

Leaving the kitchen and scaning the room Rosetta makes sure there is no more dishes that needed to be done. Seeing Eric sitting at the table still Rosetta gives a small nod and goes over to him offering to take his coffee cup.

"Its good to have you home again. Just feels a little more complete. Now if I can only get you all here at once."

Giving a smile Rosetta turns to head back to the kitchen. She missed her brothers, and the closeness of them always being there they once had after finding each other. But part of getting older was sometimes going your own way as well and at least she got to see them sometimes.

But new form of melloncly come as Rosetta washs the last cup. She missed Jeff something horrable. He was a big boy and could take care of himself but she still missed him and wished she new where he was and if he was ok. A twins sixth sence told her something was wrong, but she didnt dair ask or she would just get the same information as she did before. Nothing.

Smiling at Jason Katie takes a small bit of her food. It never tasted better and it almost felt like her tastbuds were singing.

Don't worry I'll let you know if I need anything. Seeing as its easyer to tell u than anyone else.

Katie cant help the small grin that formed as silence rules for just a little while as they both enjoyed there food.

Finally Kaite puts her napkin down and her fork. She hadnt eaten much but it was more than she thought. Her tummy just couldnt handle anything more at the moment.

Looking up at Jason the smile is still on her face, as her eyes hold a searousness to them. In a strong voice she asks.

"Jason, will you marry me?"

Looking back across the table Thirteen can tell the change in Ryder's tone once again, and she new that meeting new people would be important but she didnt really understand why.

"But when do I need other friends when I have one I like spending time with already?"

Looking down at the food for a moment Thirteen can feel her cheeks turning red.

"I know I need other friends...I just...I.."

Stoping herself Thirteen picks up her fork and knife. Maybe somethings shouldnt be said. Still the feeling lingered that maybe she had done something wrong and now Ryder was being carfel around her.

Taking a bit of her food Thirteen continues to just look at her plate forcing a smile to come forth. If Ryder was upset she should just act like herself and trying to be normal.

"This tasts really good."

Looking at Gage Sapphire's own look showed one of compation for him. She wanted to help him, and she wanted to teach him. She wasnt sure why but it was just a feeling.

About to say more Sapphire stops and stands up straght ass Rick and Hal return. Looking to Rick Sapphire nods pointing to the floor and than Gage's head.

"He fell there and hit his head pretty hard. I think he dented my floor."

Sapphire gives a small chuckle.

"He has a nice bump on his head but there is no blood and I didnt feel a crack. He was getting pretty dizzy so I thoughh he might have a concution and I would hate for him to fall asleep in the cell and not wake up."

Sapphire looks to Gage and than back to Rick again.

"He also has a nice gash on his wrist but its nothing to bad and I cleaned it, and wrapped it up already, but I think maybe you guys should take the cuffs off so they dont irrotate it. I doubt he would run."


"Maybe..." Mick rests his chin on Rosetta's shoulder for a moment before sighing and pulling away. "I'm gonna go get the kid and put him to bed. See you back at the house." Another kiss to the head and he's off to the adjoining room where there is monstrous growling followed by a fit of giggles before BJ disappears out of the dining hall, slung over Mick's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Eric sits in the corner, alone, a small grin appearing as he watches Mick and BJ leave. Then his eyes fall back to his empty cup of coffee. It had been empty for a while now, but he had yet to take it to the kitchen. A sigh comes... he'd been just within earshot of Mick's short conversation with Rosetta. And it made him wonder. Who had his brother become all these years? And what was his motive for leaving so suddenly? Secrets... again.

Ryder gives a little laugh, but pauses for some reason before answering Thirteen. "Yeah... yeah I'll be around. We'll have to decide where you'll be when I have to go to work."

He stops again as the timer dings, and he prepares their dishes for supper. Bringing them to the table, he makes sure they have all they need, then sits down across from her. But he doesn't dig in right away. "You need to learn to spend yoru time.... with... other people too, ya know? I mean... I can't be the only person you ever interact with." He seems to force a smile and a wink. "Friends... they're a part of life you need to discover."

Gage lets Sapphire finished and glances up at her with a look in his eye almost undescribable. It was confused... sad... humliated... pensive. "I don't... understand."

Too soon, Hal is back with Rick and they are interrupted.

Rick moves close and glances to Sapphire. "Where did he fall?"


Turning to see Mick Rosetta held a look of confusion for her brothers actions. The vagueness of the situation was strange and a little frustrating.

"Maybe when he was mixed up in the Agency he new her?"

For a moment Rosetta is quiet thinking for a long moment.

"If Trent can help this girl remember her past maybe than she can move on with her new life."

Trying to fallow and keep up with Ryder in the kitchen Thirteen does her best to keep notes in her mind of how Ryder was doing things.

As Ryder bumps into Thirteen she braces herself but notices something was off. Trying not to dwell on it though she continues to try and move on. Things were still tense with them and she new it.

..Sitting down at the table Thirteen waits for the food. It smelled so good, and she couldnt wait to tast it.

