

Giving a nod and putting her own arm around Scott's back to exit the air port Hope was proud to be on his arm. At the mention of food Hope's own stomach gives a growl reminding her she hadnt had anything all day eather.

"We sure can. I could use some food myself. Name the place and there we go."

Hope smile spread from ear to ear on her face. She was so proud of Scott and all he had been accomplishing. He was standing on his own to feet, and really doing well. The sparkle in her eyes told him that much.

Raising her eyebrow at the mention to the bike shop that had cars in it too Ryan thought it a bit off. That was clean across town almost an hour drive.

"You mean Roth's old mans shop? Seems like an odd place to go visit."

Giving a shuge Ryan continues eating letting it go for now. Taking a bit of her food and just savoring the tast Ryan listens to the rest of the conversation around her.

She couldnt help but be a little glad Leo was staying another night. It was nice having so much company in her apt.

Coming up the sidewalk with a rather large Huskie a tall blond jogs up the side walk. It was still rather early, and she was half a sleep still. Slowing as she see someone hunched over standing on the side work she was a bit worried. Hope she didnt startle him she looks at the dog.

"Rin sit, stay."

Obeying his master Rin sits on the sidewalk and just looks at his master and the stranger on the sidewalk.

Stepping a little closer the woman takes the earphones out. Giving a shy smile to Kip her voice was a whisper showing she was a little on the shy side.

"Hi, are you ok? I have some water if you need it."

The woman holds out the unopened bottle of water as she watchs Kip pant for air. He looked as though he ran to hard, to fast.

Music on full blast the thin, red haired driver drives down the gravel road. Seeing a pick up truck quiet a ways in front of her she cant help but see the person get pushed off the road as well. Continuing to drive a little slowly to see if the person got up.

Finally seeing a little moving she waits for just a moment before driving off to keep herself out of trouble once again. But seeing the rather cute boy start to walk the girl pulls the truck along side of TY rolling down her window.

She had been seen once before a while ago as Ty was coming out of court but since than she hadent seen him. Her honey color eyes just looked back at Ty with question.

"You look like you could use a lift. I am going the same way you are if you would like a ride."

Feeling the jolt from the person next to her on the couch it take a moment for Bree to remember where she was untill she hears Gunner's mumbling voice she remembers. As he disappears down the hall Bree sits up on the couch giving a stretch.

Standing Bree looks around trying to find her shoes. Finding them she goes to reach for them. Not wanting to make Gunner feel bad for having to leave so fast she figured she would see herself out. But hearing Gunner coming back into the room Bree looks up. As if stunned Bree just stairs at Gunner with out his shirt on. Words seemed to get caught in her throat as her heart started racing really fast and it felt like her stomack was having convolutions from fluttering so much.

Feeling like her knees had just been taking out from underneath her Bree sinks down on the couch again forgetting about her shoes she wanted to put on. This feeling was nothing she had felt before and she could feel the color coming to her face worse than it ever had been before. Turning her head away quickly Bree just stairs infront of her at the tv that was turned off.

"I...wont stay long while your...gone..."

Bree felt stupid stumbling over her words but she felt so breathless and like she was burning up.

"..I dont want to eat you out of shirt and home. I mean house and home."

Letting her emotions show strongly Katie smiles as she steps onto the TJY floor. It was good to be back. Katie had missed it here. Getting Jason's message Katie dosnt reply right away heading across the main floor and to Jason's office.

Poking her head into the office a smile spreads on her face as she see Jason. He was a sigh for sore eyes even though she hadnt seen him all that long ago it felt like forever.

I have no idea what your talking about.

Letting her emotions have a big of humor in them a little laugh escapes her lips as she enters into the office the rest of the way closing the door softly behind her. Coming over to Jason's desk Katie leans down over him slightly leaning in close.

"I missed you so much. It feel like forever since I saw you last."

Pressing her lips aganst Jason's Katie lets the moment take over just enjoying it and letting the emotions wash over them and devour them in the moment.

Morning again

Scott returns Hope's hug before drawing away and adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. "Flight was horrible. But it was worth it, having someone as special as you come pick me up."

Giving her a smile, he puts an arm around her as they head for the exit. "I know it's late but... mind if we grab a bite to eat? I missed supper."

"Well, I started out at the used bike place downtown, then progressed to McVane's up on 8th Street. And...." Eli takes a bit of food, taking time to chew. "...there was this other place, I forgot what it was called, but he had cars too."

