
New day

*Wendy stands tall and walks slowly past Clint.* "Thank you my handsome Prince. I am forever in debted to you. What would I have done with out without you." *Wendy sits down at the table and cross her legs.*

*Wes laughs and walks into the kitchen smiling at Becky.* "Those two are so cute together. Its good to see them both happy again." *Wes grabs some coffee and some muffins.*

*Rosetta slowly makes her way to the mess hall. Her heart was heavy. She wasent as mad at Katie as she was yesterday but she still wasent happy. Asking god for guidness to talk to Katie and Jason Rosetta feels a bit of peace.*

*Angel hands back for alittle bit doing some paper work in her office.*

*Katie smiles and follows Jason. Siting down she looks at the menu.* "Coffee, lots of Coffee leave the whole pot." *Katie giggles.* "mmm...what alse would you sujest from here J?" *Katie looks around taking in her saroundings.*


Clint gives Wendy a silly grin, allowing her into the mess hall. As they enter and Wes hurls the amusing warning in his direction, he jumps to the side in an astonished movement. He grabs a plastic fork from the table and assumes a sword fighting stance, aiming at a group of chairs. “Back! Back I say! Or I shall cut you to ribbons! You are no match for me. Ha!” He leaps forward, taking a stab in the air with the fork. “Take that! And that!” Satisfied with his attack, he twirls his weapon and returns it to an imaginary sheath at his side. Bowing to Wendy, he ushers her towards the table. “The way is clear, melady.”

Becky sticks her head out of the kitchen and rolls her eyes. “What’s gotten into that boy?”

Rosalynn giggles from her place at the kitchen counter as she pours a cup of coffee. “I haven’t seen him this wound up since we were in grade school.”

Cindy walks slowly to the mess hall, taking her time as she looks up at the clear morning sky. She’d woken up in prayer today, her only wish to see Jason safe again. Despite the knowledge that he had been seen, worry was still on her mind, and she would feel much better when her son was back.
She opens the front door of the mess hall just in time to hear Wes call to Clint about the chairs. She looks at him in surprise, a wry grin spreading across her face as she shakes her head.

Austin takes route to the ranch, with Con directly behind him. Sleep hadn’t come easy the night before, and today he was anxious for Jason and Katie to get back. He’d gone over a million times, it seemed, what he was going to say to his grandson. He’d get his point across if it killed him, and that would be the end of these shenanigans.

Jason directs Katie across town to a little family-owned restaurant, where few have gathered yet this early. A bell jingles as they enter through the door, and a heavy, middle-aged woman comes out of the kitchen to greet them. Her eyes widen as she sees them, a genuine smile spreading across her round face. “Well I’ll be. Hotshot! We thought you dropped off the face of the earth, and from the looks of it, you did!”

Jason chuckles and nods to the woman. “Hi, Mrs. Owens.”

She comes forward, furrowing her brow in sympathy at Jason’s scarred face and his crutches. “You poor thing, what happened?”

“Oh, just got in a little scrape.”

“Uh-huh. That means it’s one of those ‘if I told you, I’d have to kill you’ instances, doesn’t it?”

“You’re just as sharp as ever.” Jason winks at her in amusement. “It’s nothing some of your fine cooking can’t cure.”

Mrs. Owens waves him off, rolling her eyes. She glances in Katie’s direction with a smirk. “He’s such a flirt.” But she can’t help a good-natured laugh. “He does know the right things to say though, doesn’t he?” She shakes her head and turns back towards the kitchen. “Find yourself a table,” she calls over her shoulder. “I’ll be right back out.”

Jason grins, spinning his gaze to Katie. “My favorite table is over there by the window. And trust me – if you wanted coffee, you’re at the right place.”


*Katie nods and takes the keys understanding.* "OK your going to have to direct me where to go to eat. I dont know my way around here." *Geting into the driver seat Katie feels excited. She was never able to drive such a nice car before. Before they know it, they are heading down the road.*

*Wendy grins at Clint.* " Watch it smart guy or I am going to make a chair attack you again." *Wendy glances at the chair as she enters the mess hall. giving alittle bow to Clint who held the door.* " Thank you Sir."

