
Face to Face

*As Misty watches Carson she can see his eyes change from one thing to the next sending her heart racing. Why, what was this...She dident know Carson and yet this feeling what was it. As the thunder rolls in the background Misty is unmoved by it, but notices Carson jump. She dosent blame him. She would be pritty jumpy if she was him too. For that matter she WAS as jumpy as he was. Misty shakes her head and stands streching. As Carson talks to her about being alittle girl inside something sticks a cord in her own heart hiting home. Shaking it away the fire returns to Mistys eyes. As she thinks about leaving Misty turns back to the Cot and walks over to where Carson is. Leaning forword she puts both her hands on the wall by his head and shifts her weaght so her arms is saporting it all as she is on her toes and leaning over Carson her face inches from his the fire, spunk dancing in her eyes showing no fear. Misty cocks her head alittle bit looking into Carson's eyes.*

"I bet inside you there is a boy that wants to get out too. And I bet there is a boy that wants to believe in hope again. Maybe all you need is that one person to put faith in you, trust you and show you hope. Well Guess that Carson that one person is me. I took the match and lit the fire, what you do with it is your choise. How far will you go to get what you want, to take what you really want and not let it go. Dont let that fire burn out. It could be the last chanse for both of you."

*Misty stays looks down into Carson's eyes for a moment more. Pushing off the wall she moves herself from Carson's face and just stands in front of him.*

*As Laura arms find there way around Nate he lets out a content sigh. Laura felt nice in his arms. Her warmth...For a moment Nate stops and thinks, this feeling it wasent there before. What was happing. His heart gave a bit of a jump as Laura was wraped in his arms. Nate wasent scaired of much but for a moment this feeling frightend him. After a moment Nate chases the feeling away that was crazy Laura was his firend there was no reson to feel funny around her. As Laura draws away and runs her finger on the wet spot on his shirt Nate smiles.*

"Hey look at that you did. Its ok, this shirt needed to be cleaned anyways and now you started the process for me."

*Nate cant help but chuckle.*

" I promise I wont tell anyone I saw you cry ok. Though I have to admit I dident mind comforting you. I hope if you ever need anything Laura you would feel comfortable enough to talke to me."

*As the light flashes and the thunder rolls, Nate feels Laura's grip tighten. As if shelting her again Nate grabs her bag off the floor and puts his arm around Laura's should once again. Making his way her to the door. As they leave me makes sure to lock the door behind him. Running to his car with Laura he opens her door than runs about to his side jumping in. Pulling out of the drive way he smiles.*

"Away we go."

*As Katie hears Jason she cant help but laugh yelling.*


*After a few moment the sound of a tolit is flushed and the water running. Finally Katie makes her way back downstairs slowly. The rain has started and it was making her back hurt though she trys not to show it. Siting down on the coutch next to Jason.*

"Oh no...my phone is out there somewhere geting wet. Now it will never work. I am gonna have to get a new one. Oh well."

*Katie cant help but smile.*

"Your right it is gonna be a wet ride. I dont mean to cute this pow wow short cuz I am certinly having to much fun to want to leave, but Maybe we should get going now before it gets to bad?"


Carson sits back lazily as Misty begins to talk, just glad he's not as bored as the night before.

As she mentions not being able to be shy around him, and that he brought the spark out in her, he can't help a twinge of surprised amusement. He usually had quite a bad effect on people...this was an interesting switch...something about it almost made him feel good...something about it made him even more curious about this woman.

Misty's observation about Carson not being a vile person also stops him for a moment. First, it was hard imagining someone who didn't consider him as such. And second, if it was true, when had he changed? And had it been permanent or simply a brief moment that Misty had happened to be witness to? Carson almost opens his mouth to comment, but decides not to, and simply keeps his eyes fixed on Misty's face as she talks.

Her comment of him running from her forces a short scoff to the surface, along with a wry grin. "Oh yeah...I'm the type to go off running with my tail tucked alright. Hired hitmen are usually pretty easily frightened." Though his eyes barely move, the sarcastic humor invades them, almost as if he can control the kind of stare uses.

The news of Misty being in a gang has no effect on Carson, or his body language. He simply listens, almost as if what she was saying was what he'd already expected to hear...he reacts neither positively nor negatively.

