
Block out

*Katie gives Scott a returning kiss and hug holding him tight for a long moment. She sure was going to miss Scott, even if he would be back on the weekends.*

"I love you Scotty. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Geting into her car Katie makes the short way back to the house. Waving to Scott and disapearing inside Katie says a quick hello and goodnight to Laura and Nate. Entering her room Katie flops down on the bed and stairs at the cealing for a long moment.

Siting up to change Katie is hit with a burst of emotion, the feeling of love, passion, the uncomfortable feeling of Jason and Camryn. Every emotion layed on the table in front of Katie she felt. Mummbaling under her breath.*

"Dang it Jason why did you have to forget now."

*Katie brings a hand to her head as tear start to stream out of her eyes. She was trying to get use to the ida of Camryn and Jason but this...this dident help. It felt like her head was going to explode. Siting on her bed and rocking alittle bit Katie squeezes like her eyes shut hoping it will be over soon. Than like a lid being put on a pot of boiling water the emotions coming in and out of Katie head stops. Almost like a suddon shock to her system she sits up whiping the tears from her eyes and looks around the room. It felt strand how all of a suddon things were quiet. She couldent even feel the soft sigh of content within Jason. Maybe he suddonly remembered to block out the emotions and did so. Feeling the quiet and silence Katie lets out a sigh. Changing into her PJ's she sits down and flips the TV on. She hated when Jason locked her out but when it came to this she really dident mind.*

*Misty smiles up at Carson her eyes beaming. Returning his kiss with passion Misty draws away smiling. No words needed to be said her eyes said it all. As her head starts to throb again Misty gives Carson another kiss and than places her head on his arm again. Closing her eyes to get the pain to stop Misty drifts off to sleep her arm still wrapped around him as she mumbls.*

"Thank you Carson, for being my Hero."

For now

Jason grins at Katie’s remark and nods. “Thanks, Hero. See ya.”

The guys all return Katie’s hugs with warm enthusiasm, Kyle purposefully roughing up her hair. “Night, you. Take it easy.”

Scott takes her hand and they walk out of TJY. Hitting the night air, Scott takes a deep breath, his pace slow. He was leaving this week…and though planning to be back on weekends, the separation would be hard and he knew it. So for now, every moment with Katie was a savored one.

Reaching her car, he stops her for a moment and embraces her to giver her a kiss. “Night, Katie. I’ll follow you, then see you in the morning.”

Jen piles several bags onto her lap, making sure a nice bag of leftovers are left for Jason, making sure he promises to include Rick if he wants anything.

Mike helps Jen out and down the hall while Phil and Kyle keep their arms full and follow, Phil hollering over his shoulder that he’ll be back for the his guitar.

The room grows quiet. Jason sighs and closes his eyes, exhausted, but feeling good.

A light stroke to his arm makes him open his eyes again and he turns his head to Camryn who is still sitting on the edge of the bed. He offers her a grin. “Thanks for coming tonight.”

Camryn smiles back, her eyes shining. “You know good and well that you don’t have to thank me.” She cocks her head. “You got a really good batch of friends here, you know that?”

“Yeah….I do.” Jason nods. Catching Camryn’s eye, he pauses. “I think I got one right here too.”

“Just a friend?”

Jason quirks an eyebrow at the implications of the question. “I don’t know…what do you think?”

Camryn’s cheeks become lightly flushed, but she doesn’t let any embarrassment stop her. “I think you know good and well what I think.”

“Do I now?”

Camryn slides closer to him, resting her hand on his chest. “Maybe I ought to show you.”

As she nears, Jason’s pulse quickens. His face inches from hers, he could feel her breath on his skin. “Fine time,” he whispers with mock annoyance. “I can’t even get away.”

Camryn grins. Leaning in, she wraps her arms around him, moving in to press her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

Even though Jason knew it was coming, it still takes him a bit by surprise and he resists for a moment. But as his hands rest on her arms, be begins to relent. Her kiss was warm, begging him to accept it.

Slowly his hands slide to Camryn’s back as he begins to return her kiss, gradually falling into the moment, releasing pent up passion. Nothing else seemed to matter in this instant. Not time, not his physical pain…everything was forgotten. No emotions were blocked.

Jason keeps Camryn wrapped in his arms for several moments, the exchange lasting until he slowly draws away. Staring into her eyes full of spark, he swallows hard. A fire had been lit within him. He was tired of fighting himself. He was tired of living in the dark. He was tired of holding back everything he wanted to say or experience. This…this is what he wanted…to throw caution to the wind and let himself be free. To have moments like these that could be replaced by nothing else. To live.

Carson’s eyes remain closed as he listens to Misty, absorbing her words, wanting to believe them. They were soft…soothing…comforting. Her presence beside him helped him feel comforted. Her arm around him like a shield from the storm. She was delicate, but strong, able to scare away the shadows with her gentle voice. He had nightmares…he had things in his past that were taunting him…but for now…for tonight…the worst was over.

An ever-so-slight grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. “Stuck with you, huh?” His arm wraps around her in a tight squeeze, forcing her even closer to him.

Bending his head, he moves in for a kiss of passion, his other hand coming to meet her face.

Letting it linger, he finally draws back. “I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.”


