

Carson returns Misty’s kiss and gives her hand a squeeze, thought he doesn’t respond verbally. He didn’t have to. She knew he understood she was there for him.

Taking a deep breath, he finally gets himself up off the ground and pulls Misty up with him. “Dinner sounds splendid, but how about tomorrow night instead? Tonight is my errand night and that means store, laundry and who knows what else that would bore your pretty little head to death.” He roughs up her hair teasingly. “Come on and get me inside before someone thinks I skipped out on work today.

Reese is just turning from Nate’s cubicle when he hears Susanne’s voice over the intercom telling him he has a call.

Rolling his eyes, he scans the area for a moment, and grabs the nearest phone. “Yes? Oh, yes, hi. What?”

Carson enters the floor with Misty under his arm, striding toward his cubicle. Passing Reese, he stops for a moment, sensing the seriousness of the call.

Reese furrows his brow and steals a pen and piece of paper from someone’s desk. “Where did they fine the body? Across town?” He writes some notes down. “Bullet straight through the head, eh? Think it was a professional job?” He nods grimly. “Yeah, sure…I’ll send someone down to check it out. Thanks.”

Hanging up, he looks to see Carson and Misty. “Ah, just the guy I wanted to see. We got a homicide at the east end of town. Brown wants one of us to scout out the sight…he wants to meet someone there at five.”

Carson hesitates. “Where is it?”

“Warehouse on fifth street.”

Carson’s eyes shift down to his cubicle, then back to Reese. “Can you send Wyatt? I got an engagement tonight.”

“Well I was hoping for you,” Reese insists. “Can your plans wait?”

“I’d prefer they didn’t,” Carson emphasizes.

“You realize this is your job.”

“Can’t you at least ask Wyatt?”

“What’s so important you cant miss?”

Carson frowns at Reese. “I do have a personal life.”

Reese sighs and throws up his hands. “I thought you’d be the best man, but I don’t have time to stand around and argue. Fine. I’ll ask Wyatt.” Spinning around, he heads for his office.

Carson sighs and waits a moment before aiming back for his own cubicle, the tension thick as he remains quiet.

Bret raises an eyebrow at Charlotte as her comment slides from her mouth. He gives her a wry grin and shakes his head. “I’d be careful if I were you. The last woman who dared throw me a line like that ended up marrying me.”

As the game ends, he gives a short chuckle. “Too bad…I never got to find out what you’d want.” Following her back to the bar, he waves off the bartender. He’d already had two bottles. “Better not give me another one, Mark. I gotta drive.” He grabs a stool though, not yet ready to leave. Throwing Charlotte a sly glance, he cocks his head daringly. “How about a date instead of a drink?”

A deal is a deal

*Misty continues to watch Carson. Her hand lifts from her legs and finds Carson's linking through his arm and her fingers locking with his own.*

"You can hide stuff from everyone alse, and but dont hide it from me Carson. You can trust me and something as small as this is nothing to feel bad for telling me about. I like being your shoulder no matter what and in the end, I know you will do what right. I have faith in you."

*Misty turns and gives Carson another kiss. Keeping her fingers locked with him. She had a feeling there was still more Carson wasent saying but if its one thing she learned you can lead a horse to water but you can make it drink. They have to do it on there own. Misty new when Carson was ready he would tell her, or she would find out another way.*

"So are we going to sit out here all day or are we gonna get some work done so we can have dinner together tonight?"

*Taking another swig of her drink causing the drink to be empty Charlotte stand making her way around the table. Studding the balls as she talks to Bret.*

"I'm here, because I tend to get bored easly and being bored amplifys my dislike of being alone. So I go out, and try to find a way to keep myself busy."

*Charlotte leans over the table and goes to hit the ball but looks at Bret as the ball goes flying sending the solid into the desired pocket.*

"A bar, happens to be the best place for that. There is always someone up for a game of pool, or darts. Even just talking to someone over a drink is better than siting doing nothing. Especially when they is a hunk around like yourself..."

*Charlotte points her pool stix at Bret as her girn grows.*

"..who is up for a game."