As she mentions her sass, Carson lifts one eyebrow above the other, his jaw muscles tightening to withhold his grin. "You only run into trouble when a man finds that sassiness an enjoyable challenge rather than something to be afraid of." He meets her eyes head on, his own flashing ever so briefly with a different look...something softer...warmer maybe. But as quickly as he allows it to show, he disperses it just as easily, listening to the rest of her story.

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere." He nods slowly. "I bet I've run across your name a time or two if you tangled with the Agency."

Carson cocks his head as Misty concludes. "Touché. You've got more knowledge about what really goes on in this world than most people, I'll give that to ya." A memory invades his mind for an instant, and he sees his sister's face. He studies Misty's own face...her eyes...her body language, as a computer scanning each detail and processing it to file within his memory bank. The next words come out unplanned. "And I'd bet that somewhere...under all that sass...there's still a little girl that knows she grew up too fast and just wants to be that little girl again, carefree and innocent."

Without warning, a deep rumble of thunder shakes the lower level of TJY, and Carson sits bolt upright, almost jumping out of his skin. Relaxing again, he just about rolls his eyes at himself for being so skittish - he didn't like to admit that loud noises like that bothered him.

Resuming his bold air, he eyes Misty again. "Sounds like you better get your sassy self out of here before it gets too bad outside. Otherwise you'll be stuck here, and I doubt you'd want to stay in here with the likes of me. Not to mention tomorrow I would probably die and you would lose your job."

As Laura receives Nate's words, she can feel the walls that she built back up from that morning, starting to crumble once again. Being pulled into his arms feels warm and safe, comfortable and not awkward. A sob catches in her throat a the tears break forth once again. This time she doesn't try to hide them. She needs to let them out once an for all, allowing her emotions to be released.

She's never allowed a man other than her brother to hold her like this, but that thought doesn't cross her mind right now. Her own arms find their way around Nate, leaning into his protective hold - a shelter she needed.

Her crying eventually softens until her nerves have calmed down again. She sniffs, her head resting against Nate's chest. Blinking, she draws back a little, letting out a sorry laugh as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "I got your shirt all wet." She takes her fingers to rub the wet spot, not daring to look up at his eyes. "Okay, you realize this this is totally unfair. Other than my brother and Jason, no one is allowed to see me cry and you've succeeded not only once, but twice in the same day." She sniffs again, trying to gracefully compose herself, though it's not easy. "Alright, so um...Jamie's...yes...if I don't show up soon, Con will be calling me again."

A flash of lightning illuminates the house before a deafening crack of thunder. Laura jumps, her hand automatically tightening on Nate's arm. "Goodness, that was close. I didn't even know it was supposed to storm tonight."

Kyle watches Katie ascend the stairs and calls after her. "Don't fall in! It's a long way down!"

"Kyle!" Phil gives his shin a kick. "Behave."

Jason laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "Well guys...I know I haven't been able to practice as much as I should - I hope I haven't slowed you down any."

"Bub, keep up putting yourself down and you're gonna find out what it's like to have three maniacs beating on you," Mike warns. "Okay, so yeah, we should practice more, but we knew you'd be in and out when we invited you here. And besides that, you've got such a good ear that you just sit down and start playing as if you've known these songs all your life. We'll be fine for the fundraiser."

A low rumble interrupts their conversation and Phil cocks his head. "Huh...didn't know we were supposed to get rain."

Jason shrugs, then suddenly realizes what that means. "Oh no..."


"We brought my bike."

Kyle lets a laugh slip out. "Ooh, smart move!"

"Well I don't have a car!" Jason retorts. "If I could afford it, I would. But the forecast was clear weather tonight, not rain." He lets out a groan. "This is gonna be fun. " He aims his voice upward, knowing the bathroom is above that corner of the basement. "Hey, Katie!" he yells. "Better prepare yourself for a wet ride home!"

Past like Your

*Misty can sence Carson's deprestion. For some reson it struck a cords in Misty's heart. Why, why did she care so much for this stranger she hardly new and someone with his past. Was is because she had one herself or was it just those stunning blue eyes the drew her in. That felt like they searches her soul for an answer. Misty cant help but feel hypnotised by them. Yes there was something differnt about Carson and Misty had no fear. Misty grin alittle as Carson bring up wanting to know about her past again. Turning so she is on the bed alittle more she sits crossing her legs indien style so she could see Carson a bit better.*

"I guess theres no fooling you huh? I dont know what it about you Carson, but you bring that spark out of me. I tryed to be shy and innocent around everyone. This was my job here. and it worked till I saw you. Ya I know totaly crazy right. Next your far from vial. Well at the moment anyways. A person is not made up of actions of the past but those yet to come. We can all change and become better people yet still have a shard edgh like myself."

