

Carson sits back lazily as Misty begins to talk, just glad he's not as bored as the night before.

As she mentions not being able to be shy around him, and that he brought the spark out in her, he can't help a twinge of surprised amusement. He usually had quite a bad effect on people...this was an interesting switch...something about it almost made him feel good...something about it made him even more curious about this woman.

Misty's observation about Carson not being a vile person also stops him for a moment. First, it was hard imagining someone who didn't consider him as such. And second, if it was true, when had he changed? And had it been permanent or simply a brief moment that Misty had happened to be witness to? Carson almost opens his mouth to comment, but decides not to, and simply keeps his eyes fixed on Misty's face as she talks.

Her comment of him running from her forces a short scoff to the surface, along with a wry grin. "Oh yeah...I'm the type to go off running with my tail tucked alright. Hired hitmen are usually pretty easily frightened." Though his eyes barely move, the sarcastic humor invades them, almost as if he can control the kind of stare uses.

The news of Misty being in a gang has no effect on Carson, or his body language. He simply listens, almost as if what she was saying was what he'd already expected to hear...he reacts neither positively nor negatively.

As she mentions her sass, Carson lifts one eyebrow above the other, his jaw muscles tightening to withhold his grin. "You only run into trouble when a man finds that sassiness an enjoyable challenge rather than something to be afraid of." He meets her eyes head on, his own flashing ever so briefly with a different look...something softer...warmer maybe. But as quickly as he allows it to show, he disperses it just as easily, listening to the rest of her story.

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere." He nods slowly. "I bet I've run across your name a time or two if you tangled with the Agency."

Carson cocks his head as Misty concludes. "Touché. You've got more knowledge about what really goes on in this world than most people, I'll give that to ya." A memory invades his mind for an instant, and he sees his sister's face. He studies Misty's own face...her eyes...her body language, as a computer scanning each detail and processing it to file within his memory bank. The next words come out unplanned. "And I'd bet that somewhere...under all that sass...there's still a little girl that knows she grew up too fast and just wants to be that little girl again, carefree and innocent."

Without warning, a deep rumble of thunder shakes the lower level of TJY, and Carson sits bolt upright, almost jumping out of his skin. Relaxing again, he just about rolls his eyes at himself for being so skittish - he didn't like to admit that loud noises like that bothered him.

Resuming his bold air, he eyes Misty again. "Sounds like you better get your sassy self out of here before it gets too bad outside. Otherwise you'll be stuck here, and I doubt you'd want to stay in here with the likes of me. Not to mention tomorrow I would probably die and you would lose your job."

As Laura receives Nate's words, she can feel the walls that she built back up from that morning, starting to crumble once again. Being pulled into his arms feels warm and safe, comfortable and not awkward. A sob catches in her throat a the tears break forth once again. This time she doesn't try to hide them. She needs to let them out once an for all, allowing her emotions to be released.

She's never allowed a man other than her brother to hold her like this, but that thought doesn't cross her mind right now. Her own arms find their way around Nate, leaning into his protective hold - a shelter she needed.

Her crying eventually softens until her nerves have calmed down again. She sniffs, her head resting against Nate's chest. Blinking, she draws back a little, letting out a sorry laugh as she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "I got your shirt all wet." She takes her fingers to rub the wet spot, not daring to look up at his eyes. "Okay, you realize this this is totally unfair. Other than my brother and Jason, no one is allowed to see me cry and you've succeeded not only once, but twice in the same day." She sniffs again, trying to gracefully compose herself, though it's not easy. "Alright, so um...Jamie's...yes...if I don't show up soon, Con will be calling me again."

A flash of lightning illuminates the house before a deafening crack of thunder. Laura jumps, her hand automatically tightening on Nate's arm. "Goodness, that was close. I didn't even know it was supposed to storm tonight."

Kyle watches Katie ascend the stairs and calls after her. "Don't fall in! It's a long way down!"

"Kyle!" Phil gives his shin a kick. "Behave."

Jason laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "Well guys...I know I haven't been able to practice as much as I should - I hope I haven't slowed you down any."

"Bub, keep up putting yourself down and you're gonna find out what it's like to have three maniacs beating on you," Mike warns. "Okay, so yeah, we should practice more, but we knew you'd be in and out when we invited you here. And besides that, you've got such a good ear that you just sit down and start playing as if you've known these songs all your life. We'll be fine for the fundraiser."

A low rumble interrupts their conversation and Phil cocks his head. "Huh...didn't know we were supposed to get rain."

Jason shrugs, then suddenly realizes what that means. "Oh no..."


"We brought my bike."

Kyle lets a laugh slip out. "Ooh, smart move!"

"Well I don't have a car!" Jason retorts. "If I could afford it, I would. But the forecast was clear weather tonight, not rain." He lets out a groan. "This is gonna be fun. " He aims his voice upward, knowing the bathroom is above that corner of the basement. "Hey, Katie!" he yells. "Better prepare yourself for a wet ride home!"

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