*Misty continues to keep her own arms around Carson just listing to him. His pain was so evadent, and no matter what happend Misty new Carson was really trying. Misty's own past was not an easy one but she had seemed to have been able to get over it quite fast. Now seeing Carson having such a hard time she could only offer words of addvice and comfort, though she wished she could take away the pain. Words form in Misty's mind and before she knows it they are coming out of her mouth.*

"Your right Carson, no matter where you run the past will follow you. You can run to the end of the earth and think you have gotten away, but sooner or later that past is going to catch up to you again. It's time to stop running and stand up to the past. Its hard, its a long road but the past will stop following when we stop running. When we stop leting it rules or life. When we look at are past in the face and accept what happend, and know we cant change it. Thats when the past will cower and run the other way knowing it cant be apart of us any longer."

*Misty keeps her arms tight around Carson leaning her own head on the top of his as it was burryed in he shoulder. Rubbing his back gently she kept her voice softer. Softer than she normaly did. I guess even the sassyest of people can have a soft side that knows when to come out.*

"It's because your that Hero you sent your sister away Carson. You diden't want her to shair the same fait as the rest of your family."

*As Carson leans back in the bed Misty slides down next to him and leans her head on his shoulder draping her arm across his chest.*

"You Carson Banks, were and are a hero. You might have gotten lost along the way, but you are still that hero. You were your sisters hero when you were bullied, you were her hero when you sent her away to keep her safe. Your her hero now when you have given her hope and happyness to know the brother she though she lost. Your a hero to a sassy woman who you taught being yourself was the best way to be. You showed her that someone can care for her the way she was. You where her hero when you lite the spark in her eyes again. You were her hero when you traviled across the country to show her what she left behind. You will always be ,y hero Carson and you will always be Dani's hero."

*A smile forms on Misty's face as she continues.*

"Yep, when we get home we might both go to jail but at least I'm not going alone and I know I was going doing something right. Yep, you made me mad at you, but I am over it. Yep, you yelled at me, but I wasent ever nice to you eather and its done and over with. Yep, you make stupid decisions, but so do I. For goodness sake I broke you out of jail. That wasen't very smart on my part. Dispite all that we are learning day by day and given chanse to change things. What matters is I'm still here and your still here. We offer eachother comfort, love and that lending shoulder. We are a normal couple who go through tough times. I know I dont plane on giving up on you, so dont give up on yourself just yet."

*Misty tightens her one arm that was around Carson slightly as she gives his shoulder a kiss.*

"You'er you stuck with me."

*Katie cant help but laugh as Bullfrog is played. That song always made her laugh no matter how many times her hurd it.

As the finally note of the song dies Katie lets out a sighed to hear it end knowing this was the end to a wonderful night. Looking up at Scott she gives a smile and nods.*

"That sounds good to me. Thank you Sweety."

*Katie stands helping Mike with puting stuff away and cleaning up. She couldent just leave all the work to them. Finally when the clean up was finished Katie stratens and lets a yawn escape her lips. Making her way over to Jason and bends down and gives him a hug.*

"If you need anything just give me a call, or an emotions..."

*Katie stops herself in thought for a moment and lets out a laugh.*

"I glad you have a good time J. Thats what I am aiming for."

*Making her way from Jason Katie gives hugs to the other guys and than makes sure Jen and Camryn have a way home befor she heads out with Scott's hand in her own. Tonight have been a great night.*

I still...

Carson leans into Misty without saying anything for a long while. He wasn’t used to receiving this kind of comfort…it was almost hard to accept it. He remembered right after he’d first known Misty and tried to take his own life…but that had been a different despair. This, tonight, was a deep sorrow…for the past…for things that had been done…for the things that he had done.

Finally straightening and moving back onto the bed, he pulls his legs up to sit Indian style, and pulls Misty up to sit curled sideways on his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he just holds her close, his own head buried in her shoulder.

The images from the nightmares still toyed with his mind, taunting him…torturing him. There were so many…he felt so trapped.

“No matter how far I go…” Carson’s voice is quiet and low. “No matter where I run, or what I do… what happened to my family… the things that I’ve done… they’ll always haunt me, won’t they.”

He keeps his face hidden. “I saw it all again…my family being gunned down…the looks on their faces.” He swallows hard, finding the difficulty in voicing these things. “And then making the choice to send my other sister away, knowing that she’d never know the truth… and that I’d never see her again…”

Carson takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, his shaking finally stopped. “I was her hero…her indestructible brother…her shelter from the bullies…”

Leaving his legs curled, he lets go of Misty and lays back to stare at the ceiling, letting her stay in his lap. “But I wasn’t who Dani saw…everyone always thought I was such a good kid, but…that was just because I didn’t get caught. Bad habits started in junior high already and just never let up. After my family died, I killed others for a living…I took their lives, whether as a sniper or as the final phase of the torture I’d put them through.”

Stopping for a moment, he can still hear the screams, and closes his eyes against them. “I was never a hero…I was just a coward…a hypocrite…I was one of them…a part of the Agency with no heart, out for my own gain.”