*Once again Misty search Carson's face for the answer she was looking for. A sassy little grin plays her lips and she re-thinks Carson's question about her past.*

"I am average now anyways. Sort of I guess. Mmmmm...my past, you want to know about my post ok. I guess I can get alittle bit more into detail just dont run for the hills with your tail between your legs.

I grew up here as a kid in a really strikt christion family. Navada has been my home time for ages. As I grew up alot of differnt stuff happend in life that I dident understand and I dident understand my family anymore. I ended up running away from home and joining a gang. I had to be sassy there I was a woman in a gang of mostly guys. I had to have that sharp edgh to let them know not to mess with me. So i guess thats where my sassyness came from and I just never let go of it. In a way I guess I like it."

*For a moment Misty is silent, giving Carson a chanse to talk if he needed to. Misty's eyes meet him as she continues to talk.*

"Well the little gang I was in ran side jobes for the Agency. Nothing to big just hits, and geting money. We wernt involved in the "Big Picture." Anyways while doing that I killed my shair of people that the Agency wanted me to, that our gang boss wanted me too. I was rolling in some good money. But time went on and Reese actully is the one that helped me get out. Is the Agency after me still? Is the gang still looking for me? Oh probley. They wouldent notice me by my looks anymore, I was young than and had grown up quite a bit but if I ever talked to one I am sure they would know who I was I left an impresstion on there brain that would probley last a life time. Anyways...I'm here now changed."

*Misty eyes lite up with sparks and her grin grows wider.*

"See I told you, you have more in common with these people than you think."

*Nate puts his arm around Laura's shoulder.*

"Sometimes it sad how time, this world, this life can change people. We help people but I wonder if we ever stop and think in a sence we are hurting people too. The stuff we go through can be alot to one person. It can do alot of stuff to your mind and mess you up pritty good. I guess in a sence its like a war. You see so many people, friends, loved ones get hurt and its just to much to handle. Those are the people we really need the most Laura. Dont dwell on the part even if it was good. Just remember, and look for the brighter tomarrow. Our friends and those who have had there minds hurt need us. Even if we dont think they do cuz they might have someone alse. They need every person they can get to show them love. We can help pull them out of the black pit and bring them back with God on our side Laura, we can help them."

*Before Nate even relizes what he is doing he has Laura in a stong embrace. Resting his head on top of her.*

*Katie cant help but laugh at Kyle.*

"Yes Kyle he is...and I dont think he'll ever change."

*Katie cant help but continue to laugh and smile as Jason. Standing she makes her way over slowly her cane at her side.*

"Tell them to stop? Why would I do that I enjoy seeing you turn a few shades of red."

*Katie lands a playful punch to Jason's arm.*

"I'll be back guys, I have to use the rest room."

*Katie exits slowly hobbaling up the steps as carfely as she can disapearing though the door at the top.*

So tell me

Carson isn't sure he understands what Misty means about getting him out of trouble with Reese, but suspects it had to do with earlier in the day. He lets it go though, opting to shut out anything that might bring on unwanted emotions. It was a habit - one that kept him safe.

He digs into his sandwich, the action proving his gratefulness for the meager meal. When Misty comments about the room, he takes another look around as he chews, letting a bit of sarcasm out. "Can't get much better than this, eh? What more could a bloke want? Nice concrete room, not too big...full stomach and a spitfire sitting three feet away. A guy could do worse."

He takes a swig of pop before downing the rest of his sandwich. "I'd wager right about now this is better than having been left for dead a couple days ago, though sometimes I wonder if that would have been the preferable option."

One might guess from Carson' words that he'd slipped into a depressive state, though his tone and eyes indicated no emotion...his voice was void of life...void of feeling.

He tilts back his head to finish off his pop. Taking aim, he tosses the empty can across the room, landing it squarely in the waste basket. Finished with the light supper, he bounces his leg a bit nervously without even realizing it as the craving for a smoke returns, but this time there's nothing to curb it.

