

*Opening the door and seeing Carson standing on his pourch was a saprise to Nate. He wasent exspecting him to show up anytime soon, but taking one glance at Carson's eyes tells Nate all he needs to know. Something was wrong and Carson needed help.

Hearing about Kyle, Nate jaw almost hits the ground. Not again.*

"Come on in Carson. I need to make some phone calls."

*Dialing Jason first Nate gets a hold of him filling him in on what was going on.*

"Jason its Nate. I just was informed by Carson that Kyle got rough up behind the pizza box tonight and he found him...He's on the way to the hospetil now. I am gonna head over that way. Inform Reese, and Rick too. He might wanna get a hold of Misty since she was looking after Kyle with him. Ok, I'll see you at the hospetil."

*Shutting his phone Nate put it in his pocket and grabs his jacket.*

"You gonna come with me? Might need to find out what you saw to help out."

*Nate heads out the door and starts twords his car.*

*Misty absintmindedly taps the table as she waits. Looking down at her watch she notices 25 minutes have gone by already. Her starts to worry alittle bit but tryed to let it not bother her. Kyle was probley just running later than he though he would be. Misty continues to wait.*

*As Jess sits at the bar someone sits down next to her. Not evening having to look over she could tell who it was.*

"What do you want Pete?"

*Peter's lips curl up in a grin. His eyes having a glass tone to them.*

"I wan't my girl back thats what I want."

*Jess lets out a sigh and shakes her head trying to keep her voice even.*

"I'm not your girl again and I never will be again. I'm done with you and that life."

*Peter cant help but scoff.*

"Yeah it looks like your doing a real good job and all."

*Reacing out Peter lays a hand on Jess arm as he leans twords her.*

"You know you miss me babe. How could you not!"

*Finally turning her head to look down at Peter's hand she takes her free on and brushs it off her arm.*

"Easy, I dont. Now leave me alone Peter."

*Jess takes another sip of her beer and than finish it off as she heads for the door. Peter stands and glairs as she walks away his face a crimson red.*

"No one walks away from me. You know that. You'll be sorry Jessica Fish and you know it. YOU KNOW YOU MISS ME! YOU MISS US!"

*Jess continues her rout to the door. The truth was, she did in a way miss Peter. She missed the closesness of caring for someone even if it was false on his end. He had his moments when he was sweet to but that only happend when he got what he wanted.

Jess was confused, caught. She believed the only kind of person she deserved was a person like Peter yet, she just dident want that anymore.

Getting into her car Jess makes her way twords home.*

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