
Owe Someone

Listing to Mick Katie was thankful for him impute, though she already new in her mind what had to happen before she went back. Before returning to Jason, Katie had to find the woman she once was, and her own wounds had to be healed.

"My head will be clear before I go back, and my mind will be healed. My goal is going back, but until I find myself and who I once was again my goal is far from reach. Thank you Uncle Mick for your input on the matter. Sometimes it helps seeing other peoples point of views."

Finishing taking off her section of wire Katie stands and stretches a little. Looking to the horse that Mick had nodded to Katie gives a swift job to them grabbing one of the packs and bringing it back.

"What did you need me to get out of it?"

Hope gives a nod to Reese as she stands. She felt over joyed and a bit over whelmed at the moment, but she had to go and thank the one who had helped this along.

"Just call me, and let me know when ever. I think I owe someone my thanks."

Turning Hope heads out of Reese officne and through the TJY follow smiling the whole way. Stopping at a new office and giving a soft knock Hope enters. Seeing Dalton sitting at one deks she gives a smile and nod before looking over to Scott.

"Hey Scott, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?"

Giving a laugh at Gunners story comes to an end Bree hadn't laughed so hard in her life. Finishing off her can of pop she takes in a deep breath trying to control herself. It had been a good last few hours. It was nice to just lose oneself and pig out, even if all you were eating a bunch of toppings warmed up without the crust.

"Actually, I dont mind your company Gunner. Maybe next time I can offer some of my own strange storys and make you laugh equily hard."

Giving a smile and nod to Gunner Bree starts to clean up a few different things that were on the table. Picking up the plates, and napkins before looking at Gunner again.

"I am sure I will see you again. If I dont than your not a true stalker eh?"

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