*Wes slowly makes his way to the mess hall. The night before still showing signs in his eyes. Coffee will make it better. Entering he see Clint and Wendy making there wya to the table.* " CLINT WATCH OUT...THE CHAIR...ITS GONNA ATTACK." *Wes gives a sly grin.*


Jason chuckles and shakes his head. "You win. Give me a minute to get some shoes on, and we'll scoot out of here. There's nothing to eat in the house since we've been gone. I need to get some food though, so we can stop on our way out of town and you can have your coffee." He turns to go back to his bedroom, wanting to eat something soon so he can take some pain killers. His knee is throbbing, though he tries not to let it show.

Finally ready, he gets together his own backpack of some things he's wanted, and aims for the door. Locking up the house again, he turns to Katie, holding out the car key. He doesn't want to admit needing help, but he's in no good shape this morning. "You're gonna have to drive for a while."

Clint opens the mess hall door with a grin. "Hey! She can walk!"


*Wendy giggles and shakes her head. Heading inside Wendy sits and reads alittle. Than turns off her light and drifts off to sleep.*

*Wendy makes her way to the mess hall walking on her own 2 legs. Angel took her cast off early this morning. Though Wendy now has a slight limp*

*Katie answers the door her hair wet indacating she already has taken a shower. It looks as though she was up much earlyer than Jason.* " You were sleeping later than me, so I think YOUR the sleepyhea." *Katie smiles and grabs her back pack.* " I need some coffee."

Wakeup call

Cindy smiles and shakes her head as Wes leaves. She sighs with content and heads to bed, feeling warm and fuzzy inside...a feeling she hasn't felt for a long time. Sleep comes easy.

Clint beams. "Great! And you'll be out of your wheelchair? Awesome." He lingers awkwardly for a moment, then finally turns to leave. "See you in the morning, Wendy." He positions himself on the short railing to slide down the distance of the three steps and lands to jog to his own bunk.

Morning. The ranch is sleepy and people are slow to rise after yesterday's worrying, and a late night.

Jason cracks one eye open, groggily looking at his clock and he groans. It takes all the energy he has to drag himself from bed. He makes it down the hallway to take a shower, grimacing as his knee has become stiff overnight.
After cleaning up he throws on a clean pair of jeans, white tee, and flannel shirt that he leaves unbuttoned. Still in his bare feet, he heads back down the hall on his crutches and raps his knuckle on Katie's door. "Yo, sleepyhead...five o'clock..."

try to sleep

*Wes smiles at Cindy. His own heart raching as he waited for Cindy's response.* "Wonderful. Well, have a great night." *Wes turns to leave almost falling down the steps but catches his balance and disapears into the dark.*

*Wendy giggles as her face turns a shade of red.* "Why I'd love to go Sir. The Queen herself said I should be out of my carage by tomarrow." *Wendy points to the wheel chair. Than gets a more serouse look on her face* "Yes Clint. I would love to go with you."

*Katie wakes brefly, but closes her eyes again trying to tell herself not to worry. Jason was in the other room fine. He dident need a babysiter only a friend. Katie trys to fall back to sleep.*


As they stand on the porch, Cindy looks up at Wes with surprise. His hand feels warm...gentle... A blush comes to her face. "Well, I....I mean..." She stammers, unsure of her own response. "It's just a casual event, right? I mean, we'd be going as friends...just as friends..." She swallows hard, getting lost in Wes' eyes. "...Yes. I'd love to go."

Clint grins, taking hold of Cindy's wheelchair. "Madam, you have never been more safe, for I am the king of conquering chairs! Onward!" He steers her to the door, and they make their way to Wendy's bunk. Stopping outside the door, Clint gets a mischievous look on his face and puts his foot in front of one of the wheels so she can't go inside. "This princess wouldn't want to accompany a lowly peasant to a winter social, would she?"

A nightmare propels Jason into a state of panic as he sits bolt upright in bed. Eying the darkness, it takes him a moment to remember where he is. Forcing his own breathing to slow, he flops back onto his pillow and wipes the sweat from his brow. That had been a new kind of nightmare...it had been more than images from the past. It had combined the horrific scenes with new and imagined ones, overlapping his former and current lives. Was it a glimpse at what could really happen? Could his own decisions that pushed him down one path cause all that pain to people he cared about?
He automatically glances to the papers from Carter again. Was his nightmare a warning, or simply rampant an unnecessary worries coming out?
Rolling over on his side, he sees his clock. Three in the morning. They'll have to rise in just a couple hours if they're going to get back to the ranch that night.
He closes his eyes and tries to go back to sleep.

