

*Jamie sits helpless watching Rick and Jason with Con. Listing to Ricks judgment on Con and his condition. As if moving not feeling anything Jamie makes her way to Con's bed and sits down on the edgh placing her hands on Con arm again Jamie bows her head and mutter a small prayer. Than oping her eyes they start to water.*

"Oh Con, you have to pull though this...You cant leave me. Not now...not when everything had become perfect."

*Angel jumps on the porch and gives Luke a hug.*

" I have to leave for Navada Luke. Its Con, someone poisoned him just like they did Jason. Con isent doing good and going down hill fast. The Doc they have there is beside himself on what to do and since they new I helped with Jason they though I could help. And I told them I would. Since Con got here we all got to know him, He's like part of the ranch family. I have to try and help him."

*Angel searches Luke's eyes knowing he would understand. Angel gives him a up again.*

*Katie picks up her phone and see its Kyle. There was that ray of sunshine again. Answering the phone Katie sounds a bit drone.*

"Hey Kyle...Ya I think I want to go to alittle Italian place not to far away. Its a hotspot for alot of people...I just hope I am am not to much of a downer...a good friend of mine someone I look at like a big brother Con was posined and he is not doing to well....geting my mind off it will be nice though."

*Katie taps her finger on her leg listoning to Kyel. Her toes wiggle alittle as she keeps taping, but dosent relize it as she talks to Kyle.*

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