives the accusation. He looks to Nate, his stare implying how unhappy he was with this before shifts his gaze again. "Watch what you say, Jason," he hisses. "I might take it the wrong way."

"Good. At least the truth might come out."

Kyle looks to Jason to Carson, to Nate, to Misty, to Carson, then to Misty again. He lifts his hand, not wanting to see this argument, but the two men pay no attention to him.

Carson glares at Jason. "What is it about me that you hate so much, huh?"


"Jason..." Kyle's voice is too hoarse and quiet for them to hear, even though he tries. "Stop..." No good, the argument continues, and his frustration grows.

Carson takes a step closer to Jason, looking up at him. "So what are you going to do? Interrogate me? Arrest me? Put me in that holding cell you're so fond of?"

"If I had any sense at all, I ought to..." Jason's words are cut off as he's suddenly hit in the shoulder with a flying tv remote. "What the..." Glaring, he shoots his gaze in Kyle's direction. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Kyle is propped on his elbow, looking at him sternly after having thrown the remote. He shakes his head slowly, displeased with Jason's accusations against Carson. He didn't like Carson all that much either, but he'd seen the faces of his attackers and Carson hadn't been one of them. As for the remote, it was rare for him to show irritation like that...but he'd had his fill, he was hurting, he was upset, and he was tired of this stress. "You're wrong, Jase," he whispers. "Cut it out."

Jason grits his teeth and shoulders past Carson, respecting Kyle's wishes. He stands to the side, leaning up against the wall out of the way.

Carson watches him go and takes a deep breath. Daring a glance to Misty, then to Nate, he shrugs. "I guess that's my cue to leave." He wants to say more...so much more. He wants to defend himself, he wants to straighten this out with Jason, and he'd like to talk to Misty. But apparently he wasn't welcome, and therefore this was not the time or place. "I'll walk back to Mom and Pop's now."

Is he ok

*Shutting her phone Misty's heart races and her blood pumps. Misty felt angry she hated what was happing with Kyle. But right now her worry out weaghed that. Getting into her car Misty's tired squeel as she leaves the parking lot and races across town.

Minutes seem like hours and Misty can't get there fast enough. Millions of things run through her mind making it race faster and faster by the minute. Finally seeing the building come into view Misty is glad she is there. Pulling into the driveway she see Jason's truck pull in at the same time and is happy someone is there to go in with her.

Getting out of the car she gives a little wave to Jason and than heads inside with him.*

"Do we know anything alse about what is going on with Kyle? or did Nate just say he was rough up?"

*Nate makes his way down the long hall Carson close behind. They didn't know what to exspect. The Dr. had said Kyle was ok, but he was hesitint about one thing. What it was they dident know.
Finally getting to Kyle's room Nate enters. Walking slowly over to see him. Kyle looked a mess but I guess that was to be exspected.

Drawing closer to the bed Nate offers Kyle the best smile he can.*

"Hey, you need to stop getting yourself in trouble you knon that. Jason, Misty, and Rick should be on there we to see you, So you can see some friendly faces ok?!"

*Nate waits to bombard Kyle with questions, he just woke up he dident want to hound the poor guy right away.*


Jason is immediately on alert as he receives Nate's call. Pushing aside personal feelings for a moment, he shifts into work mode. "I'm on it." Hanging up, he swings his legs down off his couch and dials several other people. Phil. Rick. Misty.

"Misty, it's Jase. Nate just called. Kyle's been roughed up and he's at the hospital. I'm on my way there with a few others."

Carson hesitates at Nate's beckoning to go with him. Weighing his options, he finally gives in. He wasn't used to interaction with this group anymore, but he did know who had done this to Kyle, and if he could help, at least it gave him something to do other than get into trouble. "Alright." He follows Nate out to his car and slips into the passenger side.

Kyle fights off the hands of a nurse, in pain and confused. Where was he, and what was going on? He opens his mouth, but no sound wants to come out, and the effort hurts. It brought back the reminder that he shouldn't be trying that.

He felt himself being moved somewhere...wheeled into a room. A shot to his arm makes him wince. But almost immediately, the throbbing subsides to a dull ache...a numbness. A stranger starts cleaning up his head, and something finally gets through to his mind that he was getting help.

Carson and Nate get to the hospital within minutes and quickly inquire about Kyle. There's a bit of confusion, but finally a doctor comes who seems to know what's going on. "The patient is doing fine, and he'll be in a room shortly so you can see him."

Carson breathes a sigh of relief. "How bad was it?"

