

Following Carson and Jason quickly into the cabin Katie takes Ryder's hand as Carson starts to work on his shoulder. Trying her best to keep eye on tact and hold him still it was hard.

If anyone knows what they are doing its Carson when it comes to this stuff.

Continuing to keep Ryder still Katie glances as Jason leaves.

If you see anyone, yell.

Hearing what Carson said about keeping Ryder still Katie trys to hold him but cant. He was fighting so hard and the pain only increased the strangth. Thinking quick Katie leans closer to Ryder bringing her free hand to move the sweaty matted down hair from his forhead and run it down the side of his face. Bringing her face even closer she would wisper.

"We would do anything to survive."

Bringing her lips to Ryder's Katie puts her feelings and emotions into the kiss. It was one of the only things she could think of doing to keep Ryder's mind off the pain. Keeping her hand on the side of his face Katie lets the moment wash over her as the moment continues.


Jason follows Katie's information, relying on her to move the team forward. He trusted her instincts and her words. While Carson was uneasy following blind, to Jason it was normal.

The the team reaches the ground floor. At the end of the last hall two guard could be seen approaching outside, already alerted to the team's intrusion.

"Katie, get those guards out of the way. Jason, open the door." Carson gives orders, trusting the teamwork of his friends, even if he couldn't understand it..

Ryder follows lethargically, wincing a little when he's pushed around.

Once outside, the team can see several men coming their way, high-powered rifles aimed at them. Jason doesn't even think. The rifles explode. The men shout and jump back, some injured, some just scared.
Make 'em run, Katie.

The trek back up the trail takes much more time than calculated, with Ryder's strength dwindling. Jason looks over his shoulder once to see jeeps dispersed from the plant. "We're too slow."

"I know, but no one is staying behind." Carson might not have always agreed with Ryder, but there was no way he'd leave him.

Sweat poured down the sides of Ryder's face. Out of breath, he tries to keep up, relying on Carson and Jason, his legs feeling like lead weights. "There's no time," he manages hoarsely. "Get yourselves out of here."

Carson and Jason keep up the pace, ignoring the request. Stumbling through the brush, the river was the next obstacle.

"Make it fast," Ryder advises, gasping for breath. "Crocs are gonna think it's dinner time with all this blood."

Carson grimaces as they enter the waist-high water. "Great. That's all we need."

Thankfully, all four make it to the other side without incident. The trek continues through the brush and bramble, Ryder falling once, being picked up by Carson and Jason again. No time could be wasted.

Finally making it back to the cabin, they burst in through the back door. "Clear off the kitchen table," Carson barks. "We gotta move fast before we're discovered here." He drags Ryder toward the kitchen.

Once the table is cleared, he gets Ryder to lay on his back, pulling off his shirt to leave clear access to the bullet wound.

"What are you doing?" Jason questions.

"Getting the bullet out." Carson glances around the kitchen and starts searching the cupboards. "We don't have time for one or two days at a hospital."


"Get me the first aid kit."

Jason hesitates before running to the bathroom.
I hope he knows what he's doing.

Ryder tries to sit up and roll off the table, but Carson puts Katie to work. "Don't let him up. He's lost too much blood the way it is. Hold him down." Still scrounging around, he finally finds a half-empty bottle of whiskey in one of the cupboards.

Coming back to Ryder, with no mercy, he pours some of the alcohol over the wound.

Ryder flinches and tries to sit up again, but is held down.

"Here." Carson offers some of the alcohol to him as the only thing closest to a pain killer that they had.

Ryder bites his lip, then accepts, coughing just a little as it burns down his throat. But it was nothing compared to the way his shoulder felt.

Once Jason is back with the first aid kit, Carson burns a knife on the stove to sanitize it and is back, ready to take the bullet out. "Jason, go keep watch out back to make sure we weren't followed." Then he looks at Ryder grimly. "This is gonna hurt."

Just lucid enough to understand, Ryder takes a deep breath and stares up into Katie's eyes. As Carson digs for the bullet, tears of pain form in Ryder's eyes, but he doesn't move. His focus remains a steady stare into Katie's eyes, while his fingers hold her hand in a vice grip.

