

Rick examines Gage's head while Sapphire talks. "Mm-hmm..." He sighs and nods. "Don't think it's any more than a bump on the head. "Hal?"


"Go get permission from Reese to release Gage within premises."

"What? But-"

"Would you please just go ask him?"

"Ask him what?"

All eyes raise at Reese's voice. Reese folds his arms. "What happened here?"

Hal is quick to explain. "We tripped. Gage fell and hit his head. Rick wants him released on premises."

Reese sighs deeply. He'd just been through this with Thirteen. he felt so stuck. He really didn't like it any better than anybody else. Perhaps he seemed rough and uncaring sometimes, but he didn't mean to. He just felt as though he was between a rock and a hard place, and wanted to make the best decisions. The whole thing with Thirteen really did bother him, even if he'd given Ryder a bad time. It pained him to think of the young woman raised by the Agency. Clearly she was intelligent but had been severely held back. And now Gage. He was different. The young man obviously had been involved in plenty of illegal activities and had admitted to assisting with tortures and killings, trained for Agency combat. Yet he'd also been sheltered from the real world.


He snaps back to attention at Rick's voice. "Um, yeah. Um... Hal, uncuff him and... Sapphire, take him to the spare room. Have Dalton keep a security watch on the room and... as long as Gage sticks around he can stay in there for the time being. Carry on."

Turning, Reese walks away, leaving the others with surprise on their faces.

Gage blinks at Sapphire, almost as if he needed help in knowing what to do. No more cell?

Before Jason can help it, a laugh escapes. "What is with you lately, Kat? Hmm?" He shakes his head in amusement whiel taking another sip of his pop.

I know you went through a lot and it probably got you thinking about a whole bunch of stuff, but...

He leans back in his seat, his eyes still locked with Katie's. "Isn't the question supposed to be one the man asks and not the other way around?"

Ryder takes a few moments before responding to Thirteen. finally he sighs, pausing his meal. "What's wrong, kiddo, huh? I know this stuff might be hard to understand but... meeting other people... making other friends... it's part of living life to the fullest."

He can see something in her eye, and knows that something is different. Was it the topic? Or was it him?

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