He furrows his brow, unsure of so many things. “Can I ever get away from that? Will I always be that man? Even now, look where I am…sure, it’s for a good cause, but I’m still running from the law…I still made my girl mad at me…I still yell and holler when I get mad and push people around…I still make stupid decisions so the people I care about start pulling away and I just keep hurting them.”

Scott cuddles Katie close as she leans her head on his shoulder, and he kisses her forehead. “Getting sleepy?”

Kyle grins at Katie’s request and settles back in his chair. “Bullfrog, eh?” He looks over to the bed where Jason is still propped up, Camryn sitting on the edge with her feet dangling. “You up to this Hotshot?”


“You mean you can’t handle one word?”

Jason smirks at him. “Alright, fire away.”

Kyle laughs and begins strumming, and soon everyone is laughing again while Kyle and Jason take off with the song.

As the notes die down and chatter dwindles some, Scott looks down at Katie again, giving her a little squeeze. “Hey…You need to get home before you fall asleep right here. I’ll follow you to make sure you get there okay if you want.”

Jen smiles and reaches over to pat Phil’s arm. “I think it’s about time we wrapped things up.”

Phil nods in agreement and stands up to put his bass guitar back in its case. “I’m ‘bout bushed, come to think of it.”

Mike rises from his chair to start gathering up the leftover food and throw garbage away.

Jason stifles a yawn and settles his head back wearily, worn out from the evening’s activities. His knee was throbbing and his sides were sore. But he was happy to have had this time, and looks at the others as they start preparing to leave. “Thanks guys…I couldn’t have asked for a better cheering up party.”

Kyle chuckles as he puts away his guitar. “Like we didn’t enjoy this ourselves. You just get yourself out of here quick and get on your feet again, and we can do this somewhere other than an infirmary.”

Its ok

*Misty draws closer to the bed seeing Carson still shaking. Her heart hurt for him, To see Carson like this was hard. Siting down on the edge of the bed Misty reaches out and touchs Carson shoulder and wraping her arms around him. Just holding him.*

"You don't always think you have to do things alone and its ok to be scaired at times Hun. Your not showing weakness, your just showing your human."

*Misty leans her head aganst the side of Carson's face just trying to offer comfort to him. Weather he said anything to Misty or not she new he needed it.*

"It ok to ask for the comfort as well, because I certinly dont mind giving it to you. Sometimes I like being the one who can make you feel better."

*Misty continues to hold Carson her own fears dwindling. Keep Carson wrapped in her arms it felt good to return the comfort she had been shown.*

*Nate jumps as he head Laura's voice not exspecting too see her. Slinging an arm around her shoulder He smiles and looks back to the others.*

"Sorry guys but pasta salad and a pretty women are calling me. I cant turn turn that down."

*Nate offers a wave as he walks with Laura back out his arm slung around her shoulders.*

*The night is good and full of fun. It was turning out better than Katie could of imagened. Seeing Jason laugh and have a great time was wonderful. Speding time with her friends was even better. And having Scott there joining in made Katie feel good too.

As Scott pulls Katie into his lap she gives him a gentil kiss before turning back to the others and continueing the night. As Kyle's comment Katie gives him a backhanded slap and laughs.

The Music played on and the food is almost gone as more hours have passed. Leting out a yawn Katie leans her head on Scott's shoulder. Exsaustion was seting in but Katie was having to much fun to leave.*

"I think you guys need to sing bullfrog!"


Carson isn't startled by Misty's approach - he knew the sound of her walk and movements and didn't have to look up.

He gives a little nod, cringing a little as he tries to force the nightmare's images out of his mind. Gritting his teeth as his eyes are closed, his breathing is still shallow. "Yeah...I'm okay..."

Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands, despite it hurting due to the pressure to his previous injuries. "I just...it was just a bad dream." He sucks in his breath, trying to get himself to stop shaking. "I'll be fine," he mumbles. "You can go back to your room."

Kyle's jaw drops at Katie's comment, and furrows his brow, giving her a sorrowful look. Stepping into the center of the room, he puts his head down, spreading his arms. "Alright, alright...it was MY fault the surprise was spoiled. I take COMPLETE blame for it all. I apologize."

"Aww, Kyle's feeling sorry for himself," Phil teases. "Pity party for Kyle."

Jason grins. "If it makes you feel any better, Kyle, probably your bumbling entrance was more of a surprise than you all just walking through that door."

Kyle straightens and laughs, turning around to help set the food out. "I knew I could do something right."

Scott takes Katie's hand as it's offered, and gives her a smile. Pulling her closer, he plants her back against him so he can sling his arms around her shoulders and lock them under her chin, resting his own chin on her head and hugging her. "This was a good idea," he speaks quietly before leaning around to give her cheek a kiss.

At Nate and Katie's banter, Scott grins up at him. "Yeah, I'd be careful. You're messed up enough the way it is."

"Ohh, but isn't his black eye healing nicely?" Laura suddenly comes up behind Nate, putting her hands on his shoulders and bending around to grin at him. "Kinda got a yellow tinge to it now..." She giggles. "I forgot something when I left earlier and when I came back it sounded like you all were just having way too much fun for me to ignore it."

"Stay!" Mike invites. "We got enough sandwiches and drinks."

Laura shakes her head. "Thanks, but no. I should get home and eat my leftover pasta before it goes bad. Henry will keep me company." She shifts a sly glance to Nate. "Unless someone else wants to join me."

