
Throw me in there too

*Nate looks back at Carson leting out a sigh finally making it back to the cell. Before shuting the door stops.*

" What I see Carson is a man in front of me who wants to change but dosent know how. A man who can be trusted and honest but is scaired that he cant trust those who are willing to help him. I see more to you than you care to show. There is always a light at the end of the tunnal, you just have to have alittle faith."

*Misty steps into Reese office her eyes darting from Reese to Rick. She might of been sassy with Carson, but she was now scaired as ever standing infront of Reese.*

"I'm fine Uncil Reese, and please dont be sorry. Dont take it so hard on Carson eather. I was at as much fault as he was when I decied to kiss him back."

*Misty's hands start to shake and become hold as she makes her confestion.*

"I was trying to explain to him about trusting people, and that he could change if he wanted to.There is something differnt about him Uncil Reese. I know I dont know the whole story about him but I know enough. I always so the look in his eye, and i felt his touch. He dident want to hurt me. You guys have to give him a chanse, it wasent so long ago that I was any differnt. When I was in that gang that ran on the side for The Agency. I killed people too, but I was given a second chanse. You guys helped turn me around and make something of myself. We, you can do that for Carson too. He just need alittle faith that people arnt going to turn on him or back stab him and I guess thats why I am here. If what he did was so bad in Rick's office that he should be treated like an animel than I should be throw in there too."

*Misty's eyes drop to the floor only to look up again at Reese. She was scaired as ever but couldent back down. She had to be strong.*

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