
Face to Face

*As Misty watches Carson she can see his eyes change from one thing to the next sending her heart racing. Why, what was this...She dident know Carson and yet this feeling what was it. As the thunder rolls in the background Misty is unmoved by it, but notices Carson jump. She dosent blame him. She would be pritty jumpy if she was him too. For that matter she WAS as jumpy as he was. Misty shakes her head and stands streching. As Carson talks to her about being alittle girl inside something sticks a cord in her own heart hiting home. Shaking it away the fire returns to Mistys eyes. As she thinks about leaving Misty turns back to the Cot and walks over to where Carson is. Leaning forword she puts both her hands on the wall by his head and shifts her weaght so her arms is saporting it all as she is on her toes and leaning over Carson her face inches from his the fire, spunk dancing in her eyes showing no fear. Misty cocks her head alittle bit looking into Carson's eyes.*

"I bet inside you there is a boy that wants to get out too. And I bet there is a boy that wants to believe in hope again. Maybe all you need is that one person to put faith in you, trust you and show you hope. Well Guess that Carson that one person is me. I took the match and lit the fire, what you do with it is your choise. How far will you go to get what you want, to take what you really want and not let it go. Dont let that fire burn out. It could be the last chanse for both of you."

*Misty stays looks down into Carson's eyes for a moment more. Pushing off the wall she moves herself from Carson's face and just stands in front of him.*

*As Laura arms find there way around Nate he lets out a content sigh. Laura felt nice in his arms. Her warmth...For a moment Nate stops and thinks, this feeling it wasent there before. What was happing. His heart gave a bit of a jump as Laura was wraped in his arms. Nate wasent scaired of much but for a moment this feeling frightend him. After a moment Nate chases the feeling away that was crazy Laura was his firend there was no reson to feel funny around her. As Laura draws away and runs her finger on the wet spot on his shirt Nate smiles.*

"Hey look at that you did. Its ok, this shirt needed to be cleaned anyways and now you started the process for me."

*Nate cant help but chuckle.*

" I promise I wont tell anyone I saw you cry ok. Though I have to admit I dident mind comforting you. I hope if you ever need anything Laura you would feel comfortable enough to talke to me."

*As the light flashes and the thunder rolls, Nate feels Laura's grip tighten. As if shelting her again Nate grabs her bag off the floor and puts his arm around Laura's should once again. Making his way her to the door. As they leave me makes sure to lock the door behind him. Running to his car with Laura he opens her door than runs about to his side jumping in. Pulling out of the drive way he smiles.*

"Away we go."

*As Katie hears Jason she cant help but laugh yelling.*


*After a few moment the sound of a tolit is flushed and the water running. Finally Katie makes her way back downstairs slowly. The rain has started and it was making her back hurt though she trys not to show it. Siting down on the coutch next to Jason.*

"Oh no...my phone is out there somewhere geting wet. Now it will never work. I am gonna have to get a new one. Oh well."

*Katie cant help but smile.*

"Your right it is gonna be a wet ride. I dont mean to cute this pow wow short cuz I am certinly having to much fun to want to leave, but Maybe we should get going now before it gets to bad?"

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