

*Angel enters the room and shakes Ricks hand quickly before making her way to Con's bedside. Opening her bag Angel takes the flashlight and shines it into Con's eyes as she holds them open one by one. Talking to him knowing he can hear her.*

"Hey Con, Its Angel. I came to help out."

*Angel talks outloud as she looks at Con. Partly to herself and partly to the other.*

"Well he is sum what responsive even in this state he is in so thats a good sign."

*Angel moves her hand to Con's head and than to his arms and fingertips, than down to his tummy, and than his legs.*

"His cirulation is still good, and it dosent seem to be any failure in his orgens yet. We need to diffantly get his temp down though and these compress arnt working."

*Angel thinks for a long moment than turns to Jason, than Jamie.*

"Jason I want you to run to the store and buy 5 or 6 bages of ice. Jamie I need you to draw a cold bath not to full though. We need to dump the ice into it than get Con in. It should drop his temp and help him become contouse. Go hurry he cant stay in this deadly tempzone for long."

*Jamie nods and heads into the bathroom.*

*Once everyone but Rick had left the room Angel takes out a saringe and injects something into Con's arm.*

"Lets see if this works. Its something to fight infection. Maybe if we get his immune up real high he can pull through this."

*Angel looks at Rick worry corsing through her face.*

*As they enter the restront Katie waves."

"Hey Mable Hey Herb."

*Mable smiles.*

"Hey Katie."

*Herb raises his spatula and nods.*

"Heya Hero. I see they finally let ya rome around free huh?"

*Katie cant help but giggle as they make there way to the table.*

"I would sugest the stuffed chicken or the pizza. The chicken is my fav."

*Mable makes her way to the table with 2 drinks and sets them down.*

*Katie can help but let out a giggle.*

"Mable how did you know thats what I wanted?"

*Mable smiles.*

"Once you eat here I never forget."

*Mable looks at Kyle and smile.*

"Hey whos the looker, your the one kid from that band arnt you Jetstream? Your such a cutie I couldent forget that face. Katie hows that daughter of mine doing with her lovebird Con doing? I went over to Con's yesterday Jamie said he wasent feeling good but havent hurd anything since."

*Katie grows a bit solam and she speaks but raises an eyebrow at the mention of Con and Jamie being love birds. Mable was always geting her information mixed up maybe it was nothing.*

"Con's real sick right now Mable and Jamie has been staying with him. He's really not doing well at all. I"m sure he is gonna be ok Mable."

*Mable shakes her head and sighs.*

"Well I send my prayers there way. Its a shame. They looked so happy here the other day."

*Mable stakes Katie and Kyles order than starts to talk again when Herb yells from the kitchen.*

"MABLE....would you give me there order already and leave them alone. Cant you see they are on a date woman."

*Mable hurrys off as Katie lets out a hearty laugh and her face lights up.*

"Good Old Mable."

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