

Going to go say something Nate stops and gives a sigh. He could see both sides, he could tell both had there own pain.

Turning just a little to see Con Nate shakes his head before looking back to where Jason walked off.

"They are both pulling against each other, one for her pain, and one for his confustion. Sooner or later though someone is going to have to give, or they are going to break."

Turning around to face Con Nate gives a shake as pain was written in his eyes. He hated seeing his friends suffer. And under the layered mask Jason wore Nate could see that pain.

"I dont know what to do eather Con, or say."

Giving a chuckle and a shake of his head Dan takes the hammer and gets back to work with Mick and Katie carrying on lite chatter, and stealing a glance at Katie now and than.

Continuing to work with Mick and Dan Katie moves about with ease, she new her way around the ranch and had been taught well on how to do things.


Seeing the note, Jason's shoulders noticeably drop. He doesn't seem to even hear Nate telling him to do a good job on stage.

"She just can't quit worrying about me, can she?" He shakes his head a little, his tone more tired than upset. "Does she think I can't take care of myself? Does she think I need a babysitter when she's gone?" Wasn't he supposed to be the protector?

Looking down, he sets his hands on his hips. "Thanks Nate, just... keep it in the background, alright? And don't tell Rick I didn't use my crutches all night. I don't need him breathing down my neck too."

Sighing, he turns and heads for the stage, favoring his injured leg.

"I don't know what to do for him anymore." Con had shown up, only now coming around the corner, speaking to Nate. "Reese has got it in for him, he's got it in for himself... and him and Katie... I just don't know."


Giving Jason a smile and a handshake Nate nods. He'd would of come to the consert anyways, but tonight is was for business too and someone had asked him to come. Giving a glance around before his eyes come back to Jason again.

"I wouldn't miss a concert for my life, but tonight I am here on business too."

Nate holds up a small peace of paper for Jason.

I'm gonna be gone for a little bit, and I hate to leave Jason without his lookout. Mind doing that for me for a little while? Keep him safe for me ok? -Katie

"I guess even with out the emotions she still worrys huh? Do good up there, and don't try anything to crazy we dont need Rick wondering why you weren't on your crutches."

Nate puts the small ear peace in his ear so he could communicate with the band and gives Jason a nod.


Scott wraps his arms around Hope, holding her close. As she pulls away, he reaches up to tuck some hair behind her ear. "It was the least I could do," he replies quietly.

He leans down to give her lips a soft kiss before straightening again. "I know it won't be the same, but... at least you'll still be able to help people."

Still prepping for the concert, people begin to file in. The band was ready early, so the guys wander around for a bit, passing the time.

Jason hobbles to the side, having ditches his crutches an hour ago. Rick would kill him, but he didn't care. He had a concert to perform. Taking a swig of water, he's met with a flying bottle of orange juice instead. Catching it mid-air, he glance around to find Jen and gives her a smirk. "Thanks."

He switches drinks, though knows that his sugar levels weren't quite as erratic now that his emotions didn't get in the way. Looking around, he wanders down to where he saw a familiar face. "Hey, Nate. Joining the fun?

Seeing Dan return and give the flower to Katie, Mick rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath about hiring a romeo. He throws Dan a look. "Glad the fence is good down there. That cuts our time down, that is, if we pick up a hammer instead of a flower." He hands Dan a hammer. "Here. Keep your hands busy."

He moves off to the side where they'd brought some wire yesterday with the four-wheelers.

Lone Flower

Giving a smile to Scott as he comes into the hall Hope is quiet for a long moment. Before taking a step forward and pulling Scott into a hug.

"Thank you Scott for convincing Reese to give me a chance."

Pulling away Hope searchs his eyes as her own dance. She was excited about her new job opertunity and ever more excited that Scott had done this for her.

Looking at her Uncle Bree shakes her head continuing to clean everything up.

"He's sure is interesting. I think he's pretty nice too."

Even if he was a bit strange she was a bit strange as well. He seemed nice but something still seemed off. For now it would slide but she would stay on guard.

Shaking her head and giving a smile to her Uncle Katie gives a chuckle holding the bag open to him. Looking up hearing a noise Katie see Dan making his way back over.

"Speak and he will come."

Walking back over to Mick and Katie Dan takes a whip to his face to get ride of the dirt and sweat. It had taken him longer than he wanted but along the way back he had made one stop. Turning to Katie Dan holds out a purple wild flower.

"I saw this one lone flower and it made me think of you. A flower by itself but never truly alone."

Turning back to Mick Dan gives a nod.

"I had to fix a little bit of the fence the staples didn't hold but they should now. Its secure."

Good night

Scott looks up quickly from his desk, a little surprised to see Hope standing there. She looked happy though... it didn't seem like anything was wrong.

"Um, sure." It was a little peculiar she just didn't come out and say whatever it was, but he didn't mimnd.

Getting up from his chair, he wanders out of the office into the quiet hall. A soft smile surfaces as he looks at Hope, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Hi... what's up?"

Gunner tosses a wink at Bree. "Right... I'll see ya." Giving a final nod to JT, he slips outside, making his way to his car.