Camryn sits on the edge of Jason's bed and smiles at him. "You don't mind all the company, do you?"

"You kidding me?" Jason offers a small laugh. "I was so bored I was ready to try escaping before I went mad."

Camryn giggles. "I'm just glad you're okay...Kyle was telling me what happened."

"Yeah, well....nature of the job I guess."

Camryn looks down at him, feeling sorry for the way he must be hurting, but her smile remains. "And you still like this job."

Jason shrugs. "I guess it's kinda who I am."

"Well I like you for who you are." Carmyn is about to take his hand, but stops, remembering how Jason had resisted affections before.

Following her eyes though, the corner of Jason's mouth upturns and he takes the initiative, wrapping his fingers around hers to give them a little squeeze. "Thanks for coming."

Camryn blushes just a little. "My pleasure."

"Alright! We got ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, and my favorite because Jen makes the best of them all....egg salad sandwiches." Kyle gestures to the counter of food with a flourish. "I say it's time to dig in, but I'll let you ladies serve the invalid over there."

"Hey," Jason growls good-naturedly. "Watch it, or I'll sick Trooper on you again."

Kyle holds up a sandwich in response. "Turkey?"

The evening is full of chatter, fun and laughter. Jokes and banter fly back and forth, and for the first time, Jason joins in, his laughter melding with the others. His eyes are lit with a new spark...or perhaps an old spark, simply needing to have been rediscovered.

Supper is finished off with homemade chocolate chip cookies that Camryn had brought, and once finished, Kyle pulls out the guitars, strumming a little bit.

"I didn't know you played guitar too," Scott comments. Situated on one of the chairs, he casually reaches out to grab Katie as she walks by, pulling her into his lap while still conversing with Kyle.

Kyle laughs. "I didn't know it either." He rolls his eyes. "I can strum around on this thing, but it's nothing like Jason can do."

Phil stands to the side and starts tuning his bass. "Alright, folks, what'll it be? We're taking requests this evening."

"I hope Kyle's doing the singing," Jason comments, putting a hand to his jaw. "My mouth can't take much more."

"Jason? Silent?!" Kyle's eyes widen. "Mark this day on the calendar, y'all. He's gonna quit opening his mouth."

In response, Jason takes his balled up napkin and hurls it at Kyle.

Hate to make it two

*Misty enters her room and paces for alittle bit trying to get her mind to calm down. Now that everything was quiet there was time to think. How was everything going to work out in the end. Would she and Carson end up behind bars, would they not even get that far when Zane found out there was no money.

Finally laying down Misty's mind still races. Going back to her Uncle. He had sounded so worryed through his anger Misty feared a bit going home.

Finally Misty exsaustion takes over and she drifts off to sleep. For the most part its dreamless but still not very deep. It was hard to sleep soundly in an atmisfear you wernt use to.

A few hours go as a pearcing scream wakes Misty. She new that voice it was Carson. A wave of fear rushes over her as she jumps out of bed. Not even bothering to put her shoes on she bolts out her door and bursts through Carson's. Seeing him sit up in bed she relaxed alittle but is still worryed the look of terror on his face. Shuting the door again Misty makes her way over to the bed.*

"Carson, what happend? I hurd you scream are you ok?"

*Katie's eyes widen slightly at the commotion out in the other room. Bringing a hand to her head she lets out a sigh. As the others apear in the room and Katie see Kyle a grin forms on her lips. Walking over and giving Kyle a wack on the back of the head.*

"So much for being quiet. If they throw you out, you can still out there alone."

*Katie cant help the smile that played in her eyes. This whole thing amused her. Katie smiles at Jason and than takes her place next to Scott slipping her hand in his and giving it a gentil squeeze. Katie than takes a few steps away from scott and she gets chairs and what not organized for everyone. Looking back up at Jason her eyes meet his for a moment another smile spreads across her face. She dident need to say anything to convay what she was thinking.

As Nate enters TJY he raises an eye brow and smiles at the group. It was nice people came to see Jason. Walking up quietly behind Scott Nate looks over him quiet for a long moment.*

"Yep just another day at TJY. Jason hurt phhh thats nothing new Camryn if he could learn to stay out of trouble."

*Nate cant help but quirk a grin than look down at Scott who was in front of him.

Katie looks up at Nate and shakes her head.*

"You better watch it Nate Trooper already tryed to kill one idiot. We'd hate to make it two."

Too much

Jason grimaces as Katie enters the room, now frustrated even more for getting caught out of bed. Sighing, he limps back, leaning on Katie a little bit, and sits on the edge of the bed. "I was just going after that tennis ball. I don't have anything else to do in here except count ceiling tiles, and I've already done that fifteen times."

Realizing his grouchy tone, he tries to compensate, taking a deep breath to try and regroup and stabilize the block between him and Katie, though it wasn't easy. "Sorry. Guess I'm just tired. Rick's not happy with my knee either, so that's great news." He looks down a little, sliding further onto the bed, wincing a bit from his other injuries. "I'm in great shape."

