
Not from around here

Reese can’t help a little smile at hearing Lockheart would be helping out Bret Parker. That meant she’d be around a bit.

As he accepts the envelope, his eyebrows rise. “Oh yeah…yeah, this will be great. Brown was asking me just the other day if we had any of that stuff you used in court, and I said only bits and pieces.” He nods and moves to put it down on his desk. “This is a huge help now that we can really investigate the Agency…we’ll be focusing a lot on crimes around here again, but this case isn’t going to die until we can find the core and take them down. They’re too dangerous to have on the loose, and Brown agrees.”

Reese pauses, knowing that he needn’t have said any of that…she know all that already. But for some really odd reason, as she looked at him, he didn’t know what to say. What was the matter with him?

“So…I guess you’ll be taking off from here with the rest of us bright and early in the morning then… You, um…got plans for today?”

Bret turns his head as he hears someone enter, and quirks an eyebrow before focusing back on the empty bottles on the shelves behind the bar. This place was a casual gathering place for locals…he knew all the people who frequented here…but he’d never seen this attractive woman before.

As she speaks to him, he shakes his head, taking another swig of beer. “I’m not sure ‘boring’ would describe my day, but it’s something in the vicinity of that.” Turning to see her, his eyes scan her face, boldly looking into her brown eyes before drifting back to the bar. “You’re not from around here… I can’t imagine why you’d pick this spot to land. There’s more excitement at the other end of town come five o’clock.” He gives her a once over again. “But with looks like that, I wouldn’t travel it alone.”

Jason heads inside TJY with Trooper, aiming for his office. He needed to get as much work done today as he could since he'd be taking off early to throw a few clothes together and get some sleep before an extremely early morning.

Before going down the hall though, he turns and takes route to Katie's cubicle. Leaning on the wall, he looks down at her, Trooper sitting obediently by his side. "Hey, Hero." He manages half a smile. "Forgot to tell you that Laura's coming to the concert Sunday night and she's going to ask Nate too, so we're okay for security if you're going to stay in Texas a couple days."

Caron sits against the brick outside wall of the TJY building, around the corner from the entrance side. Sitting with one leg tucked Indian style and the other with his knee drawn up to act as an armrest, he looks across the empty lot full of weeds and grass. Beyond it was another building, the first in a row of many down that street. But his mind was far from his surroundings.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, he lets the smoke out slowly, leaning his head back against the warm bricks. Resting his arm on his knee again, his other hand goes to the bruise on the side of his face. He’d covered it up pretty well this morning, but it was still pretty sore after receiving it the night before. He hadn’t seen Misty yet today…she’d be the only one who would get close enough to maybe notice it.

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