Switching topics, Eli expertly shifts the conversation away from himself and back to Leo, who he convinces to stay one more night at least until he was feeling better. It seemed a little odd he was so insistent, but Leo gives in. The couch was comfortable enough and the company was nice.

Jade has never been more thankful for phone calls. Though extremely worried about her brother, she's glad when Mick gets a call from Reese and has to talk for a long time - it gave her time to slip away from supper, see Dan in the barn and head to bed before her father had time to chew her out for anything. Maybe tomorrow she would finally ask him if she could stay. Maybe...

The breakfast table was huge. And even though Erik, Twila, Kyle and Alice sat together at one end, it still seemed enormous, especially when the food was served. Anything they wanted... literally.

Kyle gives Alice a sidelong glance, his eyes twinkling. This was just way too much fun. He moves his foot to tap hers under the table.

Twila takes a bite of her bagel and looks to Erik. "So where's Kip anyway? He's usually the first one up."

"He was." Erik nods. "He went for a run."

Twila pauses her chewing and quirks an eyebrow. "He only runs when he's upset."


"What happened?"

Erik shakes his head. "Little disagreement. Everything will be fine."

...Already five miles away, Kip slows and stops, his lungs feeling as though they were on fire. Pausing at the quiet street, he bends over to catch his breath, sweating out his frustrations.

The loud pickup truck with the arrogant driver would be any bicyclist's nightmare. Today was no exception. The need for a muffler drowned out the mocking laughter, but the damage was done. The shoulder of the road wasn't wide here, and the gravel was unpleasant to ride on anyway. The extra wind gust and threat of being hit was enough to send Ty skidding on the rocks, then going head over heels, right over his handlebars.

Landing hard, he could feel his arm being scrapped all the way from his wrist to his elbow. Rolling to a stop, he just lies still, dazed for several moments before growling and sitting up. Testing out his limbs, he discovers nothing is broken, but his arm stung like crazy.

Great. Just great. This was all he needed. If he had a car to drive, he wouldn't be the idiot right now. But just this morning had been his fifth attempt to get his permit. And it had been failure number five as well.

Getting back to his bike, he finds a bent wheel rim. He'd be walking the rest of the way. Giving an extra growl, he sets out towards home, ignoring the pain in his arm, and trying to decide whether he would actually go back to the DMV ever again or not. Five failures wasn't much to motivate him. He couldn't read well enough to take the written test, plain and simple. And it wasn't going to change. He couldn't do it.

Someone stamping on the apartment above is loud enough to finally rouse Gunner. Groaning a little, he pries his eyes open, squinting in the small amount of light that is coming in through the living room window.

Smacking the bad taste from his mouth, he starts to stretch, only to realize that his isn't the only body on the couch. It's then that he remembers he's not alone. And not only is he not alone, but it was late.

"Ohhhhhh crap." Getting off the couch quickly, he unintentionally gives Bree a jolt. "Work... I gotta get to work... Reese is gonna kill me." Stumbling down the hall, he heads for the shower. Reese would have gladly given him a few days off, but after Gunner had insisted on staying, Reese had put him on a team to look for Dylan, and they were to meet about it this morning.

Just ten minutes later, Gunner is coming back into the living room. His socks and jeans were on, but his t-shirt hung from his teeth as his hands were busy loosening the laces of his boots as he heads for a chair.

Flopping down, he sets his shirt aside so he can put on his boots while mumbling to Bree. "I gotta get going." This morning felt strange. It was odd having Bree there with him now, even though last night, he would have given anything to have her stay. The night had cleared his mind, and the fear had subsided at least for a while, leaving him just a tad embarrassed. "Um, help yourself to anything in the kitchen or whatever," he offers. He hated to just run out, but that's what he got for sleeping too late.

Jason is sitting at his desk, and perks up at the familiar feeling that was growing stronger. Katie had arrived to work.

Leaning back in his chair, he smiles.

So are you gonna come in here so I can thank you properly for the gift you left on my doorstep?


Waiting Kyle leave the room Alice stands and walks over to the small desk where her laptop was set up. Sitting there for a moment Alice writes a few things about her new stay in the grand house just little reminders for her next story.