But as Carson digs deeper, Ryder's reflexes kick in and his body starts to fight back as he tries to sit up, pulling away from the pain.

Carson can feel the knife start to slip and grits his teeth. "Katie, hold him," he directs quickly. "Do anything to keep him still - I can't risk more damage."


Holding Ryder while Carson looks the worry and confusion can be seen in Katie's eyes. Katie can't help but cringe as she hears Ryder call out his brothers name. Glancing to the other end of the hall at the body just laying her heart acks for Ryder.

Heading down the stairs Katie goes first making sure the cost was clear for the other.

The stairway is clear.

Going through the door at the bottom vocies can be hurd at the other end as Katie quickly goes back through the door only keeping it open a crack.

Hold Up!

Keeping her gun drawn Katie was ready for anything if she had to she protect her friends no matter the cost.

Finally as the voices are gone Katie gives a nod.

Ok good to move again.

Backtracking a few steps Katie checks on the others to make sure they are ok and keeping up alright.


Ryder's eyes flutter open then shut again, hearing Katie's voice. He moves his hand, grasping Katie's arm as a surge of pain hits him.

Seeing Ryder, Jason's heart leaps into his throat. "Carson, what happened?"

"Family feud." Carson makes eye contact with Katie and nods before he kneels next to Ryder, checking the wound under the handkerchief. "Not fatal if we can get him out of here, but it's not good either. This was too close for comfort."

Ryder cringes a little, wavering between unconsciousness and reality. "Brian..."

"Forget it, mate," Carson advises. "He's gone."

"No!" Ryder suddenly shoots up and tries to get to his feet as he remembers what happened, scrambling towards his brother, but Carson stops him.

"We're getting out of here," he orders sternly.

"No!" Ryder screams as he fights Carson's strong arms. "We can't leave him to die!"

Carson's heart aches, but he stays strong, pushing Ryder back the other direction. "He's already gone, Ryder. He's gone." He looks to Katie again. "Take the lead to the stairs. We'll get him out of here, don't worry."

Emotions flood Ryder's eyes as he's pushed backward, Brian's body becoming smaller and smaller, the farther they got away. But by the time they reached the end of the corridor and had slipped around to the stairway, the pain in his arm and the loss of blood was already making him too weak to fight. Now slung between Carson and Jason, Ryder walks numbly, trying to stay conscious.


Looking between Ross and Jason for a moment Katie's own mind races.

He knows about us?!

Trying to pick up as much infomation as she can Katie only grows more confused yet understands at the same time. So this was an accident there abilitys.

"Our fathers are the ones who..."

Katies own words and questions are cut off by the sound of Carson's voice, than Ryders followed up by two gunshots.

J we have to go come on. We cant wast anymore time.

Going twords the door Katie keeps her gun drawn making sure Jason is close behind her. Glancing out the door she see Carson and it about to go twords him when she notice Ryder is not.
Looking down Katie gasps in shock to see Ryder on the ground with blood soaking through his shirt.

Without even hesatating Katie goes to him kneeling down. Checking his wound and holding her hand over it to try and stop the bleeding. Grabing a hankerchef from her pocket Katie press it to the wound. Now her hand and clothing stained with Ryder's blood she didnt care.

"Come on Ryder hang in there for me. We will get you help."

Trying her best Katie looks up to Carson her own eyes pleading.

"Come on help me get him up so we can get out of here."

Ryder was right

Scott glances down at Jess, searching her face with his good eye. "I don't know what you're thanking me for, but..."

A quiet laugh surfaces. "I'm getting a crick in my neck."

Situating his weight, he slides down to use his pillow again, but makes sure Jess knows she doesn't have to move. Twisting the blanket around, he shares it with her, letting her head wind up on his chest.

"I guess... if you're thanking me for company... then I should thank you too."

Jason moves to the back where he finds the cabinet. Inside were syringes and vials, all marked clearly. Everything was sanitary. Everything was in order. One would think they were at some real medical or science facility.
I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying. I have no idea what I'm looking for... But I don't trust Ross to give us the right information. He could give us another poison and we wouldn't even know it.

