
New Face

Sitting up in bed her arm still bandaged Ryan flipped mindlessly through the channels. There really wasnt anything good on and she hated being in the room and told not to go anywhere. She wanted to be outside, driving working on cars...and...laughing with Leo.

As if on cue or planed to have a though and action lined up Ryan hears a noise as the door and looks up to see Leo. A smile grin forms on Ryan's face as she gives a nod.

"Its safe as long as you dont mind the smell of flowers, and being a little cold. Personally, I'd take the smell of burning oil and grease over this."

Letting out a small sigh and leaning back in the bed Ryan turns lets out a small sigh before looking at Leo again. She felt a little awkward not really knowing all of what to say.

"Not that I mind it, but I'm...surprised to see you here. Happy you came, but surprised. How have you been Leo? Has the new girl been treating you right? I'd hate to have to clock her one."

Taking a sip of her own OJ Jess looks at Axel across the room. It had been an early morning that didnt have much sleep the night before, just one of those nights that wernt so good and every little noise bothered her. But Hearing Axel's voice and getting the chanse to come to breakfest with him was something she hadnt wanted to turn down.

"You know, for a while when I was with Carson he would talk about Misty his feonsay. I always new he loved her and they were ment to be together but he told me she was quite smart in the medical field."

Looking down again Jess gives a smile for the memories she had. It was before Axel, to right when she was getting to know him. If it wasnt for Carson she never would of met Axel and known what real love was like.

"Maybe you should go see her. I mean I know you have been to Dr. before and everything but maybe she could use her smarts and figure something out to help. Its worth a shot at this point right?"

Taking a bit of her food she new was going cold Jess lets the silence linger for a long moment thinking. Axel had given her a short version of what was going on so she new the fine line but anything more she didnt know.

"Yeah, but whats being said I guess it makes me wonder if Ryan was there would it still be said or not? Seems to me like the reson she got shot to start with was to try and stop this whole thing for Leo's sake. I guess I'd want someone to have my back if stuff like that was going around too."

Looking up at Axel again Jess gives a small smile as she reaches over the table to give his hand a rub like she had many a time before.

"Not that I am saying what she did was right to start with at all, its just I dont know I guess I feel bad for them both. Do you know how Ryan is doing?"

"Whoa, easy there girl."

Holding the horses still Dan files the nail down not really paying to much attachen to anything else. Alot of hands had off today doing other things so that left Dan with alot of work. Not that he minded much it was nice to keep him mind off things.

Hearing a voice break through the quiet Dan trys to keep the horse steady. Not bothering to yell back so he didnt startle the more.

Finally finishing up and hearing the soft steps pass Dan pokes his head out from the stall in time to see the younger woman poke her head into the tak room door he had left open a little. Stepping outside the stall Dan new there would be no way he could let her know he was there and not scair her.

"Excuse me Ma'am could I help you?"

Stir crazy

Left alone once again, Gunner just sits for a long while. Refusing supper, he eventually drifts into a restless sleep, depressed and without much hope for tomorrow. He felt weak... he felt embarrassed... he felt guilty.

Once Con returns to TJY with Hope, he goes to let Reese know what happened. It's agreed to keep the whole thing quiet for now. Unless someone asked where Gunner was, they would work around it until a better time, or until they knew more.

The next day was a dark and gray one. Rain poured down, odd for such a dry land. The air was warm, but damp, making it seem chillier than it was.

Leo wanders down the hospital hall, having turned around twice, then come back. He wasn't sure why he was here. He was still upset. But a part of him must have cared... at least he figured that was the only reason he'd shown up here today.

Sighing, he tucks his hands in the pockets of his cargo pants and heads to the room again. This time he gets to the door and knocks lightly, cocking his head so he can see inside. Spotting Ryan sitting up in bed, he eyes her a little warily. "Safe to come in?"

"...so I don't know. I can't pay for surgery and even if I could, it might not do any good." Axel shrugs and leans back in the booth at the diner, looking across at Jess. "But I'm running out of money without having a job... so I gotta either find a solution or go looking for work I can do, bu even that's gonna be hard to find."

A mid-morning breakfast had brought them together today, even though they'd just had supper together the evening before.

"I guess it's not bad I haven't been in the shop anyway though... sounds like that whole Ryan and Leo thing is going around and I'm just as glad I don't have to listen to it."

Gunner picks at the toast on his plate and finally shoves it away. Getting up, he paces, his bare feet sounding on the tile floor. Giving a groan of frustration, he turns, increasing the circles he walked. He felt like a caged animal. He wanted his astronomy books. He wanted a window. He wanted his laptop. He wanted to write. But for now, silence was the only thing keeping him company, and he felt as if he would go insane... and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours.

Running his hands through his hair, he finally drops to the floor to do some pushups, trying to spend his energy.

"Helloooo." Jade pokes her head into the barn, looking around, but sees no one but the horses. Smirking, she wanders in, leaning into one of the stalls to talk to a mare. "Did they all leave, or what, hmm?" She reaches out to stroke the velvety cheek. "Yeah, you're a pretty girl, aren't you. Seen my dad around, or do I have to go hunt him down?"

Obviously not receiving a response, Jade sighs and aims down the dirt-floored aisle. "Dad?" she calls. No answer. She hadn't checked the dining hall yet but it was after lunchtime, so she'd assumed someone would be out here.

Almost giving in to go to the main house, she looks in one more spot. Finding the tackroom door open, she looks in. "Anybody home?"

The Shadow

Looking at Gunner with sympathy and understanding for his own free time Hope gives a small nod and a pat to his hand.

"I'll keep your stuff on the roof waiting for when you return and I promise Reese wont get to it."

Standing Hope makes her way to the door before turning to Gunner again giving a small smile.

"Remember your not alone, and if you need anything, even just a friend to sit with you I am only a phone call away and I will never turn my back on you. See you soon Gunner."

With that Hope turns and leaves the door giving a small sigh and a nod to Con. She didnt know if he wanted to say goodbye as well.

Returning the quick kiss to Kyle Alice slides over in the seat to let Kyle in. His warmth entering the jeep with him and filling her with such an energy it was a nice feeling after the last few days.

Taking a bit of her doughnut and a sip of her pop Alice just listens to Kyle as the smile on her face grows even more hearing what the plans for today were.

"I think checking it our first is a good idea. At least than you can say you tryed."

Taking Kyle's free hand in her own Alice gives it a gentil squeeze.

"I'll be with you every step of the way. The shadow follows on. Thank you."


Gunner lifts his eyes as Hope approaches, but simply shrugs then shakes his head. "Nah... what could I ask for anyway? Nothing in or out of this place, you know that. This whole thing got started because I wanted something, remember? I better cut it out before it really gets me in trouble."

Letting one leg slide down, he leans his head against the wall. "This nightmare is my own. Just make sure nobody gets my stuff up on the roof of TJY... I got a telescope and books up there. But do me a favor and don't tell Reese... that was one thing he didn't know about."

Kyle grins and leans closer to the open window, coming to Alice's eye level. "You think I woulda gotten you a donut without boston cream?"

His grin widens as he moves in to steal a light kiss to her lips. "Move over so I can crowd your space."

Joining Alice in the jeep, Kyle passes her a donut and a can of pop. "Figured I'd need all the pep I could get this morning... since I'm going to go see Erik." He flips the top on his mountain dew and takes a long sip, scanning the outside for a long moment. "I'm gonna see what he's got and what the band is like before I say no... or yes."

He turns his head to look at Alice again. "I, um... thought a lot last night and... I think maybe it's time for me to admit where my passion still lies."