*Charlotte goes around the table once again eyeing her last solid ball that happend to be next to the 8 ball. Taking aim she readys herself....sending the cu ball sailing it hits the solidball but bounces off the wall hiting the 8 ball and sending it into the pocket. Being dramadic Charlotte calapses onto the pool table pretending to cry, before she straten again.*

"Sorry...got alittle carryed away there."

*Puting her pool stix back she tumbs to the bar again.*

"Let get you that beer before you think I am trying to welsh out of my bargen. You can order whatever you heart desigers. I know what I am geting."

*Charlotte leans on the bar geting the bartenders attachen.*

"Another Rum and coke and whatever Bret here wants."


Carson grits his teeth and looks straight ahead. He didn’t like lying to Misty…her of all people. It had been stupid to think he could get away with it in the first place, but even if he had, he’d still feel just as guilty as he did now.

He could feel her disappointment in him, and it stung more than he’d like to admit. He takes a deep breath, wanting to take his pack of cigarettes from his pocket, but opting not to light up again in front of Misty.

“I’m sorry,” he apologizes quietly. “I just….” He takes a deep breath and runs a hand over his face. “I got a bloke after me…Terry… for a job he wants me to do…he’s an old acquaintance…not with the Agency, but scum just as bad.”

Carson pauses again, picking at a worn spot in the knee of his jeans that’s almost a hole. “At any rate…he’s been calling me…bugging me…I finally gave in and went to meet him last night. It…didn’t go well. He wants me to take a guy out who owes him money.” He gestures to the side of his face. “I pushed, he pushed harder.”

Sighing, Carson lifts his hand, letting them flop back down on his lap. “I told him to get lost and leave me alone. He hasn’t called me today, so I’m hoping it’s over. I guess….having a taste of the old life was more tempting than I thought it would be, and…I didn’t want anybody to think I was actually going to go kill somebody, so I figured silence was the best route.”

He shrugs, bouncing his foot a little nervously. Finally he turns his head to look at Misty, the corner of his mouth twitching. “And no…wearing makeup is not a new habit of mine.”

Reese’s eyes widen a little as Lockheart stumbles over her words, and he can’t really decide what to say, but even if he could, she was gone to fast to say it. “Uh…six-thirty!” he calls after her.

Looking back to Katie, he gives her a confused look at her comment, then realizes that she’s caught on to the very thing he was denying. “Well I…um..” Watching her walk away too, he stares after her. “Thanks…Katie…” His voice quiets. “I think…”

Shaking his head he remembers he was going to Nate, and continues his route. At this rate, six-thirty was going to come way too quickly and he had a lot to get done first.

Bret chuckles a little at Charlotte’s comment. Unbuttoning and rolling up his sleeves, he watches her start the game, leaning on his cue stick. When his turn rolls around, he chalks the tip and walks around the table, studying the position of the balls.

Glancing up briefly he grins at Charlotte’s question, but opts to shoot first, signaling where he’s aiming. Nailing his target, he straightens again. “Mm, what if wallowing is a daily ritual for me?” Chalking his stick again he squints and calls the shot before leaning over again, and again sending the ball rolling into the desired pocket. “Alone is inevitable. Where I land depends on the weather.”

Pausing, he squints an eye at her. “Now, I could ask you the same questions…to find me here wallowing in the middle of the day requires you being here too.”

Taking another turn and sending the cue ball sailing in the wrong direction to ricochet and hit a solid ball, Bret retreats, letting Charlotte take her turn.


*Misty studys Carson for a long moment taking note to him not looking at her. She had know and been with Carson long enough to pick up on his habbits that she could read without him saying anything. Giving a small sigh Misty pulls her knees up to her chest and rests both her arms over her legs.*

"There's more to it than that Carson. I've known you to long to not have picked up on the small clues. Like when your streching the truth and there is something your leaving out, you never look me in the eye."

*Misty stays leaning aganst the wall but turns her head to look at Carson. What was is about him, anyone alse she would of left a long time ago without a second thought but Carson she couldent seem to say goodbye to. She wanted to help him, and she wanted to be there for him.*

"So, if there anything alse your leaving out that maybe you should tell me? I want to be able to help you, and whatever it is we can work through it thats what having a relationship is about. Working through the bumps."

