

Carson snaps to attention as Misty’s voice startles him from his thoughts, and he gives a jump, shifting his weight to stand. “Aw fo..” He gets cut off as Misty leans in to kiss him and he relaxes under her touch, leaning back again.

Suddenly though he withdraws with a cry and a curse. He crushes his cigarette under his foot and brings his hand to his mouth to suck on the fresh burn. Glaring, he looks at Misty, though his anger is not pointed towards her, but his own stupidity.

“Giving me a heart attack can kill me too,” he retorts. “I thought you knew better than to sneak up on a guy like that.”

Jason nods to Katie. “Yeah, okay. Guess I’ll catch you later then.” He turns and tells Trooper to heel, and both head back to his office. Stopping halfway though, he turns around. “Katie…you and Scott haven’t seen my new place yet…thought I’d have you guys and another friend or two over for supper sometime…if you’d like.”

Bret gives a short laugh. “Yeah, well be careful. Around here you don’t have to try getting into trouble to get there. Sometimes it just jumps out at ya without warning.” He shakes his head and finishes off his beer, shooting the empty bottle down to the bartender.

“Want another one?”

Bret shakes his head. “Maybe later.” Instead, he leans on the bar and looks up at the television where a baseball game was on. He’d go home, but if he did, he’d wind up doing this same thing and without the distraction of other people around.

Looking back to Charlotte, he cocks his head. “So you passing through or staying around here?”

Reese raises his eyebrows at Lockheart’s quick exit, but nods. “Okay…see you bright and early then.” He watches her as she leaves, startled back to reality by Susanne’s voice on his phone. “You’ve got some messages…

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