"So tell me, Misty...what's a girl like you...with as boring a past as yours...doing here, taking the side of a vile criminal such as myself?" He cocks his head, letting his eyes fall on her face. "Something tells me you skirted around the truth earlier. You can't make me believe you're just another average Jane."

Laura finds her cheeks growing just a little warm at Nate's comment about not liking to see her sad. She pushes it aside though, and heads for the porch.

Fifteen minutes later, she's got a small duffel bag ready to go with just a couple day's worth of clothes and a few extra items to take over to Jamie's. Finding Nate looking at the pictures in the living room, she comes up beside him, eying the photos as well. "Interesting, isn't it...how time goes so quickly...yet when staring at a picture, one can almost travel back in time to recapture that memory." Laura's eyes drop down to a smaller framed photo of her and Con many years before...she couldn't have been more than ten...he was barely nineteen or twenty. Those times had been hard...but they'd made her into who she was today, and she couldn't deny that God had sent His blessings, despite the trials.

Laura gives a little sigh. "Sometimes I wonder where these people have gone...there was innocence once...not for everyone, but for some." She spies a picture of Jason who holds a bright smile - something not seen very often any more. Then was Con, laughing at someone's party...she wished she could hear that laugh again now after he'd become so distant. "These pictures keep me company I guess, when I start to get lonely."

Kyle laughs at Katie's enthusiasm, and gives an extra couple enthusiastic notes on the keyboard. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week."

Phil gives him a slap upside the head. "Yeah, but what about the rest of us? My fingers are about ready to fall off."

Jason chuckles and rests back on a stool, his guitar hanging from his shoulder to leave his hands free as he flexes his own fingers. "You guys are gonna be the death of me. I haven't played this much in years."

"Her fault!" Kyle points at Katie. "She's the one who keeps wanting encores!"

"And you're the one that keeps instigating that we give in!" Mike shoots back.

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "No matter the length of time, I think we sound pretty good."

"Pretty good?!" Kyle brings a hand to his forehead. "We're awesome!"

Mike holds up his first fingers and thumbs, squinting at Kyle from a distance as if measuring something. "Yep, his head has definitely grown in the last hour and a half."

Phil rolls his eyes. "Jason, I don't care what you say, you're the one making us sound good at the moment. I never will understand why you haven't done something with that voice of yours before this."

Jason shrugs and takes off the guitar to put it on a stand. "If I told you it was because I didn't think I could make it, you'd just give me a bad time, so I won't."

Kyle glances over to Katie, a funny look on his face. "Is he always this difficult when someone pays him a compliment?"

"Hey, come on," Jason argues. "You guys are awesome by yourselves. I'm just the add-in."

Phil scoffs. "Yeah, whatever, Jase. Sure, we could be surviving on our own, but don't think we don't see your talent. We're just lucky we got a hold on you before some other band did. We know good and well it takes all of us to get this sound, so don't think the rest of us feel we're doing nothing - but you definitely add an edge we didn't have before."

Jason grimaces and looks at Katie. "Would you tell these guys to stop?"

The Rits

*Misty cant help but get a cheese grin on her face as Carson calls to her. She had no doubt in her mind that he wouldent. Turning back around once again she makes her way across the floor to Carson.*

"Well want cant have that now can we. I just got you out of alittle trouble with Reese. I cant have you being a big old bear and geting into more now can I!"

*Misty holds her grin as the fire in her eyes dance with mischife and enjoyment. Making it to Carson's cot Misty sits down on the courner edgh not wanting to sit on the ground and get her pants dirty. Once comfortable she hands the food and drink to Carson.*

"I know its not much but its the only thing I could think of bringing you that wouldent make the few people left here wonder what was going on."

*At Misty sits on the cot and watches Carson her mind wonders. It was strange that she was siting there now with Carson. When she first got the call from Reese to come and do her internship at TJY she made it up in her mind this was work. And thats how it was going to stay. Now she was breaking the rules to help someone she hardly even new. What was it about Carson that drove Misty to want to help him. He cerntly was intresting, the way he acted and the way he talked. On top of everything alse he was mighty handsome too. Misty take her eyes off Carson and looks around the room.*

"Looks like your staying in the Rits huh. I guess it could be worse though."

*Misty glance at Carson out the courner of her eye at Carson again but trys not to stair as he is eating and dosent want to be rude.*

*Nate finally pulls into Laura's driveway for the second time today. Turning off the car Nate gets out and goes over to Laura's door opening it for her.*

"I'm truly happy I could put a smile on your face and help you today Laura. I dident like seeing you so sad."