Out in the hall, Kyle spies Jason's closed office. No one other than Katie and Scott had been here before, and Kyle raises his eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. He leans over to Camryn to whisper in her ear. "I'm gonna move some things around in Jason's office." Trying not to laugh, he goes for the door, opening it slowly.

Camryn's eyes widen. She knew more than he did, and calls out quietly and hoarsely. "Kyle, no!"

Too late. A low growl reaches Kyle's ears, and it's suddenly apparent that Jason's room wasn't quite empty of occupants. Trooper lunges at the door.

Kyle's shriek echoes down the hall as he jumps back, arms and legs flying. He trips over Jen's wheelchair and does a backward summersault, smacking into the wall and rolling on the tiled floor.

Camryn gives a little cry as Trooper leeps out of the office, teeth barred. "Trooper, back off!"

Trooper pays no attention, but goes for Kyle, pinning him face up on the floor, growling as he stares him in the eye.

Camryn quickly grabs Trooper's collar. "No Trooper!"

The giant of a dog doesn't even move. Mike tries to pull him off, but it just makes Trooper madder.

Jason's eyes widen as he hears the ruckus outside the infirmary. Stunned for a moment and not knowing what was going on, he sits up straight too quickly and grabs his side. Then hearing familiar voices, he's sure he knows what happened. "Trooper!" He lets out a shrill whistle.

Trooper immediately relaxes and moves off of Kyle to trot into the infirmary.

Kyle stares up at the ceiling, breathless. "Well...that was...intense."

Phil leans back against the wall, his own face pale. "Kyle, you idiot!"

Camryn shakes her head, trying to get her hands to stop trembling. "What were you thinking?!"

"I was just...I was..." Kyle grunts as he gets up off the floor and brushes of his jeans. "I..."

Jen looks up at him, a disgusted but forgiving look in her eye. "Stop while you're ahead Kyle. I think we can go in now...it's not like Jason doesn't know we're here."


Jason is confused as Trooper comes to him, and he looks up at Katie. "What on earth..." Before he can finish, the gang shows up in the doorway. At first, he furrows his brow, still confused, but after a moment, he realizes what's going on, and his eyes light up. "Oh, you guys..."

Jen giggles. "Hey, Hotshot."

"Yo, Jase man!" Kyle gives him a salute. "Thanks for calling off the dog."

Jason smirks at him. "That'll teach you to trespass."

"Um, yes...yes, I think it will."

Phil shoves a guitar into him. "Go put this down."

Jason is still surprised. "You brought guitars too?"

"Well this WAS supposed to be a jam session, slash, eat out, so of course!" Mike grins and points to Katie. "Her idea."

Jason looks up at Katie again, a smile playing at his lips. "You're pretty special, you know that?"

"That she is." Scott leans in the doorway, smiling and enjoying the scene. Not so long ago, he'd wanted to belt Jason, but seeing his reaction to this made him feel good.

Camryn sidles into the room, and spying Jason, her eyes widen, a hand going to her mouth. "Oh, Jason..."

He looks at her with question, then understands. "Ah yes...you've never seen me like this before, have you?" He waves to the others. "Everyone else is so used to it, that I can walk in, bruised and battered, and they're just like 'Hey, Jase, what's up' never even noticing that I'm half dead." He gives Katie a sly sidelong glance to accompany his teasing.

Camryn giggles, but comes closer, reaching out to touch Jason's face. "You poor thing."

"Aww, feeling sorry for me?"

"Just a little maybe."


Camryn quirks an eyebrow at Jason's flirting, a little bit surprised. "Well you're in a better mood than I thought."

"It's called pain killers."

Kyle grins. "Doc got you loaded up, eh?"

"Nope." Jason shakes his head and looks around him. "My pain killers walk on two legs and keep good secrets."

Carson offers Misty a smile and reaches up to take her hand, giving it a kiss. "Yeah. I'll be fine." Pausing a moment, he turns and goes into his room, shutting the door quietly, and listening to make sure that Misty has entered her own room as well.

After taking a glance around the room and out the window, Carson flops down on the bed, his mind full. This day had had so many ups and downs...so many turns...there was so much to think about. He wanted to be happy about seeing Dani, yet he still had to concentrate on taking down Zane. He wanted to concentrate on taking down Zane, yet he still was wondering about his future now. He could very well go to jail for being involved in the fighting ring, not to mention, breaking out of the police station.

Closing his eyes, Carson lies still, not intending on sleeping yet, but within minutes, his breathing has slowed, sleep overtaking him.

But it is not a peaceful sleep. Today has been too much. Today has brought on too many memories, and his mind takes over, engaging on a wild ride through the past, reliving scenes he would rather have forgotten. His family. Their deaths. Murders. His own killings. Everything flew at him at once. Every horrific image staying just long enough to impress it in his mind.

His own scream jolts him from his sleep, his hands shaking, a cold sweat pouring down the side of his face. He didn't know how long he'd been asleep, but it was dark outside now. His heart felt as though it would beat right out of his chest as his pulse raced and he tried to calm himself down, desperate to get his bearings and remove the images from his mind. It had been a long time since he'd experienced a nightmare like that, and it was severe enough to make his eyes sting with tears, making him feel all the more vulnerable.