Then Jason spots a vile near the back. The label read "267."
I found it... the poison, that is... if Carson really was right.
Fishing a small pack out of his pocket, Jason opens the cupboard and takes one of the vials. While he didn't ever want this poison exposed, having it could help produce an antidote if they couldn't find one... and it would help TJY know what the Agency was working with.

Ross squirms in his seat, nervously looking between Jason and Katie. "You won't get away with this. I don't know how you got in here, but you'll never get back out again."

"You leave that to us," Jason retorts, still searching. His eyes glance past several more things, unable to recognize them or know what they might be. Instead of risking taking the wrong thing back home, he takes several different samples of individual vials, carefully placing them in the insulated pack. Taking from all the rows, one of them had to be what they were looking for. Once back home, Rick and Misty would be able to dissect and figure out which they needed, especially having a sample of the poison itself. Knowing them, it wouldn't take long.

Ross persists. "There are cameras. And guards. You'll be gunned down if you try to run now."

Jason spins around, his annoyance getting the best of him, and he glares at Ross. "And how do you think we got in here?"

The phone on Ross' desk suddenly snaps and sparks until a small stream of smoke appears. Ross' eyes widen. "Did you..." His question trails off as Jason turns his back again. He looks to Katie, then back to Jason, then back to Katie again. "He did... are you..." His mouth falls open. "The offspring."

Jason looks over his shoulder, suddenly paying attention. "What?"

Ross puts a hand to his mouth, a slight smile emerging. "The offspring. You're one of them, aren't you?"

"One of who? What are you talking about?"

"The odds that it would happen at all... then that you would actually come here... to this specific lab..." Ross laughs, the fascination flashing in his eyes. "Unbelievable. Marvelous." He claps his hands together. "What else can you do?"

Jason frowns, and glances to Katie.
Has he gone mad? Is he talking about what I just did or what?

"Who is your partner?" Ross questions. "Is it her?" He points to Katie. "When did you figure it out?"

Our abilities.
A tingle runs down Jason's spine.
He knows about it.
Distracted from what he was doing, Jason comes back to Ross. "What do you know?"

"Oh, everything." Ross' excitement was still evident, despite him being held at gunpoint. "How did yours come out? Was it your emotions too?"

"What do you mean 'too?' There are others? And how do you know?"

"There were. Two that we knew of, but they're dead now." Ross shakes his head. "They wouldn't give in and the Agency would have none of that."

Jason leans down so he's at eye level with Ross. The desire to know more overtook the real purpose of being here. "How did it happen?"

"It was a drug. Experimentally distributed in the United States, but only for a short while. Those that took it experienced no ill side affects. But..."

Jason's eyes widen. "Their offspring."

"Precisely." Ross nods, looking to Katie. "My guess would be it was your father." He looks back to Jason. "And yours too. That's the way it was with the others."

"So it was all just... and accident."

"Kind of. No one was expecting those kinds of results. But Medridge never admitted whether or not he was waiting to see results years down the road."

Only one thing pops into Jason's mind. "If it was made from drugs, then there's an antidote for it too."

Ross purses his lips and stares over the top of his glasses. "We never got that far with the other two. But..." He gestures to his filing drawer. "I do have a formula."

Jason pulls out his gun again, pointing it at Ross' head. "Get it."

Ross hesitates, then moves, knowing he didn't have much of a choice.

Out in the hall, Carson can see the mirror at the other end, and sees that more movement is coming in their direction. "Jason, Kat," he hisses loudly. "Get out of there. We have to move!"

Jason hears Carson, but isn't willing to leave without the formula Ross was talking about. "Get it out now," he orders Ross.

The older man opens the drawer, flipping through bulging folders. "Here." He pulls out several computer printouts with information that Jason didn't understand. But he knew Rick would. Taking it from Ross, he folds it up and slips it into his back pocket. "For that, we won't kill you."

Ross leans back in his chair, squinting a little. "I don't think you would have anyway."

"Jase, come on!"

Jason hesitates, but moves back towards the door.
I got all I could from the vials over there. The antidote we need has to be one of them. We can get out of here now.

Out in the hall, Ryder paces. Carson was getting nervous, and for good reason. They'd been there too long already. It was a miracle no one had spotted them yet.

Suddenly though, movement appears at the end of the hall. Ryder looks quickly, aiming his gun, but just as quickly, he lowers it. His eyes widen. "Brian!"

