

*Katie beams, the light from outside lighting up her face. The color, the life returning.*

"I can help if you want?"

*Katie cant help but laugh as she beams.*

"Now I sound despret but I just hate going back to the hospetal...cant wait to get out of there."

*Jamies smiles and draws back from her hug smilng at Con.*

"Oh corse you wont be Con. Just rest now, you need it. I'll be right here for you Con. I wont leave."

Not now

Kyle looks up, suddenly seeing Katie inches from his face. Searching her eyes he can see the immediate future and he doesn’t resist. Tilting his head, he allows Katie close, a chill running down his spine as her lips press against his. He allows the kiss to last as long as she remains, drawing back only when she pulls away. Seeing the redness in her cheeks, a grin quirks the corner of his mouth and he looks between her eyes, silent laughter erupting through his gaze. “I definitely like complicated.”

Finally looking down, the smile finally comes. “Well, whadya know…” he reaches down and holds up his finger, a contact lens resting on it. “Viola! Next time I lose my contact I should just call you. This method seems to work.”

Throwing her a wink, he gets up off the floor and gives her a hand back up into her chair. Grimacing, he takes his other contact out and puts them both in the small case to clean. Reaching in his shirt pocket he pulls out his glasses to wear instead. “Alright. So… lunch is finished, we’ve had our desert, and Phil is going to kill me if I don’t have the living room cleaned up by the time he gets home from work.”

Con is teetering on the edge of sleep, too weak to move, though he responds to Jamie’s touch. “I ain’t going anywhere,” he whispers back, his eyes still closed. “I can’t…not now…”


*Katie smiles at Kyle thinking for a long moment trying to decied what to ask from Jetstream for the work on the picture.*

"Mmmm....how about another date with you? I think that would be a nice payment."

*Katie gets a sheepish grin on her face her cheeks still alittle red. As Kyle disapears under the table Katie quirks an eyeborw and cant help laughing trying to look under the table herself.*

"Kyle....Kyle where did you go...follow the light follow the light."

*Katie cant help herself but use her arms and climb under the table with Kyle looking for his contact. Using her hands to feel around on the ground.*

"I dont see it captin...I DONT SEE IT."

*Without relizing it Katie and Kyle comes face to face. Stairing deep into Kyle's eyes watching them twinkle Katie cant hold back any longer, leaning in her heart starts to race as she can feel her face turning a bit red. Closing her eyes her head races even faster as she shakes just alittle bit. Finally her lips meet Kyles, pressing aganst them. Katie lingers, how his kiss tasted as sweet as Honey. Katie dident want to let go she felt lost in time and space. Before she knows he she is pulling away....shocked in herself at what she just did she cant take her eyes off Kyles.*

*Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen. It was always nice to see people happy. Most of all those who deserve it. Yet something was missing. Who new what, but something.*

*After everyone leaves the room Jamies comes over and sits on the bed again. Whispering..*

"Oh Con, What would I have done if I lost you."

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con and hugs him softly.*


Kyle can’t help the grin that curls the corners of his mouth. His eyes narrow slightly as he listens to Katie, taking in every word, and feeling her emotions. “You’ve got a big heart, Katie…don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”

The slight smile still on his lips, he allows her the upper hand by dropping his gaze first as he polishes off his chicken. “Bodyguard KT…I like it. Maybe we’ll make you a permanent part of the band yet.” He throws her a wink. “Speaking of which, JetStream owes you for that picture. I’m going to scan it and use it on our announcement flyers for events. What do you want for the hours you worked on it?”

Without warning, he drops his fork to clatter on his plate, squinting his left eye. “Oh, oh, oh!” He takes his hand to cover his eye, wincing in pain. “Eyelash!” Leaning to the side away from the table, he continues to squint. “Ahh!” Finally looking up, his eye is tearing, and he blinks and winces. “Oh, sheesh.” Bending over to stare at the floor he fights for several moments before stopping suddenly. “Uh-oh.” He glances back up to Katie, his eye already bloodshot and watery. “I just lost my contact on the floor. Could I not be any more stupid than that?” Sighing, he disappears as he goes onto his hands and knees on the floor. “If I’m not back in ten minutes, call for help,” he calls from under the table.