JT watches him leave and just stands shaking his head for a moment. Shutting the door, he turns back to his niece. "Well that was... fun." He grins and rolls his eyes. "I haven't laugh that hard in a long time. He's something else, isn't he?"

Jason plugs in the chords, sets his guitars up, runs wiring and helps with a quick sound check. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. He was a little on edge... something just didn't feel right tonight but so far so good. Rocky had shown up too to help unload equipment, and Axel was there too, helping set up the sound board as much as he could. Apparently Jess was going to show up too, and Jason knew a few people from TJY were going to come. It was going to be a good night.

Mick smiles as Katie talked. She had a good head on her shoulders. For now, he lets the subject slide away. She had enough to worry about.

"I just needed one of the bags," he answers, dumping his handful of staples into one. "I forgot to bring a bag for these."

He glances over his shoulder, down the line. "What is taking that boy so long?"

Owe Someone

Listing to Mick Katie was thankful for him impute, though she already new in her mind what had to happen before she went back. Before returning to Jason, Katie had to find the woman she once was, and her own wounds had to be healed.

"My head will be clear before I go back, and my mind will be healed. My goal is going back, but until I find myself and who I once was again my goal is far from reach. Thank you Uncle Mick for your input on the matter. Sometimes it helps seeing other peoples point of views."

Finishing taking off her section of wire Katie stands and stretches a little. Looking to the horse that Mick had nodded to Katie gives a swift job to them grabbing one of the packs and bringing it back.

"What did you need me to get out of it?"

Hope gives a nod to Reese as she stands. She felt over joyed and a bit over whelmed at the moment, but she had to go and thank the one who had helped this along.

"Just call me, and let me know when ever. I think I owe someone my thanks."

Turning Hope heads out of Reese officne and through the TJY follow smiling the whole way. Stopping at a new office and giving a soft knock Hope enters. Seeing Dalton sitting at one deks she gives a smile and nod before looking over to Scott.

"Hey Scott, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?"

Giving a laugh at Gunners story comes to an end Bree hadn't laughed so hard in her life. Finishing off her can of pop she takes in a deep breath trying to control herself. It had been a good last few hours. It was nice to just lose oneself and pig out, even if all you were eating a bunch of toppings warmed up without the crust.

"Actually, I dont mind your company Gunner. Maybe next time I can offer some of my own strange storys and make you laugh equily hard."

Giving a smile and nod to Gunner Bree starts to clean up a few different things that were on the table. Picking up the plates, and napkins before looking at Gunner again.

"I am sure I will see you again. If I dont than your not a true stalker eh?"


Reese smiles and nods. "Good... and don't thank me." He gives her a knowing look. He knew she was smart enough to figure out who had instigated this. "I think you know who to thank though."

He straightens a little and glances around his desk. "Well... let me do some figuring, talk to Brown and... I will call you to let you know when you'll start. It should be soon."

Gunner gives Bree a sly look. "I like to harass my boss and... I never guess." He takes a sip of coffee, sighing deeply. "I like being on the Elite force. I go around catching bad guys and during downtime doing paperwork. Not exactly the romantic job some people think it is, but... it's what I do."

JT cocks his head. "The Elite huh... You wouldn't happen to know Greg Timble, would you?"

"I know of him." Gunner nods. "Retired right? One of the very first to find out about the Texas gang being mistreated by the Agency."

"That would be him."

"Your uncle, right?"

"For someone who asks a lot of questions, you sure know a lot to begin with."

Gunner's grin slides across his lips. "If you revealed all the cards in your hand before placing your bet, you'd never win a poker game."

Two hours later...

"...and I said, 'Dude, get outta there or you ain't never gonna see another one of them cars!'"

JT laughs so hard at Gunner's story, his eyes start to water as he holds his sides.

Gunner's own face is a bit flushed and his own short laugh escapes, just watching JT laugh. He takes another sip of soda pop, finishing off his second can. Sitting in the living room, the three had been talking and mostly laughing since after they'd polished off the entire pizza. Despite Gunner's dry sense of humor, stories of blundering fugitives cracked JT up, and in turn, made the whole thing very funny.

JT takes a deep breath, wiping his eyes. "Oh... now that is a classic."

"Chris didn't think so."

JT snickers again. "I bet not."

Gunner glances up at the clock, realizing he'd been there much longer than planned. "Well... I guess I better not wear out my welcome." Standing up, he stretches tall. He was far from tired though - he had enough caffeine in him to last three days.

JT stands as well. From what had started out as an awkward evening, had evolved a night of fun. He offers a handshake to Gunner. "Well... come back sometime, Gunner."

"I might just do that." Gunner glances to Bree on the couch. "If your niece doesn't object. She might want the company without the Gunner next time."

Mick keeps his eyes on the wire, pulling out the large staples from the fence posts. He listens quietly, giving a little nod, but not saying much until after he's mulled it over.

"A clear head is something we all need once in a while. Trick is, knowing when it's clear enough to go back." He continues to concentrate on work. "Sometimes the pursuit of a certain feeling holds us back, rather than helping us move forward. We want to reach a specific point in our minds before returning, when it's the actual returning that will help us finally reach our goal."

Holding several old staples in his hand, he nods to the horses. "Would you go grab one of those saddle bags for me?"