*Lockheart turns and smiles at Reese.*

"Yeah I though I'd talk with Katie a bit since I havent had a chanse in a while. Find out what I am geting myself into going to this Rosetta owns. I've hurd so much about it, I guess I wanted to hear more from the source."

*Lockheart is taken aback for a moment at Reese offer for dinner. Not sure what to say at first.*

"Well...I...mean I should be....geting...ready for tomarrow and everything..and I...mean Charlotte...she...I mean...."

*Lockheart knows and can hear how stupid she probley sounds stumbaling over her words, not being able to make sence of them. Lockheart gives a glance at Katie wondering if her young friend would give her some help.

Katie just stairs back at Lockheart trying her best not to laugh. As Lockheart look to her Katie gives alittle nods and mouths "yas yes." widening her eyes alittle bit giving empisis.

Lockheart rollls her eyes but finally gives in turning back to Reese. Feeling the color showing in her cheeks.*

"Yes..I'll go with you tonight. I'm staying at the Hokal Inn. You can pick me up there if you like."

*Lockheart feels so silly and brings a hand to her head leting out a frustrated sigh knowing she sounded silly. Turn Lockheart makes her way to the elavator and disapears.

Katie stands and pats Reese arm after Lockheart it gone.*

"Its not you Reese, she just....not use to this stuff. She'll come around."

*Katie leaves her cubicle and heads to the copy room. No one had to tell her Reese was intrested in Lockheart she could just tell.*

*Charlotte cant help but smile more as she walks behind Bret to the pool table. Grabing a pool stix she quirks and eyebrow as Bret bows.*

"Dont flatter yourself to much there."

*Leting out a laugh and taking another sip of her drink Charlotte positions herself on the opisite side of the table. Leaning over alittle bit and puting the stick between her two fingers she takes am and hits the cu ball dead on. Sending it to the other end smaking into the other balls that were set up sending them flying in all differnt directions. One solid ball is sunk into the left courner pocket and a striped one follows. Looking up at Bret Charlotte nods.*

"Ok, I'll be solid."

*Moving to the side Charlotte studys the table and positions herself once again.*

"Solid, right courner pocket."

*Taking am and smacking the ball again It enters the pocket only to have been hit with to much force and pops out again.*

"Well thats stupid. I guess its your turn Bret. Dont get distracted now."

*Taking another sip of her drink she sits waiting for Bret to shoot. Studing his movments, watching his face, his eyes, the ways he moved.*

"So, did I find you wallowing today? or do you normaly come to this bar alone in the middle of the day?"


Carson doesn’t withdraw from Misty’s touch, but winces just a little as she runs a finger over his bruise.

He straightens out his legs and looks down at his burn, not answering Misty for a long while. “Met an old buddy of mine about a week or so ago. Started hanging out with him after work.” Carson shrugs, his eyes remaining glued to his hand instead of Misty’s face. “Guess he’s more part of my old life than I thought…brought up stuff that I hadn’t thought about in a while. Anyway…” He pauses again. “Had him over to my place last night and…we got to drinking. Guess I had too much. I think I ran into a doorframe…least ways that’s the best I could figure when I woke up this morning.”

He finally looks up and turns his head to Misty. “But it’s over…I’m gonna tell him no more and…he’s not coming over anymore. So…” He shrugs again. “There.”

A genuine look of pleasure passes through Jason’s eyes at Katie’s enthusiasm. “Alright…we’ll do that soon then.” He finally keeps up his route to his office, leaving the main floor behind.

A short while later, Reese grabs his files to take to Nate and takes aim out of his office. Walking down by the cubicles, he notices that Lockheart is still there, chatting with Katie. The idea that had come to mind earlier comes back again, and he shoves it aside as silly, but as he nears, he can’t let it go. He offers a small smile. “Hey, didn’t know you were still around.” He pauses, knowing good and well a bit of color was coming to his face, which made his hesitance all the more worse. “Since I caught you again, um, Sheriff Brown and his wife are meeting me for supper at a nice little restaurant downtown. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like. I could pick you up…”

Bret gives Charlotte a sidelong glance, his mouth forming a grin. He extends his hand to grasp hers in a firm shake. “Bret. And you’re on. But don’t get any preconceived ideas about how well I play – you might be surprised at how easily you beat me.” He slides off the barstool and starts to saunter to the pool table. “’Course then we’ll get to decide what it is you want for winning…that mystery in itself might cause me to throw the game.” He starts to retrieve the pool balls, rolling them onto the table from the last game that had been played. Finished, he bows slightly. “Ladies first.”