*See Scott Katie waves and gives him a hug. Than continues on there rout to the infermary. Katie smiles and nods Mike. Steping forward she stops for a moment some of Jason's pain seaping though and feeling his frustration. Picking up her pace alittle bit she goes to the infermary door. Giving a knock as to not scair Jason she enter.*

"Jason, what do you think your doing? You should be in best still. If you keep walking on that Knee its not going to get any better you know."

*Katie slings Jason's arm over her shoulder and helps him back to bed.*

"I dont know if I should show you the saprise I have now or not. What in blue blazes were you doing?"

*Katie cant help the smile that is behind her eyes as she talks to Jason. She really was excited to have the others come in. She new Jason felt down and out and this would cheer him up.*

*After grabing a few things from the convienyent store and booking there rooms Misty walks with Carson done the hall leaning into his arm. They felt nice after the night and morning they had. It felt strange after seeing Danni and Carson together, any of the anger Misty felt had vanished and she felt really bad she had acted the way she did. Misty dident think What she thought or felt was wrong, she just felt bad for the way she displayed it.

Looking up Misty smiles at Carson bringing a hand to the side of his face her thrmb running over his cheek and than slips back to run through his hair. Not saying anything for a moment, only staring into Carson deep blue eyes. The same ones that had captavated her what seemed like so long ago. Finally she speaks.*

"Yeah, I think I will be alright. What about you?"

For the night

As the group makes their way to the door, Kyle's eyes widen and he slaps a hand over his mouth, following meekly behind the others.

Once inside, they make their way across the floor, with the food, drinks and a couple guitars. Scott looks up from his cubicle as he hears them walking, and gets up, ready to join them. He'd been waiting quietly, just working a bit late, not letting on to Jason why he was really there.

Kyle grins at him and gives a big wave. "Hi, Scott!!" he mouths widely, with a horse whisper.

Phil nudges him with an elbow. "Shh!"

"Well I was just..."

Mike, Jen and Phil all turn to him at once. "SHH!!"

Kyle shrinks back again, throwing Katie a cheesy grin and whispers, "Get ready to bail, they're gonna lock me out, I know it."

As they head down the hall, suddenly a tennis ball flies through the infirmary door, zig-zagging across the floor as it bounces.

Camryn quirks an eyebrow and catches it, looking at the others. Mike nods at Katie, then to the infirmary door. "You go first," he whispers. "He won't be surprised to see you. Then call us in or something."

Jason has already managed to sit up in bed with his legs swung over, just ready to stand up to go retrieve the tennis ball, and wobbles a bit unsteadily, his knee having no strength. Wincing, he mutters under his breath, trying to put weight on his knee despite the severe pain. It was getting harder to block it out...the longer he blocked something from Katie, the more stress it created.
Gritting his teeth, he takes a step toward the door.

Carson gives Misty a sidelong glance as she downs more Advil. "You better get something else in your system, Sass, before you kill yourself on those."

Feeling her pat to his leg, he takes her hand and gives it a little squeeze. "Yeah...I hope so."

Driving out of the city a ways, they stop at a convenient store to grab a few things for a light supper, then find a little motel just as the sun is starting to set.

Getting inside, Carson leads the way to the desk. The man looks up at them and smiles. "One room?"

Carson doesn't hesitate, dropping his accent again. "Two. Next to each other if possible. One night."

The man quirks an eyebrow, but nods, happily signing them in and handing them keys. "Two-twenty-three and two-twenty-four. Checkout time by eleven."

"Thanks." Carson slings an arm around Misty's shoulders and leads her down the hall, finding their rooms. Stopping, Carson turns to look at her. "You be alright?"


*Katie perks up as she see Kyle pull into the lot. Than before she knows it she's spinning around in circle laughing as hard as she can. Finally to stop and gaving Kyle a hug.*

"You always know right when to show up, to cheer me up dont you."

*Katie lets go of Kyle. Listin to him and the other banter made Katie laugh even more. Leaning a bit closes to him again Katie whispers.*

"Its ok Kyle I like you Moutain Dew high and if they lock you out, I'll sneak out too and keep you company."

*Katie gives Kyle a pat to the back and gives him alittle push twords Phil.*

"You better go help before Phil has a heartattack."

*Katie cant help but stick her toung out at him as she makes her way over to the car.*

"Hey Camryn, let me help you with some of that."

*Katie offers a friendly smile to Camryan taking some of the stuff out of her full arms. Calling over her shoulder as they head inside.*

"Lets try to keep our voices down...KYLE...so we can truly saprise Jason shall me."

*Misty smiles at Camryn once they get back to the car and nods.*

"I hope to see you again as well. No I dont hope, I know we will."

*Misty slides into the car next to Carson and is silent for a long while as they watch Danielle drive away. Finally Misty reaches over and gives Carson's leg a pat.*

"Everything is gonna work out."

*Drawing silent again Misty downs some more Advil and than smiles at Carons.*

"I think a hotel would do nicely. My head hurts as is without a crick in my neck."

Place to stay

Camryn raises an eyebrow as Katie gets out of the car, then gives a little sigh. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I made her feel bad, didn’t?”

“Oh, I don’t think it’s you, really,” Jen responds with a little sigh. “It’s just…she and Jason have been through a lot.”

“Yeah, I know…”

“Has he told you about her sixth sense?”