Con’s stomach convulsions continue for the next fifteen minutes, finally not having anything left to get out. He’s so weak from the episode that Rick has to hold him up before making sure he’s through. “Hey, Con, you’re gonna be all right. Just take it easy.” Ensuring that his body has ceased the convulsions, he summons Jason’s help again. “Let’s get you back in bed before you pass out in here.”

Rick and Jason make it back to the bedroom, Con dragging his feet, trying to support his own weight, but finding it impossible, his legs feeling like spaghetti.

Once he’s back into his bed, Rick checks his eyes again, having Angel check his vitals one more time. Wondering how responsive Con is, he holds up his hand. “How many fingers am I holding up, Con?”

Con’s eyes are halfway open and a slight scoffing laugh comes out. “Three and a thumb,” he manages hoarsely. “Just because I puked my guts out doesn’t mean I went blind.”

Rick starts to grin and he looks over at Angel. “By golly, I think we might have licked this thing.”

Con lets his eyes drift shut again, finally giving in. Somehow, he knows…the fight is over. “Quit fussing over me,” he whispers.

Rick chuckles and shakes his head. He rolls his eyes and puts away some things in his bag. “We’re not out of the woods yet, but I’m going downstairs to get some fresh air and make some coffee.”

Jason nods and starts to follow him. “I gotta make some calls and let Laura know what’s going on.” He glances back over his shoulder at Jamie, question lingering in his eyes, but he says nothing, and follows Rick out of the room.

"Body" Guard!

*Jamie still sits at Con's bedside, his hand in hers. It was only recent they has confessed there love for eachother but they had been friends for so many years. Litterly growing up together. The rooms is quiet and gloomy as everyone sits and waits. Con was to strong to give up, he couldent. If not for her sake, than for Jason, Austin, and Laura. Jamie couldent even imagen what this world would be like without Con there, Jamies mind reels back to when they were in the car and Con faked the kiss. Than bouncing to the real thing. It had taken Jamie by saprise but it was still the sofest thing she ever felt. Leaning her hand down on Con's arm she holds it. If anything leting Con know he is not alone.*

*Angel nods to Rick. Grabing a saringe from her bag she draws a bit of blood than grabe her microscops and a few other things.*

"I'm gonna go take a look at this and see if I can figure anything more out. Let me know if anything changes with Con. I'll be back up soon to check on him."

*Angel heads out of the room with the small vial. Finding a quiet courner of Con's table to work.*

*Katie grins as her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. Oh how Kyle was a flirt. It please that Kyle seemed intrested in her work and not scaired away by it. Thats not what many people would feel. Most would be intimanated with Katie.*

"Well I would have to say more time spend with you would be a good thing."

*Katie eyes sparkle as looks into Kyles. Finally looking away and thinking about Con.*

"Well, I am sure everyone at TJY knows about Con now and Everyone back in Texas since Angel is here but other than that no one alse knows. Its hard sometimes we cant always run to the hospetal and get help, they will ask to many questions and thats no good. Thats Rick, Angel they have to be the best. But even being the best isent enough when you dont have the right tools to go along with it. I always though about raising money for Angel, and even Rick and try to get some better equipment for them. I just wouldent know where to start ya know."

*Katie looks at Kyle again this time not being able to look away. How she liked spending time with him. She felt so comfortable, like she new him all her life and nothing she would say could change how he looked at her. His eyes, His smile....everying fit him well. His voice like music to Katie's ears bringing a calming over her.*

*As Angel hears the comotion upstairs she runs faster than ever before and heads for the bathroom. Seeing Con throwing up Angel gives a small smile siting on the side of the tub she rubs Con's back.*

"Thats it Con. Let it all out. This will be over soon."

