

Waiting Kyle leave the room Alice stands and walks over to the small desk where her laptop was set up. Sitting there for a moment Alice writes a few things about her new stay in the grand house just little reminders for her next story.

Standing and going to the bed again she flips down onto the bed that felt like clouds snuggling in. Just stairing into the dark for what seemed like hours Alice finally found herself drifting off dreaming of the things to come.

"A movie sometime still would be nice. I'd like that alot actully. It really was nice spending time with someone again."

Continuing to drive Dan glancing at Jade every once and a while not helping the smile that had formed on his lips since lunch and just stayed there. Jade had been helping to fill that empty hole he had felt inside his heart since he had got to the ranch. Now he couldn't imagen what it would be like not talking to someone again.

Finally pulling into the ranch Dan see Mick and the expression on his face was less than happy Dan lets out a sigh. After telling Mick he only wanted friendship with Jade he had hoped things would be ok. But it didnt seem like it. Letting out a small sigh Dan smiles to Jade.

"Ok, I"ll see you at dinner. Stay out of trouble now."

Both going there own ways now Dan goes into the barn to start his nightly chores before dinner was served.

Making her way through the crowds and trying to look over the people was a little hard as Hope was on the shorter side, but finally her eyes could never mistaken the one she was looking for.

Waving at Scott Hope makes sure he sees her before she comes up to him not wanting to startle him. Pulling him into a hug, it had only been a day but she had missed him just the same.

"Hey there? How was the flight?"

Giving a smile as her brother comes into the room Ryan helps with the plates paying attechen to what her brother had done all day.

"Witch ones did you go to? I've been to almost all of them."

Ryan feeling something strange in the air and gives a quick glance to Leo before looking back at Eli. Trying to meet his eyes again Ryan fails and knows something is just not right, but would try to let it go for now with Leo here.

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