Camryn nods. “He has…I thought it was pretty cool. But I guess it might make things kinda awkward now.” She pauses, then looks down. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come tonight. I don’t want to make Katie feel uncomfortable.”

Jen turns slightly in her seat. “Camryn…don’t blame yourself. Katie and Jason share and awful lot of past that’s hard for her to get through…but you can’t let that stop you from being friends…or more with Jason.”

“More?” Camryn laughs. “Not if he has anything to say about it.”

“What do you mean?”

Camryn rolls her eyes. “You don’t want to know.”

Jen senses what Camryn might be implying, and she gets mischievous. “Come on…tell me.”

Camryn look to her with a smirk. “Alright. So we were this close…” She gestures with her thumb and forefinger, “…to kissing.”

Jen giggles. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, well…maybe I need to take that lure out of the water and find another fishing spot.”

“Oh, now don’t go giving up that easily. I think he likes you.”

Hope shines in Camryn’s eyes. “You think?”

“Well who else does he banter with like he does you?” Jen looks at Camryn knowingly. “He might just take you by surprise.”

“Yeeehaw!” Kyle’s truck pulls into the parking lot, the windows down to let out his loud yell as he pulls up next to Katie’s car. “Yo, KT!” Hopping to the ground, he shuts the door and grabs Katie’s hands to spin her around, singing at the top of his lungs. “It’s just you and me sittin’ on the porch swing, Popsicle grins and swattin’ flies. A hundred degrees out in the sun, It’s summertime, Baby, summertime!”

“Kyle!” Phil chides. “Cut it out and help us with this stuff!”

Kyle brings Katie to a halt, out of breath. “Coming, coming, hold your ancy horses, will ya?”

“Would you just cool it?” Phil glances around his brother to see Katie. “How many times have I told him NOT to drink a Mountain Dew before we go out in public?”

Kyle spins around, giving Katie a cheesy grin, and whispering, though everyone can hear. “I like to make him thing it’s a sugar high, but between you and me, I feel like this all the time.”

Mike rolls his eyes as he walks past and slaps Kyle upside the head. “Behave yourself, or we’ll lock you out.”

“I’ll crawl in through a window!”

“We’ll lock the windows.”

“I’ll…I’ll…. Lock me out and tomorrow night you’ll find frogs in your bed.’

Camryn has just gotten out of Katie’s car, and she grimaces. “Oh, Kyle, that’s disgusting.”

“Hey, Cam!” Kyle whirls in her direction. “What wrong with a little bit of amphibious habitat in one’s bed?”

Camryn rolls her yes and just helps get some food out of the trunk.

Jen sits patiently until Mike comes over to help her into her wheelchair, and when everyone is ready, they head for the door.

Jason tosses a tennis ball across the room, hitting the wall hard enough to get the ball to bounce back to him. He sighs, looking at the clock. He was bored. He was lonely. This was irritating. At least he’d convinced Rick to let him dress in a tee and denim cut offs…it made him feel less of an invalid, but a few necessary short trips out of bed proved he shouldn’t be anywhere else.

Messing up his aim, suddenly the tennis ball bounces in the wrong direction, banking off the edge of the counter, then a chair, then flies out into the hall.

“Whoa.” Carson catches Misty and looks at her with concern. “That’s the second time you ‘bout fell on your face. Come on. Let’s get you back to the car.”

Once back in the parking lot, Danni sighs. “I guess this is where we part.”

Carson nods, then looks to Misty. “For safety sake, Danni’s going to go home like normal. Once everything is over with Zane, we’ll come back to settle a few things.”

Dannie is quiet for a moment, then moves to give Carson a hug. “I hope I don’t wake up in the middle of the night and find this has all been a dream.”

Carson grins at her. “You won’t.”

Not wanting to leave, but knowing she must, Dannie backs slowly to her car, nodding at Misty too. “I hope to see you again…both of you…when this thing is over.”

As Danni drives away, Carson just stares after the car for a long while, and then the empty road. He could barely process everything that had just happened….it was overwhelming. And he couldn’t bear the thought of things not working out now.

Finally looking back to Misty, he shrugs. “I guess we need to find a place to stay. It’s either a hotel or the car. You pick.”

Long Road

*Katie cant help but look at Camryn in the back seat. She liked Camryn she was nice, but she was still trying to get use to her. But slowly it was coming.*

"Ahhh Jason isent that hard to figure out. You just have to find the crack in the hard shell and than once you've chiped a peace away and slide in, its pretty much smooth sailing. Cheering him up is pretty easy, I remember this one time when......"

*Katie stops herself short just going silent for a moment. As she relized how she starting geting carryed away and how it might make Camryn uncomfortable. Stairing out the window ahead she fine turns to Jen to answer his question. Trying to keep her tention on a low key.*

"He's actully doing alot better. I mean he's still not the same old J but he is alot better than when he first got out."

*Katie stops for a moment to remember, memories coming back to her.*

"He's geting there. Cant exspect him to just poof be himself again after everthing he's been though. We just cant give up on him."