*Angel continues to sooth Con and she looks at Rick.*

" This is his body's way to geting rid of the infection, and anything alse in his system. The crackers wernt the only thin he had to eat remember yesterday Jamie said she gave him soup, that could of been siting in his tummy."

*Angel puts her wrist to Con forhead, and check his pulse.*

"His vitles are ok. If he dosent stop within the hour than we should worry I think."

*As Con starts to throw up Jamie jumps up off the bed leting Jason and Rick take Con to the bathroom. Working fast Jamie changes the sheets and pillow cases laying down fresh crisp linen. Slowly Jamie sits down in a chair in the badroom and waits leaning her head aganst the wall.*

Getting it out

Rick agrees with Angel, and sends Jason downstairs to get some crackers and water to see if they can get anything into Con.

When Jason returns minutes later, they get Con to sit up just a little, and try to feed him. Con would have resisted, had he not been too weak to fight, and lamely accepts the help, eating and drinking just a little. Finally tired of trying though, he wants to take no more, and Rick relents, not wanting to rile him up any more.

Con sinks down under his blankets, losing his any amount of alertness as a state of sleep takes over his mind, while his body’s battle rages.

Jason takes to a chair in the corner, keeping his eyes on his friend, finally his emotions beginning to stir. Though he may have never accepted people’s friendships in past years, looking back, he knew now that Con had done his best to be a friend to Jason. No matter what, he’d always been there, whether he’d been keeping Jason out of trouble, or trying to get him to have fun apart from work…Con had come to mean a lot to Jason, and seeing him in this state now was enough to bother him.

He thought back to telling Laura earlier what was happening. She’d immediately wanted to come, but Jason had insisted she stay at work, not wanting her to get even more upset at seeing Con this way. The look on her face had been pure fear…she and her brother were close, and Jason knew that Laura would not handle it well if she lost him.

Sighing, Jason leans down to rest his face in his hands. For the first time in a long time, he felt alone. There were others here…but Con was failing, Laura was back at TJY, Austin was in Texas……and Katie was with Kyle.

A tap on his shoulder startles him and he looks up to see Rick holding an apple out to him. “If you think I forgot about you, you’re crazy. Don’t make me have to look after you too.”

Jason offers a wry grin and accepts the apple. “Thanks.”

“Yeah.” Rick sighs and looks around the room, grabbing yet another blanket to throw over Con, then moves to the thermostat. “Angel, it’s worth a try. I can’t think of much else, and maybe sweating it out of him will work.”

Clint wanders from the garage as he takes a break, and wipes his greasy hands on a rag. He looks around the ranch yard, noting the quietness. It had seemed that ways since Angel had left, with the news of Con. …Con had really become part of the ranch after spending so much time there, so it wasn’t surprising that most here were concerned for him.

It was almost strange to Clint though…he saw so many people sitting alone or together, quiet…he knew they were praying. He’d even seen Mick in the barn with his head bowed in silence… his own uncle, of all people. Clint had been genuinely impressed with the changed he’d seen in Mick since he’d accepted Jesus. He still remembered seeing Mick be baptized, and could still feel the slight confusion, though he hadn’t dared to ask anyone any questions yet. Not long ago, Clint would have thought the whole thing was silly…but he couldn’t deny that his uncle had truly changed…and that was enough to make him wonder if there really was something to this God thing after all.

Clint passes the mess hall, glancing in the window to see Jeff and Eric at one of the tables with their heads bowed. How their behavior intrigued him.

