
You can call it TJY

*Angel smiles at Rick as she tends to Con.*

"Being a Doc can be a pritty scarie thing at times. Even for me who had been doing it for a while. I still dont know everything there is to know, but with every pashent I see I learn alittle bit more and I know with the grace of God He'll see me though no matter the outcome and as long as I do everything I can thats my job is complete. There is nothing we cant over come. Sometimes even I need alittle more help and someone alses knowlage. If you ever need help with something at TJY, feel free to ask me. It might be easyer knowing another person out there knows your story and can help."

*After Jason gets back Angel helps get Con into the bathroom. Leting him just relax in the tub she asks Jason to stay with him. About even 5 min for a half hour Angel is in and out to check Con's temp. Finally when Rick emerges the last time Angel is releaved that Con's temp is down enough to be taken out of the ice water. After Con is back in bed and dress in clean dry cloths Angel puts several blankets on him for the time being to keep him warm from the cold water than probley chilled him to the bone. Standing she studys Con for a long moment thinking about what to do next.*

"We should probley try and something in his stomace, even if its just crackers. We want to try and keep something in there in hopes the poison dosent attack that next. We want to keep giving him liquids as well so he dosent dehydrate."

*Angel gives a sigh and rubs her hands over her face not sure what to do.*

"We can always try when he is a bit stronger making him work up a sweat as well. Have him walk alot around the house or turn the bedroom heat up. We might be able to sweat the poison out of his system. I dont know if it would really work, but its worth a try in my book. Other than that untill he can talk a but more and comprehend what we are saying we just have to wait, watch his vitle signs, and try to make him comfortable the best we can."

*As she turns away Angel notices Con grabing the side of his head for the 2ed time. Going over to him she gets her ear scope out and look in Con's ear.*

"This could be why Con is geting dizzy, there is a bit of blood and flued in Con's ear it looks to be a bad ear infection. Having this could be what is throwing his equlibrem off and even causing him pain. I just happend to notice he was grabing the side of his head."

*Once again Angel quickly reaches into her bag, this time pulling out a small bottle with an eye droping. Tilting Con's head she puts 3 drops in his ear and than puts a bit of cotton in it.*

"There we go...I put a bit of ear medicen in. It should sooth the pain and stop the bleeding for now. We will just have to keep and eye on it."

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle at Kyle. He was so funny, trying to talk about TJY without talking about TJY, wanting to know more, but knowing there are rules.*

" Your so cute you know that. You can call it TJY and talk about it. Just not to loud and you cant really go blirting out what we do. But you can talk about it mostly like any other job."

*Kaite smiles sweetly at Kyle.*

"Yes Con is a co-worker and since I first met him he had been like a big brother looking out for me. I met him when he first came to my Aunts ranch in Texas."

*Katie lowers her voice alittle.*

"He was Austin, Jason's grandfathers bodyguard. Con is a great guy, really sweet and caring. I call him my Big Brother all the time. And Jamie she works with me too. Herb and Mable..."

*Katie nods to the kitchen.*

"...Are her mom and dad. That how come we are so friendly with them. Once they see ya they never forget who you are. They are really sweet and Jamie picked up alot of there trates. I'll have to have you ment them both sometime. They are grat people.*

*Mable waddles over with Katie and Kyle's food.*

"Here you teo go. Enjoy the meal."

*Mable smiles down and them and walks away without saying much. The look on her face displays she is worryed about Con too.*

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