Brian stops in his tracks, turning and seeing his brother. For an instant, the hall is silent.

Ryder makes a step forward, his pulse racing. "Brian, we're getting out of here right now. You can come with us. We can get you out of here."

"Stop." Brian holds up his hand, stopping Ryder. "You shouldn't be here."

"We needed an antidote."

Carson looks to Ryder with frustration, not knowing whether to aim his gun or not. "Zip it," he orders. "Let him go."

"No!" Ryder glares at Carson, then looks back to Brian. "Come on. This is your chance!"

But a gun is drawn in response.

Ryder's face pales and he backs up a step. "Brian, no... just let us go. We're here to help someone else, and we can help you too if you let us."

Letting Ryder handle himself, Carson has his head turned, looking into the door of the lab, waiting for Jason and Katie.

Brian points his handgun at Ryder. "You shouldn't have come. No one gets out of here."

"But we can - you can. Please." Ryder's eyes beg his brother, knowing that Brian wouldn't be capable of pulling the trigger. He knew he could convince him to leave. He knew he had a good heart. "Just leave this place behind. We can make it safe for you and you can finally fight back. You can get your life back."

"This is my life."

"But it doesn't have to be!" Ryder starts walking towards him. "Just let us..."

His words are cut off as a shot echoes through the hall.

Everything seems to go in slow motion.

Ryder blinks and stares down at his shoulder that was instantly soaked with blood. Shock invades his eyes, but not from the pain - it was from realizing that his own brother had just shot him.

Carson whirls around and his instincts kick in. Seeing Brian's outstretched gun, he's left with no choice. A second shot rings out. But this time, the target goes down, never having felt the bullet to his head.

Ryder's legs suddenly buckle and he collapses onto the floor, his eyes rolling back into his head.

"Jason! Kat! NOW!" Carson shouts. He runs down to the end of the hall where Brian's body was, pulling two double-doors closed and jamming the lock into place.


Feeling Scott's hand run through her head it was soothing to Jess. It was almost a familure feeling that creep up in her memorie for a reason why she found so much comfort in this but like a curten draw Jess couldnt see past this point and for now she let it go just enjoying Scott.

Absintmindedly she brings her hand up and gives Domino's head a pat brushing Scott's hand for a moment before bringing it back down and holding the small dog's paw softly. Rolling over on her back Jess looking up at the cealing. She was comfortable but far from tired. She only hoped sleep would come soon. Glancing at Scott Jess trys to smille just a tiny bit.

"Thank you."

Looking around the courner with Jason Katie gives a nod. She new what to do and how to do it. Nice and eary just like before.

Got it. NOW!

As Jason causes the incodent Katie has no problem striking the fear into the two guards. Taken down in no time Katie is following Jason inside turning to make sure the other two were following throwing them both smiles.

Following close behind Jason the move along the hall. Katie has her own gun drawn for protection.

Camra righthand side.

Being able to talk with Jason and not use words really helped keeping them undeticted. Finally making there way up the steps and hearing people at the other end of the hall Katie's heart beat so loud she thought someone might hear it.

Finally as the cost is clear they continue down to the hall and enter the room. Giving a nod to Carson followed by a smile of reasurance to Ryder.

Standing next to Jason as he questions the man in the lab coat Katie's eyes peace his as she keep her shair ferm using only a bit of his own fear aganst him.

"If I were you, I'd just answer the question."

Good work J.

Once Jason start to walk away Katie stands with her gun pointed at Ross making sure he dosnt move a muscle as her eyes dont leave him eather. They didnt need to, Katie new what was going in with Jason just the same.

Just hurry J. Being here gives me the creeps enough.

Seeing Ross move just a little Katie sets a few steps closer.

"Dont, think about moving another muscle."

Moving in

Luke cringes at the memories that Angel's ranting brought to mind. She was thinking back so far... to a time so painful. Rubbing his tired face, he just waits, still praying... hoping that his wife would calm down to sleep restfully again. It was their only chance of keeping her alive right now.

