
"Body" Guard!

*Jamie still sits at Con's bedside, his hand in hers. It was only recent they has confessed there love for eachother but they had been friends for so many years. Litterly growing up together. The rooms is quiet and gloomy as everyone sits and waits. Con was to strong to give up, he couldent. If not for her sake, than for Jason, Austin, and Laura. Jamie couldent even imagen what this world would be like without Con there, Jamies mind reels back to when they were in the car and Con faked the kiss. Than bouncing to the real thing. It had taken Jamie by saprise but it was still the sofest thing she ever felt. Leaning her hand down on Con's arm she holds it. If anything leting Con know he is not alone.*

*Angel nods to Rick. Grabing a saringe from her bag she draws a bit of blood than grabe her microscops and a few other things.*

"I'm gonna go take a look at this and see if I can figure anything more out. Let me know if anything changes with Con. I'll be back up soon to check on him."

*Angel heads out of the room with the small vial. Finding a quiet courner of Con's table to work.*

*Katie grins as her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. Oh how Kyle was a flirt. It please that Kyle seemed intrested in her work and not scaired away by it. Thats not what many people would feel. Most would be intimanated with Katie.*

"Well I would have to say more time spend with you would be a good thing."

*Katie eyes sparkle as looks into Kyles. Finally looking away and thinking about Con.*

"Well, I am sure everyone at TJY knows about Con now and Everyone back in Texas since Angel is here but other than that no one alse knows. Its hard sometimes we cant always run to the hospetal and get help, they will ask to many questions and thats no good. Thats Rick, Angel they have to be the best. But even being the best isent enough when you dont have the right tools to go along with it. I always though about raising money for Angel, and even Rick and try to get some better equipment for them. I just wouldent know where to start ya know."

*Katie looks at Kyle again this time not being able to look away. How she liked spending time with him. She felt so comfortable, like she new him all her life and nothing she would say could change how he looked at her. His eyes, His smile....everying fit him well. His voice like music to Katie's ears bringing a calming over her.*

*As Angel hears the comotion upstairs she runs faster than ever before and heads for the bathroom. Seeing Con throwing up Angel gives a small smile siting on the side of the tub she rubs Con's back.*

"Thats it Con. Let it all out. This will be over soon."

*Angel continues to sooth Con and she looks at Rick.*

" This is his body's way to geting rid of the infection, and anything alse in his system. The crackers wernt the only thin he had to eat remember yesterday Jamie said she gave him soup, that could of been siting in his tummy."

*Angel puts her wrist to Con forhead, and check his pulse.*

"His vitles are ok. If he dosent stop within the hour than we should worry I think."

*As Con starts to throw up Jamie jumps up off the bed leting Jason and Rick take Con to the bathroom. Working fast Jamie changes the sheets and pillow cases laying down fresh crisp linen. Slowly Jamie sits down in a chair in the badroom and waits leaning her head aganst the wall.*

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