Standing and going to the bed again she flips down onto the bed that felt like clouds snuggling in. Just stairing into the dark for what seemed like hours Alice finally found herself drifting off dreaming of the things to come.

"A movie sometime still would be nice. I'd like that alot actully. It really was nice spending time with someone again."

Continuing to drive Dan glancing at Jade every once and a while not helping the smile that had formed on his lips since lunch and just stayed there. Jade had been helping to fill that empty hole he had felt inside his heart since he had got to the ranch. Now he couldn't imagen what it would be like not talking to someone again.

Finally pulling into the ranch Dan see Mick and the expression on his face was less than happy Dan lets out a sigh. After telling Mick he only wanted friendship with Jade he had hoped things would be ok. But it didnt seem like it. Letting out a small sigh Dan smiles to Jade.

"Ok, I"ll see you at dinner. Stay out of trouble now."

Both going there own ways now Dan goes into the barn to start his nightly chores before dinner was served.

Making her way through the crowds and trying to look over the people was a little hard as Hope was on the shorter side, but finally her eyes could never mistaken the one she was looking for.

Waving at Scott Hope makes sure he sees her before she comes up to him not wanting to startle him. Pulling him into a hug, it had only been a day but she had missed him just the same.

"Hey there? How was the flight?"

Giving a smile as her brother comes into the room Ryan helps with the plates paying attechen to what her brother had done all day.

"Witch ones did you go to? I've been to almost all of them."

Ryan feeling something strange in the air and gives a quick glance to Leo before looking back at Eli. Trying to meet his eyes again Ryan fails and knows something is just not right, but would try to let it go for now with Leo here.


Kyle returns Alice's soft kiss, his eyes staying glued to hers for several moments. "I don't know why you keep thanking me," he comments quietly.

He reaches over to brush a strand of hair from the side of her face. "I'm the one that owes you all the thanks."

Hearing a bit of noise and some voices, he sighs. "I guess I better at least try to get some sleep. They might kick me out if I stay in your room too much longer."

Grinning, he steals one last kiss before he rolls off the bed and aims for the door. "Night, Alice," he calls over his shoulder before disappearing into the hall.

Jade smiles, though she keeps her eyes focused out the windshield, lest she turn her gaze to Dan and fall into those eyes of his again. "I had fun too... maybe we can still get a movie sometime though." The thought that crossed her mind was the living room right off of the dining hall that had a nice comfy couch and a big tv across from another small fireplace.

She quickly tries to think of something else. "Well, if I make it past my father alive when we get back, I'd say it was a good day." She laughs, trying to not be too serious about it. "Maybe he's been too distracted to notice I've been gone."

If only she were that lucky. A while later after the long drive from town, it was Mick who was standing outside the barn as chores were accomplished before supper. He eyes the pickup, his hands resting on his hips. Seeing his daughter and Dan get out though, he just turns and goes back into the barn.

Jade lifts an eyebrow. Her dad had not looked happy. "I... think I'll go see if I can help with supper," she comments. Maybe if she kept busy and she wasn't in the barn, her dad would let this afternoon slide.

Scott tries to ignore the busy swarm around him as he talks with Hope. A smile spreads on his face. "I'd say you didn't have to pick me up but... there's too much benefit in that for me to pass it up."

He chuckles softly, beginning to relax. "Yeah, things went alright here. Mick was pretty uptight. Not that I wouldn't be, but I hope Reese was right in letting him be a part of the investigation. Start running on your emotions instead of your head in this business and we'll be in trouble."

Hearing the boarding call, he stands up from his seat. "I gotta go now. I should be there in about an hour with all the waiting we'll have to do on the runway, so... I'll see you then."

After ending the call, he takes a deep breath and starts forward, trying not to pay attention to having people on all sides and the narrow hall of the ramp that led to the plane. Once he boarded, closing his eyes and listening to his music helped until they landed in Nevada. Squeezing between the seats reminded him of how spoiled he'd become with private Elite jets during the last couple years.

Finally making it into the airport, he scans the faces for Hope.

Eli chuckles as he gets everything together to bring into the living room. "Oh, just did some sightseeing... wound up at a motorcycle shop and you know I could spend a week in a place like that."

He joins Ryan and Leo, setting everything down on the coffee table and pulling a chair close. "Rented a movie we might wanna watch tonight..." he shrugs. "Nothing special."

The strange thing was, that so far, he hadn't met his sister's eyes once since getting back.