
Block out

*Katie gives Scott a returning kiss and hug holding him tight for a long moment. She sure was going to miss Scott, even if he would be back on the weekends.*

"I love you Scotty. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Geting into her car Katie makes the short way back to the house. Waving to Scott and disapearing inside Katie says a quick hello and goodnight to Laura and Nate. Entering her room Katie flops down on the bed and stairs at the cealing for a long moment.

Siting up to change Katie is hit with a burst of emotion, the feeling of love, passion, the uncomfortable feeling of Jason and Camryn. Every emotion layed on the table in front of Katie she felt. Mummbaling under her breath.*

"Dang it Jason why did you have to forget now."

*Katie brings a hand to her head as tear start to stream out of her eyes. She was trying to get use to the ida of Camryn and Jason but this...this dident help. It felt like her head was going to explode. Siting on her bed and rocking alittle bit Katie squeezes like her eyes shut hoping it will be over soon. Than like a lid being put on a pot of boiling water the emotions coming in and out of Katie head stops. Almost like a suddon shock to her system she sits up whiping the tears from her eyes and looks around the room. It felt strand how all of a suddon things were quiet. She couldent even feel the soft sigh of content within Jason. Maybe he suddonly remembered to block out the emotions and did so. Feeling the quiet and silence Katie lets out a sigh. Changing into her PJ's she sits down and flips the TV on. She hated when Jason locked her out but when it came to this she really dident mind.*

*Misty smiles up at Carson her eyes beaming. Returning his kiss with passion Misty draws away smiling. No words needed to be said her eyes said it all. As her head starts to throb again Misty gives Carson another kiss and than places her head on his arm again. Closing her eyes to get the pain to stop Misty drifts off to sleep her arm still wrapped around him as she mumbls.*

"Thank you Carson, for being my Hero."

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