*Misty cant help the grin the curles on her lips. Served Carson right for smoking but Misty would never say that out right. Leaning aganst the wall Misty slids down next to him.*

"Well at least you will die happy with me, smoking will just give you cancer and you wont dieing happy at all."

*Misty looks down at her hand. Rubbing in her fingers together she feels the grittyness of makeup on them. Turning to look at Carson worry is in Misty's eyes as she leans forwards and tilts his head twords her and runs her finger over the spot again.*

"Are you making a habbit out of wairing makeup now too?"

*Misty leans back aganst the wall leting out a sigh.*

"Whats been going on Carson? You know sooner or later I am going to find out, and if you tell me yourself I might be alittle less upset."

*Misty searchs Carson's eyes, her own reflected more worry than anger.*

*Katie looks up from her work again giving another smile to Jason. Each day would grow alittle easyer. As long as they took the right steps. Everything would be ok again.*

"I'd like that, I am sure Scott would too. I have some stuff for your new place anyways I have been meaning to give you. I'll also make something up a salad or pie or something and bring it with me. Just let me know when and where."

*Charlotte finish off her drink, and orders another one before answering Bret.*

"I'll be staying here for a while. How long I am not sure, but its going to at least be for a few weeks. And if trouble happens to find me, like it always does...I'll probley be staying even longer."

*Charlotte takes another sip of her drink before leaning agast the bar. Scaning the room again she spot a pool table and a smile forms on her her lips as she turns back to Bret. Gazing into his eyes for a momnt Charlotte found herself lost. His boyish good looks making it harder to look away. Streching out her hand she stats and challanges.*

"My name is Charlotte and since we both seem to be doing nothing, how about a game of pool? If you win I'll buy you another drink, if I win, you can well...I dont think I will win so if I do we can think of that after."

*Lockheart exits Reese office heading for the door when she dicieds to stop by Katie's cubicle and chat with her for a few about the wedding.*


Carson snaps to attention as Misty’s voice startles him from his thoughts, and he gives a jump, shifting his weight to stand. “Aw fo..” He gets cut off as Misty leans in to kiss him and he relaxes under her touch, leaning back again.

Suddenly though he withdraws with a cry and a curse. He crushes his cigarette under his foot and brings his hand to his mouth to suck on the fresh burn. Glaring, he looks at Misty, though his anger is not pointed towards her, but his own stupidity.

“Giving me a heart attack can kill me too,” he retorts. “I thought you knew better than to sneak up on a guy like that.”

Jason nods to Katie. “Yeah, okay. Guess I’ll catch you later then.” He turns and tells Trooper to heel, and both head back to his office. Stopping halfway though, he turns around. “Katie…you and Scott haven’t seen my new place yet…thought I’d have you guys and another friend or two over for supper sometime…if you’d like.”

Bret gives a short laugh. “Yeah, well be careful. Around here you don’t have to try getting into trouble to get there. Sometimes it just jumps out at ya without warning.” He shakes his head and finishes off his beer, shooting the empty bottle down to the bartender.

“Want another one?”

Bret shakes his head. “Maybe later.” Instead, he leans on the bar and looks up at the television where a baseball game was on. He’d go home, but if he did, he’d wind up doing this same thing and without the distraction of other people around.

Looking back to Charlotte, he cocks his head. “So you passing through or staying around here?”

Reese raises his eyebrows at Lockheart’s quick exit, but nods. “Okay…see you bright and early then.” He watches her as she leaves, startled back to reality by Susanne’s voice on his phone. “You’ve got some messages…

That stuff

*Lockheart gives a small smile She dident mind rehearing anything from Reese. The same talk was nice. Lockheart sits down in one of the over stuffed chars. She had sat in them before but this time for some reason they felt differnt.*

"I dont think I will be doing much today. Knowing Charlotte she is probley somwhere or other. She dosent slow down much. So I'll probley spend alot of my time in the hotal room reading, and going over some of the information I have from Bret."

