
So tell me

Carson isn't sure he understands what Misty means about getting him out of trouble with Reese, but suspects it had to do with earlier in the day. He lets it go though, opting to shut out anything that might bring on unwanted emotions. It was a habit - one that kept him safe.

He digs into his sandwich, the action proving his gratefulness for the meager meal. When Misty comments about the room, he takes another look around as he chews, letting a bit of sarcasm out. "Can't get much better than this, eh? What more could a bloke want? Nice concrete room, not too big...full stomach and a spitfire sitting three feet away. A guy could do worse."

He takes a swig of pop before downing the rest of his sandwich. "I'd wager right about now this is better than having been left for dead a couple days ago, though sometimes I wonder if that would have been the preferable option."

One might guess from Carson' words that he'd slipped into a depressive state, though his tone and eyes indicated no emotion...his voice was void of life...void of feeling.

He tilts back his head to finish off his pop. Taking aim, he tosses the empty can across the room, landing it squarely in the waste basket. Finished with the light supper, he bounces his leg a bit nervously without even realizing it as the craving for a smoke returns, but this time there's nothing to curb it.

"So tell me, Misty...what's a girl like you...with as boring a past as yours...doing here, taking the side of a vile criminal such as myself?" He cocks his head, letting his eyes fall on her face. "Something tells me you skirted around the truth earlier. You can't make me believe you're just another average Jane."

Laura finds her cheeks growing just a little warm at Nate's comment about not liking to see her sad. She pushes it aside though, and heads for the porch.

Fifteen minutes later, she's got a small duffel bag ready to go with just a couple day's worth of clothes and a few extra items to take over to Jamie's. Finding Nate looking at the pictures in the living room, she comes up beside him, eying the photos as well. "Interesting, isn't it...how time goes so quickly...yet when staring at a picture, one can almost travel back in time to recapture that memory." Laura's eyes drop down to a smaller framed photo of her and Con many years before...she couldn't have been more than ten...he was barely nineteen or twenty. Those times had been hard...but they'd made her into who she was today, and she couldn't deny that God had sent His blessings, despite the trials.

Laura gives a little sigh. "Sometimes I wonder where these people have gone...there was innocence once...not for everyone, but for some." She spies a picture of Jason who holds a bright smile - something not seen very often any more. Then was Con, laughing at someone's party...she wished she could hear that laugh again now after he'd become so distant. "These pictures keep me company I guess, when I start to get lonely."

Kyle laughs at Katie's enthusiasm, and gives an extra couple enthusiastic notes on the keyboard. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week."

Phil gives him a slap upside the head. "Yeah, but what about the rest of us? My fingers are about ready to fall off."

Jason chuckles and rests back on a stool, his guitar hanging from his shoulder to leave his hands free as he flexes his own fingers. "You guys are gonna be the death of me. I haven't played this much in years."

"Her fault!" Kyle points at Katie. "She's the one who keeps wanting encores!"

"And you're the one that keeps instigating that we give in!" Mike shoots back.

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "No matter the length of time, I think we sound pretty good."

"Pretty good?!" Kyle brings a hand to his forehead. "We're awesome!"

Mike holds up his first fingers and thumbs, squinting at Kyle from a distance as if measuring something. "Yep, his head has definitely grown in the last hour and a half."

Phil rolls his eyes. "Jason, I don't care what you say, you're the one making us sound good at the moment. I never will understand why you haven't done something with that voice of yours before this."

Jason shrugs and takes off the guitar to put it on a stand. "If I told you it was because I didn't think I could make it, you'd just give me a bad time, so I won't."

Kyle glances over to Katie, a funny look on his face. "Is he always this difficult when someone pays him a compliment?"

"Hey, come on," Jason argues. "You guys are awesome by yourselves. I'm just the add-in."

Phil scoffs. "Yeah, whatever, Jase. Sure, we could be surviving on our own, but don't think we don't see your talent. We're just lucky we got a hold on you before some other band did. We know good and well it takes all of us to get this sound, so don't think the rest of us feel we're doing nothing - but you definitely add an edge we didn't have before."

Jason grimaces and looks at Katie. "Would you tell these guys to stop?"

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