*Before Katie can even stop it old memories start to run in and out of her mind. They were good memories, ones that Kate would charish forever. But Katie hadent goten much sleep and it made her more out of wake than normal and today they memories just seemto do her in. A small tear rolled down her cheek. Her emotions just wanted to run wild today. Whiping the tear away Katie opens the car door.*

"Its Hot in here all of a suddon I'm going to wait outside the care for the guys."

*As Danielle kneels down next to Misty and introduces herself she smiles. Taking Dani's hand and giving a smile back.*

"Its very nice to meet you Dani. I'm Misty Miller."

*Misty finally stands and brushs herself off from the sand. Looking between Dani and Carson she felt good. It was a long road to get here, but Misty knows it was worth it.

As Misty goes to say something alse her head starts to spin. Feeling as though someone was pounding on her skull again. Misty flinches and grabs Carson before she falls over. What on earth was going on. Misty had been calm for hours her bloodpressure should of went down by now. Misty had never been one to get migrains but it was never to late to start.*

"This dang headacke came back again. I need to get the advil from the car."


Danielle sniffs and turns her head to show her teary eyes. She wanted to find comfort in Misty’s words. She seemed nice and sincere. Was she right?

Feeling Carson’s arms around her, she felt like a little girl again after she’d fallen and scraped her knees, or dropped her school books on the play ground. He’d always been there to pick her up, wrap her in a big hug, then get her going again.

Danielle gives Misty a little nod, trying to be brave, with her face still buried against Carson’s chest.

Carson gives Misty a grateful look, still feeling lost, but hoping they could get through this in one piece.

As he and Danielle are left alone, slowly, her sobs begin to subside until she’s just hugging her brother, sniffing and trying to compose herself.

“Hey.” Carson pulls her back a little and uses his hand to wipe the tears off her face. “It’s okay.”

“Is it?” Danielle’s lip quivers again, but she manages not to cry this time. Finally withdrawing, she wipes her own face with her shirt, then just stands for several moments, looking up at Carson. He seemed so much older...almost worn…tired. His eyes showed so much pain…so much that he shouldn’t have had to go through.

Reaching up, Danielle touches Carson’s face, sorrow in her own eyes. Her voice is quiet now. “What happened to you, Carson? Where did the life go?”

Carson looks down, forcing a sorry laugh, and shakes his head. “I guess I just…lost track of myself.”

Danielle almost pities him. “And now?”

“Slowly…slowly…maybe I’m coming back.”

Danielle lowers her gaze, then looks up to him again. “I want to know everything…how it all happened…why it happened…about you…”

Fear shines in Carson’s eyes. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

“I won’t.” Danielle shakes her head. “I don’t care what you’ve done…I see you now…and I believe you. I want to know what’s happened these last ten years…and I want to know why you chose today to come.”

…It’s a long while that passes as brother and sister sit on the beach. Hearts are shared, tears are shed. Fears are revealed, and the future is made foggy.

Danielle rests her head on Carson’s shoulder, looking out at the water. “So there’s a good chance I could die.”

“No,” Carson states flatly. “That’s why I’m here. To keep that from happening.”

“But what if it fails? What if you can’t get Zane? What if he discovers you don’t really have the money?”

“We won’t fail.” Carson’s determination reigns. “I’ve come too far to fail, and I won’t watch you be killed like I watched the rest of my family die.”

Danielle sighs, growing tired, and finally straightens up, brushing a bit of sand off her pants. She glances down a ways to see Misty still sitting and waiting. “So…girlfriend, huh?”

Carson quirks an eyebrow. “Apparently.”

“Apparently?” Danielle gives him a sidelong glances. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Carson shrugs. “Oh…I don’t know.”

“What? You don’t like her or something?”

“Good heavens.” Carson rolls his eyes. “Misty is one of the most important things in my life.”

Danielle gives him a little grin. “So is she more than just a girlfriend?”

Carson can feel the heat on the back of his neck, and isn’t sure why. “Misty is my girlfriend,” he states matter-of-factly. “And we can move on now. What about you?”

Danielle finds herself laughing, and she lets the subject drop. “Me? A relationship? Nah… Not that guys haven’t tried, but…just haven’t found one for me yet I guess.”

Carson gives her a smile. “You got plenty of time.”

“I know.” Danielle nods. “I don’t mind being on my own I guess…does get kind of lonely sometimes.”

“Ever thought about moving?”

Danielle lifts her eyebrows. “Are you implying Nevada?”

Carson shrugs. “Maybe.”

“I don’t know, Carson…let’s just get through this first, okay?”

A while later, Carson and Danielle finally rise and walk slowly to Misty. Danielle kneels next to her, letting a smile shine through. “I guess we haven’t formerly met.” She extends her hand. “I’m Danni Banks.”

Camryn grimaces a little at Katie’s worry. “Yeah, and if he’s in pain, he WILL be a pain.”

Jen can’t help her giggle from the front seat. “I guess we’ll just have to cheer him up then.”

“Jason?” Camryn sighs. “Every once in a while I think I catch a glimpse of the real Jason Stevenson behind those eyes of his… and then the next moment, I can’t for the life of me figure him out. Cheer him up? Good luck.”

Jen rolls her eyes, then looks to Katie. She didn’t want to broach a delicate subject, especially with Camryn around, but she did wonder. “How has he really been, Katie? He’s been pretty distant with the guys the last couple months still.”