*Lockheart stands again as if she startled herself for relizing how relaxed she was geting. She felt silly, like she was acting like a little girl with a crush again.*

"Well you have alot of work to do, I better let you get back to it. I'll see you in the morning. Have a good night Mike."

*Charlotte smiles at Brets complament. It wasent something she was unuse to hearing, but Bret's voice made it sound better than most drunk guys. It could be the fact he wasent drunk. Charlotte gives a nod taking a sip of her drink.*

"Yeah I just got in this morning, Dont have a car and this place was right around the way from the Hotal so..I stoped here. Anyways I like excitment, but I like trying to keep myself out of trouble even more well as much as I can anyways. Sometimes it dosent work out so well."

*Katie looks up at Jason and gives alittle smile. She had been thinking of the gig all week and was looking forward to going. This was one of the many ways she liked to get away and clear her head. Being a bodyguard, and over looking the band was always fun aways. Its something she lived for. The thought of missing an avent made her heart sink, but the though of missing time with her family did as well.*

"Ok thats good to know. I'm not sure if I will be staying or not. I'd hate to miss one of your guys conserts. But I will give you a definate answer before you leave the ranch."

*Katie gives a smile Jason.*

"Hey J, thanks for leting me know."

*As Katie watches Jason for a moment, that feeling of tention that had been there so strong was slowly dwindaling. It wasent as strong as he had been the days before. It felt as though she could breath around Jason again. Katie was happy, and if Jason was finding happyness again, she was happy wiht that too.*

*As Misty heads into TJY her eye catches movment on the side of the building, and the smell of smoke hits her nose. A sudden serge of worry hits her. The only person she new of that smoked was her brother. And why would be be lerking here, Misty's mind wondered and felt a tinge of fear. If it was him she better see what he wanted and get ride of him before anyone alse got in his way.

Slowly Misty makes her way around the build walks quietly. As she around the courner and see Carson a wave of releaf pass over her but at the same time a bit confustion was in place. Why was Carson smoking again, what was he stressed about. Crossing her arms under her chest and squatng down quietly Misty leans over him finally speaking .*

"You know that stuff can kill you right?"

*Misty goes in for the kill planting a kiss on Carson's lips and bringing a hand to the side of his face running her thumb over his skin.*

Not from around here

Reese can’t help a little smile at hearing Lockheart would be helping out Bret Parker. That meant she’d be around a bit.

As he accepts the envelope, his eyebrows rise. “Oh yeah…yeah, this will be great. Brown was asking me just the other day if we had any of that stuff you used in court, and I said only bits and pieces.” He nods and moves to put it down on his desk. “This is a huge help now that we can really investigate the Agency…we’ll be focusing a lot on crimes around here again, but this case isn’t going to die until we can find the core and take them down. They’re too dangerous to have on the loose, and Brown agrees.”

Reese pauses, knowing that he needn’t have said any of that…she know all that already. But for some really odd reason, as she looked at him, he didn’t know what to say. What was the matter with him?

“So…I guess you’ll be taking off from here with the rest of us bright and early in the morning then… You, um…got plans for today?”

Bret turns his head as he hears someone enter, and quirks an eyebrow before focusing back on the empty bottles on the shelves behind the bar. This place was a casual gathering place for locals…he knew all the people who frequented here…but he’d never seen this attractive woman before.

As she speaks to him, he shakes his head, taking another swig of beer. “I’m not sure ‘boring’ would describe my day, but it’s something in the vicinity of that.” Turning to see her, his eyes scan her face, boldly looking into her brown eyes before drifting back to the bar. “You’re not from around here… I can’t imagine why you’d pick this spot to land. There’s more excitement at the other end of town come five o’clock.” He gives her a once over again. “But with looks like that, I wouldn’t travel it alone.”

Jason heads inside TJY with Trooper, aiming for his office. He needed to get as much work done today as he could since he'd be taking off early to throw a few clothes together and get some sleep before an extremely early morning.