While prayers in Texas are lifted up, so too in Nevada. Laura rests her head on her arms atop her desk, the tears silently streaming down her face. No matter how Jason had tried not to make her worry, she had seen that look in his eyes…she knew that this was a life or death situation, and she feared the worst. Her mind tried to imagine what it would be like if she lost her brother, but she blocks the images, too frightened to think of them. She couldn’t lose Con…he was her stability…he always had been. “Dear God…please heal him… There’s so much more he can do… Don’t take him away from us…not now, not like this…please… Only You can heal him…

Kyle smiles a little as he listens to Katie while they receive their food. “Sounds like a neat bunch of people. Must be hard, never knowing what’s around the bend, working at a place like TJY.”

He takes a bite of chicken. “Mmm…you were right. This is good.” He gestures casually with his fork. “So…you said earlier that Con was poisoned…do other people know about it, or do you keep something like that under wraps?”
He shrugs. “I think it’s cool what you do…being a bodyguard and all. And besides that…” He lifts his eyes as they twinkle with a bit of mischief. “…If Jason wants you along when JetStream plays, then I’ll get to spend more time with you.”

Con’s eyes fly open. He’s drenched in sweat, the temperature in the room very warm, and the blankets acting to intensify the heat. He feels like he’s received a kick to the gut, and doubles over in pain, wincing against the sudden lurch to his stomach.

Rick is on his feet and next to him in an instant. “Con…what is it?”

Con doesn’t respond, but can’t hold down the little food he was given earlier as his stomach revolts, throwing it up.

“Aw great.” Rick throws back Con’s bedsheets, taking hold of him. “Jason, help me get him up and into the bathroom NOW. Jamie, strip his bed and get some clean sheets in here.”

They barely get Con to the bathroom in time before Con’s stomach lets go again. He slumps to the floor as Rick holds his head, patiently waiting for the next violent surge.

Rick’s mind reels. “I don’t understand…food shouldn’t have bothered him, and besides that, he hasn’t had enough for all this.” He grows more concerned as Con continues to vomit. He puts a hand to Con’s forehead, raising his eyebrows slightly. “I don’t think he’s got a fever anymore though…Angel, that cold bath and following heat must have done the trick as far as that goes…” He thinks for a moment and glances up to her. “Could it be that after his fever broke, his system is now flushing itself out?” He frowns as Con’s convulsions continue. “Even if that’s it though, he can’t take much more of this.”

You can call it TJY

*Angel smiles at Rick as she tends to Con.*

"Being a Doc can be a pritty scarie thing at times. Even for me who had been doing it for a while. I still dont know everything there is to know, but with every pashent I see I learn alittle bit more and I know with the grace of God He'll see me though no matter the outcome and as long as I do everything I can thats my job is complete. There is nothing we cant over come. Sometimes even I need alittle more help and someone alses knowlage. If you ever need help with something at TJY, feel free to ask me. It might be easyer knowing another person out there knows your story and can help."

*After Jason gets back Angel helps get Con into the bathroom. Leting him just relax in the tub she asks Jason to stay with him. About even 5 min for a half hour Angel is in and out to check Con's temp. Finally when Rick emerges the last time Angel is releaved that Con's temp is down enough to be taken out of the ice water. After Con is back in bed and dress in clean dry cloths Angel puts several blankets on him for the time being to keep him warm from the cold water than probley chilled him to the bone. Standing she studys Con for a long moment thinking about what to do next.*

"We should probley try and something in his stomace, even if its just crackers. We want to try and keep something in there in hopes the poison dosent attack that next. We want to keep giving him liquids as well so he dosent dehydrate."

*Angel gives a sigh and rubs her hands over her face not sure what to do.*

"We can always try when he is a bit stronger making him work up a sweat as well. Have him walk alot around the house or turn the bedroom heat up. We might be able to sweat the poison out of his system. I dont know if it would really work, but its worth a try in my book. Other than that untill he can talk a but more and comprehend what we are saying we just have to wait, watch his vitle signs, and try to make him comfortable the best we can."