*Nate smiles and heads into the house with Laura having to use the bathroom. Once he is done he waits in the living room for whenever she is ready to go. As Nate waits he looks around at all the picturs of Laura, Laura and Con, and Laura Con and Jason. Many other pictures line the wall of differnt people from TJY. They all looked so happy. Nate cant help but smile alittle more. It was nice to see that such friendship still exsisted in a world of chaos.*

*Katie sits on the coutch in the basment of Mike's house listing to the guys practice. Her feel proped up and tucked up underneath her. Taping her fingers and even at time huming along to the music. It was nice to be siting there spending time with her friends. To get away from all the stress and just relax and have a fun time. Jamie hoots and hollars at a song comes to and end.*


Be that way

Carson purses his lips in thought, letting Misty get to the door again before stopping her. His gut ached from a lack of food, and he couldn’t deny that company would be nice. Though Misty indeed evoked impulsive actions, he had no ill intentions, and it was obvious that she knew it.

“Sure, you come in here, dangle food in front of my face, then threaten to walk away.” He flops down on his cot, resting his back against the wall. “Alright. Be that way. But you’ll have a bear on your hands tomorrow if you don’t at least stay for five minutes, and for crying out loud, give me something to eat.”


*As the dim lights go on Misty squints her eyes. Giving alittle laugh to Carson comment.*

"I guess I did, dident I."

*Misty steps up to Carson looking him in the eyes.*

"I dont know but you look pritty harmless to me. Anyways I thought you would be hungry and alittle bit lonly. If you want though I can do."

*Misty turns slightly to start to leave.*

"And I guess I was driven by the fact that I wanted to show you not everyone would leave you high and dry, thats just not me."

Well, well

Laura rolls her eyes, but agrees not to give Nate any money. “Alright, you win this time, but I owe you.”

She glances to Ed with a giggle. “Ah yes. Can’t forget about him.” Receiving Nate’s affirmation that he’ll give her rides to both places, she shakes her head. “Nate, if it weren’t for you, I’d probably still be out in the parking lot bawling my eyes out. I don’t know how I would have made it through the day without your help.” She turns to head back to her desk. “Just let me get my purse and I’m ready.”

She meets Nate by the door a few minutes later, ready to go.

Carson’s eyes fly open as he hears the loud click of the door lock. The room is dark…he doesn’t know what time it is, but would guess late evening. As far as he knew, no one else would be coming to him until morning.

Slipping off the cot, he stands as the door opens and closes. His hand goes for the lightswitch, sending dim light into the room by a simple corner lamp.

His eyebrows raise as he sees Misty. Would she ever stop surprising him?

Carson’s eyes narrow slightly, and he leans to the side, one hand up on the wall, the other on his hip. “Well, well, the little sheila broke the rules again, did she?” He quirks a slight grin. “Either she’s got more guts than a rat terrier, or she’s stupid…putting herself in the same room as a deadly criminal trained to torture people? Tsk…whatever possessed her?”


*Nate looks up from his desk as Laura aproches. He smiles thinking about she is asking for a ride home is cute. Why hadent he even noticed Laura before, was it cuz he new she was to far from his reach. As if something wakes him in the brain he relizes what he just though. This was crazy Laura was his friend and he liked it that way....right?!*

"Sure it is. I dont mind at all and dont you even dare give me any money. As for going to Jamie's house I have to go there anyways and drop this guy off."

*Nate points to Ed inside the box.*

"So droping you off there is not a problem at all."

*Nate picks up Eds box and grabs his coat grining at Laura. On there way out Nate stops as he see Rick's office light still on. Heading over to the door he knocks lightly than enters.*

"Hey Misty. I dident relize you were still here. Laura and I are heading out now. If you need anything Hal and Ty are still here just give a yell to them. Have a good night."