Before going down the hall though, he turns and takes route to Katie's cubicle. Leaning on the wall, he looks down at her, Trooper sitting obediently by his side. "Hey, Hero." He manages half a smile. "Forgot to tell you that Laura's coming to the concert Sunday night and she's going to ask Nate too, so we're okay for security if you're going to stay in Texas a couple days."

Caron sits against the brick outside wall of the TJY building, around the corner from the entrance side. Sitting with one leg tucked Indian style and the other with his knee drawn up to act as an armrest, he looks across the empty lot full of weeds and grass. Beyond it was another building, the first in a row of many down that street. But his mind was far from his surroundings.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, he lets the smoke out slowly, leaning his head back against the warm bricks. Resting his arm on his knee again, his other hand goes to the bruise on the side of his face. He’d covered it up pretty well this morning, but it was still pretty sore after receiving it the night before. He hadn’t seen Misty yet today…she’d be the only one who would get close enough to maybe notice it.

Old friends, New faces

*Lockheart smiles as Reese opens the door. His reaction was pleasing knowing he saprised her. She had to addmit to herself as well it was nice to see him again. Lockheart steps inside Reese office.*

"Well I got a call from Bret Parker and he wanted me to be his lawer for the whole Titan Inc mess. My sister is going to help me out on this case. She is my aprentis I guess you could so. So I figured we would come out early and get her settled, before I left for Texas with him."

*Lockheart relizes she is stumbaling over her words and feels silly. Remembering she had the envilope in her hand her hold it out to Reese.*

"I also wanted to give you this. Its stuff that belongs to you guys and I hope it can help you take down the Agency. Its all the information that was given to me from Sam. Names, places, dates everything."

*Lockheart smiles as her eyes absintmindedly search Reese face for the first time. The words of her grandmother floting through her mind.*

*The bell on the bar door chims as Charlotte enters the small bar. Her sister was gone, and she was geting bored siting in the hotal room. Throwing on a comfey par of jeans and green tank top Charlotte exits the hotal. She dident have her car here so she couldent really do much sight seeing. But taking a walk seemed like a good idea and stumbaling across a bar was even better. Nothing like passing the time in a bar drinking.

Slowly Charlotte makes her way over to the bar siting down on one of the stools. Giving a wave to the bartender Charlotte calls her thick hispanic accent showing though.*

"Can I get some rum and coke hold the ice."

*Looking around the small bar Charlotte takes in the sites, sounds, and notes that not many people were there. Her eyes rest on Bret a smile spreading across her lips.*

"Boring day for you to?"

Passing the time

Susanne looks up to see Lockheart and smiles big, offering a welcoming wave.

Reese paces his office, scanning the files from Sheriff Brown when he hears the knock at his door. Wandering to it absentmindedly, he opens it, his eyes still down. “Yes…?”

Finally prying his gaze from the papers he looks up and sees Lockheart. His eyebrows shoot in surprise, and his greeting slips out. “Angelica!” He shakes his head, opening the door wider. “Miss Lockheart…. I certainly didn’t expect to see you here! What a pleasant surprise. What’s going on?”

“And this is where we part.” Jason slows Trooper down at the TJY entrance, ready to head back inside from his lunch break.

Camryn grins and reaches out to give Trooper some loving. “Alright…” She glances at her watch. “I gotta get back to work too anyway. I have to lead a tour this afternoon. Fun fun fun.”

Jason gives her a wry grin. “With you leading it, I’m sure it is.”

Camryn stops for a moment, her eyes on Jason. “…thanks for the walk.”

“I needed it anyway.”

“Can’t you just accept a thanks?”

“I guess not.”

Camryn rolls her eyes. “Like that’s a surprise. Alright, well, I’ll see you around.”

“Hey, Bret. Starting early today, aren’t we?”

Bret swivels on the barstool to see Harry. “Nah…just needed a break.” He takes a swig from his beer bottle. “I’ll leave before it gets too crowded in here.”

“No work today?”

Bret shakes his head. “I can’t go back ‘til I’m cleared.”

“Ah yes…I heard about that.” The older man shakes his head and downs his shot of whiskey before turning to leave the quiet bar, waving his farewell. “Take care of yourself.”

“Yeah…” Bret watches him leave, then turns back around, giving a little sigh.