
That stuff

*Lockheart gives a small smile She dident mind rehearing anything from Reese. The same talk was nice. Lockheart sits down in one of the over stuffed chars. She had sat in them before but this time for some reason they felt differnt.*

"I dont think I will be doing much today. Knowing Charlotte she is probley somwhere or other. She dosent slow down much. So I'll probley spend alot of my time in the hotal room reading, and going over some of the information I have from Bret."

*Lockheart stands again as if she startled herself for relizing how relaxed she was geting. She felt silly, like she was acting like a little girl with a crush again.*

"Well you have alot of work to do, I better let you get back to it. I'll see you in the morning. Have a good night Mike."

*Charlotte smiles at Brets complament. It wasent something she was unuse to hearing, but Bret's voice made it sound better than most drunk guys. It could be the fact he wasent drunk. Charlotte gives a nod taking a sip of her drink.*

"Yeah I just got in this morning, Dont have a car and this place was right around the way from the Hotal so..I stoped here. Anyways I like excitment, but I like trying to keep myself out of trouble even more well as much as I can anyways. Sometimes it dosent work out so well."

*Katie looks up at Jason and gives alittle smile. She had been thinking of the gig all week and was looking forward to going. This was one of the many ways she liked to get away and clear her head. Being a bodyguard, and over looking the band was always fun aways. Its something she lived for. The thought of missing an avent made her heart sink, but the though of missing time with her family did as well.*

"Ok thats good to know. I'm not sure if I will be staying or not. I'd hate to miss one of your guys conserts. But I will give you a definate answer before you leave the ranch."

*Katie gives a smile Jason.*

"Hey J, thanks for leting me know."

*As Katie watches Jason for a moment, that feeling of tention that had been there so strong was slowly dwindaling. It wasent as strong as he had been the days before. It felt as though she could breath around Jason again. Katie was happy, and if Jason was finding happyness again, she was happy wiht that too.*

*As Misty heads into TJY her eye catches movment on the side of the building, and the smell of smoke hits her nose. A sudden serge of worry hits her. The only person she new of that smoked was her brother. And why would be be lerking here, Misty's mind wondered and felt a tinge of fear. If it was him she better see what he wanted and get ride of him before anyone alse got in his way.

Slowly Misty makes her way around the build walks quietly. As she around the courner and see Carson a wave of releaf pass over her but at the same time a bit confustion was in place. Why was Carson smoking again, what was he stressed about. Crossing her arms under her chest and squatng down quietly Misty leans over him finally speaking .*

"You know that stuff can kill you right?"

*Misty goes in for the kill planting a kiss on Carson's lips and bringing a hand to the side of his face running her thumb over his skin.*

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