Scott's eyes open back up again and he moves his hand down through Jess' hair one more time. He'd started to doze off several times, but found it less fearsome to stay awake, at least for now. Stifling a yawn, he shifts his weight a little, sinking further down, but letting Jess keep her head in his lap.

Domino looks up, almost annoyed at being woken up by his movements. She stands to yawn and stretch, looking around for a moment. She sniffs close to Jess' head, then settles back down again, nuzzling into Scott's side.

Scott lets his free hand fall to his little dog, giving her a loving scratch behind the ears.

The team moves in. They head down the trail that was a gradual incline that curved around until reaching the bottom at the edge of the parking lot. Glancing around, they revert to silence. Blowing their cover too soon could be fatal.

Moving closer and closer, they creep up to the building, right around the corner from the guards. Carson draws his gun but doesn't advance. He nods to Jason and Katie. It was up to them to get them inside. They'd have to stick close once they were in, take out any cameras and silence anyone who saw them. Then they'd have to get back out again.

Jason moves to the corner and looks around to see the guards.
Alright, there they are. Let's have a repeat of how it was when we went after Scott.

It ran like clockwork. A flickering light caused enough fear for Katie to work with, and before anyone knew it, both guards had been knocked unconscious. While Carson knew how they worked, he was still impressed, and as they slip inside, he gives Katie a crooked grin. Ryder follows them inside, a bit stunned by what had happened, but without time to process it.

The inside was quiet. They were in a hallway. It was uncanny how the layout appeared to be so similar to the building where Scott had been held. In a totally different country, the Agency still operated in the same way.

The four slipped down the hall, Jason in the lead, with Carson in the rear, walking backward to keep an eye out. Guns were drawn. Eyes were open, ears were listening intently. Voices could be heard nearby, but this corridor was clear. They hit the stairway they were looking for, and quickly ascended three floors. Meeting no one was a welcomed surprise. As they pass cameras, Jason takes them out with just enough energy to make them malfunction but not set off any alarms. So far they were going undetected.

Reaching the third floor, they stare down another long hall. Shadows pass by on the other end, but were quickly gone. The coast was clear.

"Last room on the right," Ryder hisses.

Jason moves forward, stopping a the closed door. A small window showed there was one person inside the lab. "One," he informs with a whisper.

Carson gives him a nod. They were ready. He eyes Katie, giving her a wink - a contrast to the tension they were under.

Jason grips the door handle.
Okay, Hero, let's do this. I need you right behind me for this one.

Ryder steps to the side, keeping his back on the opposite wall. He nods. He and Carson would stay in the hall while Jason and Katie went in.

Jason keeps his gun up and ready.
We gotta move fast so he can't call anybody.
Turning the door handle, he opens the door swiftly, letting Katie slip in with him before the door goes shut again. He aims his handgun at the middle-aged, heavyset man in the white lab coat and glasses, whose nametag read Ross.

"Whoa!" he stands from his desks, arms going in the air. "Who are you? What are you doing? How did you get in there?"

"Hold the questions," Jason growls. "And sit back down. Now."

Ross' eyes are wide behind his glasses and he sits back down. One hand starts to lower towards an intercom button.

Jason cocks his gun. "Just try."

Ross immediately backs off again, wildly searching Jason and Katie's faces. "What do you want?"

"We need an antidote and we need it now."

"Antidote?" Ross laughs. "For what? And why would it be here?"

"Don't give me that." Jason steps forward, pressing the barrel of his gun against Ross' head.

Ross sucks in his breath, starting to tremble. He looks to Katie for help, but sees immediately that she is just as determined as the young man. He swallows hard, then licks his lips. "Um... uh... well... um..."

Jason leans down to stare into Ross' eyes. "Did I mention we were in a hurry?"

Ross gulps. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. "Which antidote are you looking for?"

Now that's more like it.
"For a poison. It's new to us, but probably not new to you."

Ross again stumbles over words, but his eyes drift to the far end of the room. Jason follows his gaze.
Keep him here, Katie. There's a case down there with some items of interest.

He moves from the desk, uncocking his gun and heading to a glass cabinet. The room was long, full of computer equipment and paperwork. While everything was stark and clean, a line of cages was set up in the middle of the room, housing rats. Jason cringes.
This was the sort of thing Carson had talked about. Gives me the creeps.