Listing about the new additions that Ryder was putting on the house intregued her even more.

"That would be strange. But we would, I would still get to see you alot?"

Thinking for a long moment Sapphire knows she had to watch what she says but can hear the tone in Gage's voice and it makes her a bit sad.

"We are good guys, if we wernt we wouldnt have let you outside at all. But for now we have to keep you here. You were part of the orginzation that does alot of bad things and you helped in hurting Katie."

Continuing to gentily clean Gage up Sapphire finally finish and puts a wrap around his wound before moving in front of him. The soft smile on her lips still.

"We cant blame you for only knowing the Agency's ways but we also have to be coutious so no one else gets hurt and you dont hurt yourself eather. We do care, I care and hope soon we can help you learn."

Locked up

Mick raised his eyebrows as he too scanned the room for Trent. Upon Rosetta's request, he nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he rises from hsi chair to wander outside. It takes him a few minutes, but he finally spots Trent standing quietly by one of the pasture fences. It wasn't all that strange - even though Trent was a part of the gang again, he was still a loner and would often spend quiet time alone. But Mick would check on him for Rosetta. "Hey, Trent."

Trent didn't move.

Mick tried again, leaning sideways into the fence to face his brother-in-law. "Everything okay?"

Trent's eyes hold a strange far-away look, and he doesn't glance in Mick's direction. His jaw muscles try to work out his tension as his fingers pick at some loose splinters of wood on the roughly-hewn fence.

Now Mick was beginning to think Rosetta was right. Something was strange. He tries a third time to start a dialogue, this time more cautiously. "Trent? What's wrong?"

By now, the traces of the one rogue tear were gone, but his eyes still held so much emotion as he finally turns to Mick. "Her name is Jasmine."

Mick had absolutely no idea what Trent was talking about. "What? Who?"

"The girl... in Nevada."

One of Mick's eyebrows quirks. "The one we were talking about who looks like Katie?"

Trent nods, but offers nothing more. Mick is almost frustrated with the lack of information. "And...how do you know her name?"

Trent swallows and shakes his head. "I have to go."

"Well, can't you answer me first?"

"No... I mean, I have to go... to Nevada."

Mick's eyes widen. "I don't understand."

"It was a long time ago." Trent purses his lips grimly as he pushes off the fence, straightening up. "I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"But..." Mick watches in total confusion as Trent walks away, towards his bunkhouse. Sighing, he turns to aim for the dining hall again. By the time he gets there, most of the others have started breaking up for the night. Mick finds Rosetta standing near the kitchen, and he slips his arms around her waist from behind, leaning over her shoulder to give her cheek a kiss. "Trent won't talk to me," he mentions quietly. "He knows something about the Agency girl though, and he says he's leaving tomorrow for Nevada."

Ryder laughs and reaches out to ruffle Thirteen's hair. "Alright... Give me ten minutes, then we'll cook some supper together."

Just as he said, ten minutes later, he's returned, having cleaned up and donned more comfortable jeans and t-shirt. "Ready?" He motions for Thirteen to join him in the kitchen. Setting about gathering the dishware, he moves about, knowing exactly what he wanted. "We're gonna do Italian tonight," he proclaims decidedly. "How does pasta, red sauce, chicken and mozzarella sound to you?"

He scans the inside of the refrigerator. "Don't know what it's called, but it tastes good."

Getting what he needs, he turns to smile at Thirteen. "Pretty soon, you're gonna be self-sufficient, you know that?" He moves about, accidentally bumping into her. "Oh, sorry."

It was the first time he hadn't reached out to steady her.

He hands her a pot then reaches out to turn on the oven. "Okay, lets see what we should do first..."

Soon, the kitchen is filled with aromas that could make anyone's stomach growl. Ryder leans back against the counter, waiting for the timer as he folds his arms over his chest. "If I can get permission, I'm gonna try to build some outside stairs," he muses. "That way, you and Katie can have even more privacy down here."

I'll catch you before you fall in your food.

A smile spreads on Jason's face and he raises Katie's hand to plant a kiss on it.

I missed you too. I would have been lost without you.

Waiting for their food, Jason's mind wanders just a little. Katie hadn't asked him yet today if he'd marry her - perhaps she really had forgotten the notion.

As soon as he'd thought about it though, he knows if Katie had been paying attention, she would have caught on. A month without their connection, Jason had lapsed into not being so careful about his thoughts. He speaks quickly, scattering those rampant thoughts.

"Laura and Nate are gonna be gone for a couple days, but as far as I know, Ryder will be there when I take you home. If you need anything though, on't hesitate to let me know, even if it's small."

Gage is a little surprised by Sapphire's order to sit down, and he doesn't have much choice but to obey. It was hard, giving her access to his wrist, but sitting sideways, he can feel her dabbing away the blood.

He's very quiet for several moments. "I used to be free," he comments. "I don't understand why if you're the good guys, you keep me locked up like this, taunting me with freedom."

He'd enjoyed going outside, but it had fed his loneliness and his desire to be free again... or at least what he had believed was real freedom.