
Temp down

Jason is quick to do as he’s told, and wastes no time in leaving to get the ice.

Rick watches Angel intently as she works. “Ya know, I went to medical school and graduated, but gave up trying to find a practice until somebody at TJY recruited me. There’s so much I just don’t know, and it scares me when I’m the only one at TJY and we can’t always run to the hospital.”

It seems to take forever, but Jason hurries as quickly as he can, returning with the ice. He helps Rick get it into the tub that Jamie already filled with water, then they return for Con. It takes both of them to get him up out of bed, and most of their strength along with Angel’s to make it to the bathroom.

Con resists some, but is too weak to fight much, though it’s obvious that he’s trying to figure out what’s going on.

It takes some doing, but Rick and Jason finally get Con into the tub, trying to settle him down as he rebels against the cold water. “Come on, Con,” Jason prompts. “Take it easy. Just relax, alright?”

A half an hour goes by and Rick takes Con’s temperature again, he’s relieved to see it going down. “Okay, Con…come on, up and at em.”

Though Con is starting to grow more alert to his surroundings, it still takes both men to get him up and dressed, his tired muscles just too weak to carry himself. Back down the hall, Con tries to open his eyes, everything a blur. He starts to chill from the shock of the cold, though his headache isn’t quite as bad.

Jason cocks his head as they help him to his room again. “How you doing, Con?”

“I feel like crap,” Con mumbles. “What’s going on?”

“You’re going to be fine,” Rick assures. “Just relax.”

Con lifts one eyebrow, trying to see where he’s going, his speech slightly slurred. “If I relax any more, I’m gonna fall over.”

Jason smirks. “Tell me about it.”

He and Rick finally get Con back onto his bed where he sinks down onto his pillow, wincing as the sharp pain in his ear returns.

Rick looks to Angel and nods. “He’s still got a fever, but it’s down quite a bit and he’s talking some. He’s awfully weak...I don't know how long his fever will stay down with the poison still in his system though. What would you do now?”

Kyle grins at Mable, enjoying the chatter, and especially Herb’s add-ins. Once she’s gone, he looks back to Katie. “So…Con, huh? Let me guess…he’s a coworker at the place we don’t talk about, right?”

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