

*See Scott Katie waves and gives him a hug. Than continues on there rout to the infermary. Katie smiles and nods Mike. Steping forward she stops for a moment some of Jason's pain seaping though and feeling his frustration. Picking up her pace alittle bit she goes to the infermary door. Giving a knock as to not scair Jason she enter.*

"Jason, what do you think your doing? You should be in best still. If you keep walking on that Knee its not going to get any better you know."

*Katie slings Jason's arm over her shoulder and helps him back to bed.*

"I dont know if I should show you the saprise I have now or not. What in blue blazes were you doing?"

*Katie cant help the smile that is behind her eyes as she talks to Jason. She really was excited to have the others come in. She new Jason felt down and out and this would cheer him up.*

*After grabing a few things from the convienyent store and booking there rooms Misty walks with Carson done the hall leaning into his arm. They felt nice after the night and morning they had. It felt strange after seeing Danni and Carson together, any of the anger Misty felt had vanished and she felt really bad she had acted the way she did. Misty dident think What she thought or felt was wrong, she just felt bad for the way she displayed it.

Looking up Misty smiles at Carson bringing a hand to the side of his face her thrmb running over his cheek and than slips back to run through his hair. Not saying anything for a moment, only staring into Carson deep blue eyes. The same ones that had captavated her what seemed like so long ago. Finally she speaks.*

"Yeah, I think I will be alright. What about you?"

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