*Misty looks up and smiles at Nate and Laura leave.*


*After about an hour pass Misty puts the files she was working on away. Looking at the clock and relizing what time it was. Grabing her purse Misty turns the light off and heads out of the office. Being half away across the floor Misty stops and looks around. A small light is on in the loung figuring thats where Hal and Ty were. The rest of the floor was quiet. Carson poped into Mistys mind once more. Had anyong even brang him anything to eat. Very slowly and quietly Misty makes her way to the break room grabing a bag of chip and a sandwitch from the venting mashean. Along with a can of MD. With great care Misty pokes her head from the break room and heads down the hall to the cell holding Carson. Trying to silently turn the lock it gives a loud click. Misty freeze in her place listing to hear if anyone is coming. hearing nothing Misty opens the cell door and slips in holding the food for Carson and shuting the door behind her.*


Carson sinks down on his cot when he’s been left alone, and lets out a long sigh. This was strange…he hadn’t planned on emotions in the mix. All he’d wanted was to get a simple job done. Period. But things weren’t quite turning out that way.

Reese watches his niece leave, then shakes his head before sitting back down at his desk. “Well…that was strange.”

“No kidding.” Rick quirks an eyebrow. “I thought she was…well…I don’t know… reserved, maybe?”

“Me too.” Reese purses his lips in thought. “I just can’t believe she would have encouraged Carson. But…I guess we move on.”

Laura looks at the clock and sighs. She’d worked later than planned. Con had already called her once to find out where she was. Her car had been towed hours before, and she was still stuck without a ride. She really didn’t want to bother Nate, but she’d run out of options. She knew he hadn’t left yet – she’d kept an eye out and hadn’t seen him walk by.

Finally making up her mind, she makes her way to his desk, noting that almost everyone else was gone already. Seeing Nate, she hesitates, feeling silly…it wasn’t like her to hesitate. “Hey, um, Nate?” She scrunches up her nose in a slight grimace. “That offer for a ride still open? I, um…guess I could use that lift home. I need to go back over to Jamie’s after that, but I could have Con come get me for that if you don’t want to go running all over town. I’d be happy to help pay for gas…”


*Nate shakes his head.*

"Its sad Carson when someone had been hurd so bad they lost all hope. My life hasent been always a bed of roses. But thats another story. Need anything yell."

*Nate leaves the room and closes the door behind him leting out a long sigh.*

*Misty smiles at her uncil knowing he is confused. Not saying anything agreeing or disagreeing. She turns to leave Reese office and heading back to her desk in Ricks. Siting down she pulls out some papers and starting to read them doing her report for the first day. Yet her mind keeps drifting back to Carson unable to shake him from her memorie.*


Carson looks at Nate dimly. Though his words hit deeper than he’d care to admit, he ignored them. “The only light at the end of my tunnel, is the chance to get back at a handful of people for what they turned me into. I have nothing else to live for. Anything else was taken away a long time ago, and any faith I had was destroyed. I’m glad you apparently live in a good enough world that you can have such a positive outlook…” He shakes his head. “…but for someone like me? Naw, mate, there isn’t much left but a bunch of empty grudges. Take me, beat me, run me through the wringer…I don’t much care anymore.”

Reese’s eyes widen. Rick’s jaw drops.

“You…” Reese blinks in disbelief. “How…” He stops, allowing Misty to go on. Hearing her out, he straightens a bit, not sure how he should be feeling. Exchanging a look with Rick, it is apparent he’s not the only one who is confused.

Reese steps forward, laying both hands on Misty’s shoulders. “First, thank you for telling me. I…I’m not sure what to think though…I’m shocked that not only would you allow Carson to do that, but that you would encourage it.” He frowns a little, not wanting to be too harsh, but unsure now of what to do. “I…I appreciate your concern for him…and I understand what you’re saying. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have allowed him to be here. Carson deserves just as much a chance as anyone. But…” He shakes his head a little, still frowning, though not angry. “I just can’t have this happening. His fault, your fault, whatever…I think maybe it would be a good idea if you didn’t interact with him. Like it or not, right now, he’s still our prisoner, per say, and like it or not, I don’t approve of any kind of shallow relationship formed by impulsive behavior.”

Reese pauses, searching his nieces eyes. “I love you, Misty, and I want you here. So let’s put this incident behind us and move on.”

Throw me in there too

*Nate looks back at Carson leting out a sigh finally making it back to the cell. Before shuting the door stops.*

" What I see Carson is a man in front of me who wants to change but dosent know how. A man who can be trusted and honest but is scaired that he cant trust those who are willing to help him. I see more to you than you care to show. There is always a light at the end of the tunnal, you just have to have alittle faith."

*Misty steps into Reese office her eyes darting from Reese to Rick. She might of been sassy with Carson, but she was now scaired as ever standing infront of Reese.*

"I'm fine Uncil Reese, and please dont be sorry. Dont take it so hard on Carson eather. I was at as much fault as he was when I decied to kiss him back."