"He got a nice bump to the back of his head, but a slight concussion was all he suffered there. Cuts and bruises on his face are nothing to worry about. The only concern I have is his...."

"Dr. Teller, please see Room three thirty. Dr. Teller..."

The doctor hears his name and gets cut off. "I'm sorry, excuse me."

"But..." Carson rolls his eyes and looks with annoyance to Nate. "Well, that was a lot of help. Let's go see if we can find him."

The light is soft and dim and Kyle tries to make sense of his new surroundings. His throat hurt. His head hurt. His face hurt. His right hand hurt. His stomach hurt. A picture flashes in his mind and he begins to piece together what had happened. But how did he get here? And what about...Misty... He groans inwardly. His date...now what. He didn't even know what time it was.


*Opening the door and seeing Carson standing on his pourch was a saprise to Nate. He wasent exspecting him to show up anytime soon, but taking one glance at Carson's eyes tells Nate all he needs to know. Something was wrong and Carson needed help.

Hearing about Kyle, Nate jaw almost hits the ground. Not again.*

"Come on in Carson. I need to make some phone calls."

*Dialing Jason first Nate gets a hold of him filling him in on what was going on.*

"Jason its Nate. I just was informed by Carson that Kyle got rough up behind the pizza box tonight and he found him...He's on the way to the hospetil now. I am gonna head over that way. Inform Reese, and Rick too. He might wanna get a hold of Misty since she was looking after Kyle with him. Ok, I'll see you at the hospetil."

*Shutting his phone Nate put it in his pocket and grabs his jacket.*

"You gonna come with me? Might need to find out what you saw to help out."

*Nate heads out the door and starts twords his car.*

*Misty absintmindedly taps the table as she waits. Looking down at her watch she notices 25 minutes have gone by already. Her starts to worry alittle bit but tryed to let it not bother her. Kyle was probley just running later than he though he would be. Misty continues to wait.*

*As Jess sits at the bar someone sits down next to her. Not evening having to look over she could tell who it was.*

"What do you want Pete?"

*Peter's lips curl up in a grin. His eyes having a glass tone to them.*

"I wan't my girl back thats what I want."

*Jess lets out a sigh and shakes her head trying to keep her voice even.*

"I'm not your girl again and I never will be again. I'm done with you and that life."

*Peter cant help but scoff.*

"Yeah it looks like your doing a real good job and all."

*Reacing out Peter lays a hand on Jess arm as he leans twords her.*

"You know you miss me babe. How could you not!"

*Finally turning her head to look down at Peter's hand she takes her free on and brushs it off her arm.*

"Easy, I dont. Now leave me alone Peter."

*Jess takes another sip of her beer and than finish it off as she heads for the door. Peter stands and glairs as she walks away his face a crimson red.*

"No one walks away from me. You know that. You'll be sorry Jessica Fish and you know it. YOU KNOW YOU MISS ME! YOU MISS US!"

*Jess continues her rout to the door. The truth was, she did in a way miss Peter. She missed the closesness of caring for someone even if it was false on his end. He had his moments when he was sweet to but that only happend when he got what he wanted.

Jess was confused, caught. She believed the only kind of person she deserved was a person like Peter yet, she just dident want that anymore.

Getting into her car Jess makes her way twords home.*

Nighttime visitor

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Look, I just found him here, alright?" Carson grits his teeth against the EMT's questioning. "Just take care of him."

Kyle opens his eyes, but it hurts. It's dark...there's noise...flashing lights. What on earth... He tries to move, but it pushed back down.

"Just lie still. You're going to be alright."

Alright? He wasn't fine? Where was he? Whose were these strange voices?

Carson watches, helpless as Kyle is taken on a stretcher into the ambulance. The red and blue lights flash and the siren wails, warning other drivers to get out of the way. And Carson suddenly finds himself alone again. He had to let someone know about this...but he didn't even have a phone.

Thinking quickly, Carson aims in a new direction and takes off in a sprint...

...The house lights were on. That was good. Carson's lungs felt as if they were going to explode after the run he'd taken. The distance wouldn't have bothered him a while back, but now it just sent him into a coughing fit, forcing him to slow to a walk before he gets to the door. Finally there, he rings the doorbell and waits for Nate to come.

Looking at him, he's silent for just a moment, knowing that his being here was a surprise, and unsure if he was even welcome. But Nate was the only one he trusted not to throw him out before he'd said his piece.

"Nate...I didn't know who else to tell. Kyle Mitts...he just got roughed up by some Agency goons and was taken to the hospital."

Kyle's cell phone beeps, but there is no one in the dark alley to receive the message.