Will you

*As Katie shuts the door she smiles. Jason's smile imprinted on her brain. What was is about him that made her feel this way. Cralwing back into bed Katie pulles the blankets up to her chin. Stairing into the dark for a long while she fimaly falls asleep.*

*Wes gets up with Cindy and exits with her. Walking her to her Bunk.* "Cindy...I wanted to ask you something." *Wes cheeks turn a slight shade of red as he takes Cindy's hand.* " I wantd to know if you would go to the winter social with me?"

*Wendy smiles as Clint.* " I would love an escort. As long as you promise to protect me if any chairs attack us."

Going to bed

Jason grips Katie’s hand firmly, guiding her across the hall and to Cindy’s room. He says nothing, as he lets her go, simply leaving her with his signature gaze before turning to go back to his room. Once there, he shuts his door and leans his back against it, closing his eyes and letting out a long breath. “Oh, Katie,” he whispers. Shaking his head, he crawls back into bed, this time able to doze off within a few minutes

The card game finally comes to a close as the five at the table grow tired. Jeff is the first to leave, and Cindy stands and stretches. “Sorry, y’all, but I’ve had it. Thanks for the fun.”

Clint stands as well, looking to Wendy. “I think it’s about time I headed to bed myself. Would you like an escort to your bunk?”

Back to my room

*Katie sighs.* "You sound like my aunt now. I might as well go back into the room or I will never hear the end of it." *Katie gives a sly grin. As she takes Jason's hand it feel like eletricity shoot though her. For a bref moment she lingers. In the past she has held a guys hand, but this time it felt.....differnt. Katie wonders if Jason can tell but says nothing. Slowly she steps forword back to ehr room.*


Jason squints at Katie, trying to figure her out, and the silence lingers for several moments. He runs a hand through his hair and heaves another sigh, his grin still toying with his mouth. “Katie, Katie, Katie, what am I going to do with you?” He looks into her eyes, and for the first time, she makes him feel awkward. It takes an effort to shove aside the unexplainable feelings, and he bites his lip, too many thoughts running through his mind that he doesn’t want to deal with. “You’re a stubborn brute, but I’m not gonna let you sleep in the hallway. What kind of a gentleman would I be, letting you do that?” He limps out of the doorway and holds out his hand. “You’re going back to bed. Come on.”

*Katie smiles up at Jason. The dark alumanated by it.* " I was sleeping. I can run off an hour or two of sleep at a time. Something about my body it dosent need much sleep to be rested. Trust me, I'm ok."*Katies eyes dance in the dark as the moonline hits them.*

Need Rest

Jason sighs and leans on the doorway, looking down at Katie. As his eyes adjust to the dark, he studies her face. "Don’t be sorry. I was already awake. You do realize though, that you’re going to have to figure out some way to not let my restlessness bother you. You’ve got to sleep too.” He shakes his head. “I’ve given up trying to figure out how you can tell when I’m in trouble, but I do know that you’re human and need rest. So…. How about you try getting back to bed, hmm?” His grin shows through the dark, proving he’s more amused than annoyed.


*Katie slowly turns. He dosent startle her for she hurd him walk across the floor. * "I'm sitin here silly whats it looks like. I couldent sleep, and I could sell you were restless so I was hoping..bah I dont know. I'm sorry I woke you." *Katie's face turns a slite shade of red. Its a good thing its dark.*

*Wes giggles.* "Ok Miss cardshark, we are playing Pinochle. Deal em out."

*Wendy glances at Clint and smiles.* "This was a good night indeed."


Cindy shakes her head in amusement and gets a glass of water from the kitchen. Coming back into the other room she sighs, grinning at Wes. “Alright…watching someone fight a chair has got to be worth staying up for.” She pulls out a chair next to Wes and grabs the deck of cards, shuffling them expertly. “However, I think a card game on the side will be entertaining as well. What are we playing?”

Jason opens his eyes for the umpteenth time an sighs. Suddenly his ears pick up the sound of movement in the hall. He glances at his clock. Katie’s been in bed for hours. A chill runs down his spine.
Silently rolling out of bed, he manages to pull on a pair of jeans, but doesn’t bother with a shirt, and limps to the door in his bare feet, not making a sound. Slowly he cracks the door and squints into the hall. A figure sitting in the chair startles him. “Katie? What on earth are you doing?”