*Misty's hands start to shake and become hold as she makes her confestion.*

"I was trying to explain to him about trusting people, and that he could change if he wanted to.There is something differnt about him Uncil Reese. I know I dont know the whole story about him but I know enough. I always so the look in his eye, and i felt his touch. He dident want to hurt me. You guys have to give him a chanse, it wasent so long ago that I was any differnt. When I was in that gang that ran on the side for The Agency. I killed people too, but I was given a second chanse. You guys helped turn me around and make something of myself. We, you can do that for Carson too. He just need alittle faith that people arnt going to turn on him or back stab him and I guess thats why I am here. If what he did was so bad in Rick's office that he should be treated like an animel than I should be throw in there too."

*Misty's eyes drop to the floor only to look up again at Reese. She was scaired as ever but couldent back down. She had to be strong.*


Carson gives half a lame laugh. “How many reasons are there for finding a woman in a man’s arms?” He shakes his head. “If I say anything but what that doctor said, it would be assumed as a blatant lie anyway. I may be out to save my own hide here, but arguing won’t do me a bit of good, so I might as well not. I’m in enough hot water the way it is, without making it worse.”

He pauses, squinting one eye at Nate, once again, trying to figure him out. “Just take me for what you see, Nate. This is all I am. This is all I’ll ever be.”

Reese’s office door is opened by Rick, who is still on edge. Reese is standing by his desk, and looks at Misty with concern. “Are you okay? I should have known better than to not have a better handle on Carson while he was free, and I’m sorry.”


*Nate shakes his head and sighs.*

"You have got to be kidding me. Carson lets go."

*Giving a forceful shove down the hall Nate mind reels. Was he upset, was he saprised, was he shocked. As Carson turn and talks to him Nate see something in his eyes. Something tells him he wasent trying to hurt Misty. A part of his eyes showed life that lacked yesterday.*

"What were you doing Carson? Why did Rick find Misty in your arms? Carson...I want to help you. I might dislike you, but I want to trust you as well. But I cant if you dont let me in."

*As Misty sit at her desk all is quiet but Carson and Nate's footsteps disapearing. She couldent let Carson take all the blame for this. Something...she had talked to him about trusting she couldent let him rot and make him thint it was a lie. Standing Misty composes herself and heads to Reese office where she is sure Rick has went. Gently she knocks on the door.*

All good things

Too sure of his own assumptions, Rick doesn’t even hear Misty. As Nate arrives, he’s all to happy to hand the thug over to him. “This trash came onto Misty. For pity sake, take him back to the holding room and leave him there. If he needs help with that bullet hole of his, call somebody else. Maybe next time he’ll think twice about messing with someone else.”

Rick’s words are icy cold against he man who had already hurt one of TJY’s own. He wasn’t about to let it happen again, let alone here in the building.

Carson doesn’t react as he’s handed off to Nate, taking the physical force in stride. There was no point in fighting. He was outnumbered. If he said it was Misty who had instigated the scene Rick had witnessed, he’d be even worse off anyway. A quick glance makes its way back into the office and he sees Misty with her head in her hands. She wouldn’t be taking any blame for this. It wouldn’t surprise Carson if she didn’t say anything, leaving all of the blame on him. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He had been the one to start the whole thing. …But given a second chance, he wouldn’t have done differently. He’d wanted to kiss her, plain and simple, and he hadn’t denied himself.

Despite his cool inner attitude though, a tiny spark had lit fire to a very small, very forgotten part of his heart. Something was different…somewhere…even though he was ignoring it, turning his back on it…this whole place was doing something strange to him. And to top it off, Misty was different…he’d been careless with other women…he’d thrown caution into the wind before…but this time…the fact that he’d been taken by surprise so many times in a row was enough to make him stop and think.

Carson twists his head around to look at Nate, one eyebrow quirked, his tone dry. “The reprieve from the cell was nice while it lasted. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.”

Con lets silence take over for now, taking a bite of his own sandwich. Though not hungry, he forces himself to eat half of one, and finish a bowl of soup. Now all he had to do was wait for Laura to come later on.

Jason chuckles, and returns Katie’s kiss. “I’ll see what I can do about that sunset. For now, rest easy, and I’ll be back.”