

Susanne watches Dalton leave, cocking her head a little. He was certainly an interesting replacement for Scott... talk about opposites. Getting into her desk drawer for a ruler, she spies an expired coupon for beef jerky that she'd planned to pass along. She hadn't had the heart to throw it away yet.

Reese spins around, startled out of his thoughts, and can't help just a little surprise. It passes quickly though, and he slides into professional mode, extending his own hand. "Hi, Dalton, Yes, I'm Mike. Everyone around here calls me Reese - that one's up to you."

He smiles and tucks Scott's nameplate in his back pocket. "Good to have you - we're going crazy around here. You'd think our computers would at least work for a little while, but as luck would have it..."

Reese sighs and shakes his head. "Anyway...follow me. Let me show you around the place and the office you'll be in too."

Taking Dalton around the department, he introduces him to people that are there, shows him the lower level, then finally winds up at the office. "Well...in here's the main hub I guess." He switches on the light. "I'd try to show you the ropes, but I don't have a clue how the network was set up. Thankfully, Scott seems to have kept pretty good records. There's a couple notebooks there of stuff he had written down... then there's a couple files on his computer's desktop that have a lot of information too. I, um..."

Reese pauses, trying not to let it show how difficult this was for him. "...be prepared for the staff to yell when something goes wrong... Scott was always real good about running to people's computers, even when it was a user error. So... bear with us I guess. Oh, and..."

He quickly changes the subject. "There's a room right down the hall you're more than welcome to stay in until you find a place, unless you've already got one, that is."

Jason falls over backward as Katie pushes him. "Hey!"

Receiving Wes' words, his eyes widen. "I didn't bring the ice in here! I just..." His voice trails off, and he decides maybe it's better just to leave things as they were and not make them worse. I just made a complete idiot of myself is what I did.

Picking himself up from the floor, he brushes himself off and trots down the hall. "First dibs on the shower!"

Cindy is grinning as Wes comes up behind her, and turns her head to give his cheek a kiss. "You can get the plates out if you want."

Before they know it, breakfast is over, and the table has been all but exhausted of small talk. Jason twirls his juice glass in his hand, glancing to Katie. "I take it you're going to head to the ranch. I figure I might come along, then just leave from there. Call a cab or something to get to the airport. You sticking around here, or heading back to Nevada today?"

Carson hurries into the kitchen, grabbing his apron and heading for the sink. It was the third morning in a row now that he'd been late... Herb hadn't said anything, and Carson was grateful, but knew he needed to work harder. It was just as well that no one ask why he was taking longer on his jogs in the mornings...for now, it was just better that way.

"Sorry, Herb. Where we at?"

Love Birds

*Dalton can't help the cheesy grin that pass across his face fast before it gone again at Susanne's comment.*

"I'm sure I can handle it. Thanks...."

*Dalton looks down at the name plate on Susanne's desk and than back up at her giving a half a smile.*


*Making a pivot Dalton turns and heads back out of Susanne's office heading across the mail floor once again. Glancing down at a few people as he walked. Seeing an older man that about fit the description he was giving enter another room one would guess was the break room Dalton follows ducking as he walks through the door way making sure not to hit his head.

Walking up along side of Reese Dalton clears his trout and sticks out his hand.*

"Mick Reese I presume? The name is Dalton Heathrow, I'm the tech guy from Arizona."

*Hearing the blame passed off onto her Katie stands once again and gives a slap and a push to Jason sending his backwards.*

"You jerk, if you hadn't launched me off the coutch this wouldn't have happend."

*Though sounding like she was upset Katie's eyes show a differnt story as they dance and twinkle with light that shows she was laughing and smileing.*

*Wes can't help but chuckle and shake his head before looking back to Jason.*

"No, no curfew you both are adults who are smart I don't think we have to worry about that."

*Wes can see the embarssment in Jason's eyes and trys to make it a little better not sure if it was working or not.*

"How about next time a little less ice on the floor though water damage is not fun to replace."

*Giving a smile again and shaking his head again as he turns Wes heads back to the kitchen yelling over his shoulder.*

"Come on love birds dinner is ready and there is no way your mom is going to let you out of here without any food."

*Wes can't help but throw Cindy a smile as she is in the kitchen and than comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her wast and resting his chin on her shoulder.*

"Do you need any help babe?"