*As she turns away Angel notices Con grabing the side of his head for the 2ed time. Going over to him she gets her ear scope out and look in Con's ear.*

"This could be why Con is geting dizzy, there is a bit of blood and flued in Con's ear it looks to be a bad ear infection. Having this could be what is throwing his equlibrem off and even causing him pain. I just happend to notice he was grabing the side of his head."

*Once again Angel quickly reaches into her bag, this time pulling out a small bottle with an eye droping. Tilting Con's head she puts 3 drops in his ear and than puts a bit of cotton in it.*

"There we go...I put a bit of ear medicen in. It should sooth the pain and stop the bleeding for now. We will just have to keep and eye on it."

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle at Kyle. He was so funny, trying to talk about TJY without talking about TJY, wanting to know more, but knowing there are rules.*

" Your so cute you know that. You can call it TJY and talk about it. Just not to loud and you cant really go blirting out what we do. But you can talk about it mostly like any other job."

*Kaite smiles sweetly at Kyle.*

"Yes Con is a co-worker and since I first met him he had been like a big brother looking out for me. I met him when he first came to my Aunts ranch in Texas."

*Katie lowers her voice alittle.*

"He was Austin, Jason's grandfathers bodyguard. Con is a great guy, really sweet and caring. I call him my Big Brother all the time. And Jamie she works with me too. Herb and Mable..."

*Katie nods to the kitchen.*

"...Are her mom and dad. That how come we are so friendly with them. Once they see ya they never forget who you are. They are really sweet and Jamie picked up alot of there trates. I'll have to have you ment them both sometime. They are grat people.*

*Mable waddles over with Katie and Kyle's food.*

"Here you teo go. Enjoy the meal."

*Mable smiles down and them and walks away without saying much. The look on her face displays she is worryed about Con too.*

Temp down

Jason is quick to do as he’s told, and wastes no time in leaving to get the ice.

Rick watches Angel intently as she works. “Ya know, I went to medical school and graduated, but gave up trying to find a practice until somebody at TJY recruited me. There’s so much I just don’t know, and it scares me when I’m the only one at TJY and we can’t always run to the hospital.”

It seems to take forever, but Jason hurries as quickly as he can, returning with the ice. He helps Rick get it into the tub that Jamie already filled with water, then they return for Con. It takes both of them to get him up out of bed, and most of their strength along with Angel’s to make it to the bathroom.

Con resists some, but is too weak to fight much, though it’s obvious that he’s trying to figure out what’s going on.

It takes some doing, but Rick and Jason finally get Con into the tub, trying to settle him down as he rebels against the cold water. “Come on, Con,” Jason prompts. “Take it easy. Just relax, alright?”

A half an hour goes by and Rick takes Con’s temperature again, he’s relieved to see it going down. “Okay, Con…come on, up and at em.”

Though Con is starting to grow more alert to his surroundings, it still takes both men to get him up and dressed, his tired muscles just too weak to carry himself. Back down the hall, Con tries to open his eyes, everything a blur. He starts to chill from the shock of the cold, though his headache isn’t quite as bad.

Jason cocks his head as they help him to his room again. “How you doing, Con?”

“I feel like crap,” Con mumbles. “What’s going on?”

“You’re going to be fine,” Rick assures. “Just relax.”

Con lifts one eyebrow, trying to see where he’s going, his speech slightly slurred. “If I relax any more, I’m gonna fall over.”

Jason smirks. “Tell me about it.”

He and Rick finally get Con back onto his bed where he sinks down onto his pillow, wincing as the sharp pain in his ear returns.

Rick looks to Angel and nods. “He’s still got a fever, but it’s down quite a bit and he’s talking some. He’s awfully weak...I don't know how long his fever will stay down with the poison still in his system though. What would you do now?”

Kyle grins at Mable, enjoying the chatter, and especially Herb’s add-ins. Once she’s gone, he looks back to Katie. “So…Con, huh? Let me guess…he’s a coworker at the place we don’t talk about, right?”