
Past like Your

*Misty can sence Carson's deprestion. For some reson it struck a cords in Misty's heart. Why, why did she care so much for this stranger she hardly new and someone with his past. Was is because she had one herself or was it just those stunning blue eyes the drew her in. That felt like they searches her soul for an answer. Misty cant help but feel hypnotised by them. Yes there was something differnt about Carson and Misty had no fear. Misty grin alittle as Carson bring up wanting to know about her past again. Turning so she is on the bed alittle more she sits crossing her legs indien style so she could see Carson a bit better.*

"I guess theres no fooling you huh? I dont know what it about you Carson, but you bring that spark out of me. I tryed to be shy and innocent around everyone. This was my job here. and it worked till I saw you. Ya I know totaly crazy right. Next your far from vial. Well at the moment anyways. A person is not made up of actions of the past but those yet to come. We can all change and become better people yet still have a shard edgh like myself."

*Once again Misty search Carson's face for the answer she was looking for. A sassy little grin plays her lips and she re-thinks Carson's question about her past.*

"I am average now anyways. Sort of I guess. Mmmmm...my past, you want to know about my post ok. I guess I can get alittle bit more into detail just dont run for the hills with your tail between your legs.

I grew up here as a kid in a really strikt christion family. Navada has been my home time for ages. As I grew up alot of differnt stuff happend in life that I dident understand and I dident understand my family anymore. I ended up running away from home and joining a gang. I had to be sassy there I was a woman in a gang of mostly guys. I had to have that sharp edgh to let them know not to mess with me. So i guess thats where my sassyness came from and I just never let go of it. In a way I guess I like it."

*For a moment Misty is silent, giving Carson a chanse to talk if he needed to. Misty's eyes meet him as she continues to talk.*

"Well the little gang I was in ran side jobes for the Agency. Nothing to big just hits, and geting money. We wernt involved in the "Big Picture." Anyways while doing that I killed my shair of people that the Agency wanted me to, that our gang boss wanted me too. I was rolling in some good money. But time went on and Reese actully is the one that helped me get out. Is the Agency after me still? Is the gang still looking for me? Oh probley. They wouldent notice me by my looks anymore, I was young than and had grown up quite a bit but if I ever talked to one I am sure they would know who I was I left an impresstion on there brain that would probley last a life time. Anyways...I'm here now changed."

*Misty eyes lite up with sparks and her grin grows wider.*

"See I told you, you have more in common with these people than you think."

*Nate puts his arm around Laura's shoulder.*

"Sometimes it sad how time, this world, this life can change people. We help people but I wonder if we ever stop and think in a sence we are hurting people too. The stuff we go through can be alot to one person. It can do alot of stuff to your mind and mess you up pritty good. I guess in a sence its like a war. You see so many people, friends, loved ones get hurt and its just to much to handle. Those are the people we really need the most Laura. Dont dwell on the part even if it was good. Just remember, and look for the brighter tomarrow. Our friends and those who have had there minds hurt need us. Even if we dont think they do cuz they might have someone alse. They need every person they can get to show them love. We can help pull them out of the black pit and bring them back with God on our side Laura, we can help them."

*Before Nate even relizes what he is doing he has Laura in a stong embrace. Resting his head on top of her.*

*Katie cant help but laugh at Kyle.*

"Yes Kyle he is...and I dont think he'll ever change."

*Katie cant help but continue to laugh and smile as Jason. Standing she makes her way over slowly her cane at her side.*

"Tell them to stop? Why would I do that I enjoy seeing you turn a few shades of red."

*Katie lands a playful punch to Jason's arm.*

"I'll be back guys, I have to use the rest room."

*Katie exits slowly hobbaling up the steps as carfely as she can disapearing though the door at the top.*

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