

Leaving the kitchen and scaning the room Rosetta makes sure there is no more dishes that needed to be done. Seeing Eric sitting at the table still Rosetta gives a small nod and goes over to him offering to take his coffee cup.

"Its good to have you home again. Just feels a little more complete. Now if I can only get you all here at once."

Giving a smile Rosetta turns to head back to the kitchen. She missed her brothers, and the closeness of them always being there they once had after finding each other. But part of getting older was sometimes going your own way as well and at least she got to see them sometimes.

But new form of melloncly come as Rosetta washs the last cup. She missed Jeff something horrable. He was a big boy and could take care of himself but she still missed him and wished she new where he was and if he was ok. A twins sixth sence told her something was wrong, but she didnt dair ask or she would just get the same information as she did before. Nothing.

Smiling at Jason Katie takes a small bit of her food. It never tasted better and it almost felt like her tastbuds were singing.

Don't worry I'll let you know if I need anything. Seeing as its easyer to tell u than anyone else.

Katie cant help the small grin that formed as silence rules for just a little while as they both enjoyed there food.

Finally Kaite puts her napkin down and her fork. She hadnt eaten much but it was more than she thought. Her tummy just couldnt handle anything more at the moment.

Looking up at Jason the smile is still on her face, as her eyes hold a searousness to them. In a strong voice she asks.

"Jason, will you marry me?"

Looking back across the table Thirteen can tell the change in Ryder's tone once again, and she new that meeting new people would be important but she didnt really understand why.

"But when do I need other friends when I have one I like spending time with already?"

Looking down at the food for a moment Thirteen can feel her cheeks turning red.

"I know I need other friends...I just...I.."

Stoping herself Thirteen picks up her fork and knife. Maybe somethings shouldnt be said. Still the feeling lingered that maybe she had done something wrong and now Ryder was being carfel around her.

Taking a bit of her food Thirteen continues to just look at her plate forcing a smile to come forth. If Ryder was upset she should just act like herself and trying to be normal.

"This tasts really good."

Looking at Gage Sapphire's own look showed one of compation for him. She wanted to help him, and she wanted to teach him. She wasnt sure why but it was just a feeling.

About to say more Sapphire stops and stands up straght ass Rick and Hal return. Looking to Rick Sapphire nods pointing to the floor and than Gage's head.

"He fell there and hit his head pretty hard. I think he dented my floor."

Sapphire gives a small chuckle.

"He has a nice bump on his head but there is no blood and I didnt feel a crack. He was getting pretty dizzy so I thoughh he might have a concution and I would hate for him to fall asleep in the cell and not wake up."

Sapphire looks to Gage and than back to Rick again.

"He also has a nice gash on his wrist but its nothing to bad and I cleaned it, and wrapped it up already, but I think maybe you guys should take the cuffs off so they dont irrotate it. I doubt he would run."

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