

Jason shifts in his seat before looking over his shoulder to the counter. "I'm gonna go get a refill. Be right back."

Sliding from the booth, he goes up to Carson at the counter.

Carson is wiping off the counter and he gives Jason a wry grin. "Having fun?"

Jason chuckles. "Yeah."

"You two getting along then?"

"Of course. Why?"

Carson only smiles. "You love her, don't you?"

Jason pauses, handing Carson his empty glass. "Yeah... yeah, I do."

Carson takes the glass to fill it up, glancing in his friend's direction. "Good."

Jason's expression turns a bit sly. "And you and Misty?"

"Hey now, don't go turning the table."

"You wish. Now come on. I fessed up. It's your turn."

Carson hands him his pop. "Misty's the most important person in my life."

"How come you haven't married her?"


Jason laughs. "You heard me. Is it 'cause you don't love her enough?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Is it..." Jason's voice is a little more serious. "...because she's not accepted Jesus?"

Carson stops his cleaning for a moment. "Oh... that's part of it."

"But you do love her."

"Doesn't it look like it?"

"But can you say it?"

"Of course I can!"

"Then say it!"

Carson smirks. "Alright, Hotshot, fine. I l... l..."

Jason starts to snicker.

"Oh, shut up." Carson swings a towel at him.

Jason ducks, laughing. "Okay, okay, I'm gone!" He takes his drink back to the table.

Carson yells to Katie. "Hey, Kat, control that boyfriend of yours before I throw him out!"

Still laughing, Jason sits down and grins at Katie. "Where were we?"

Ryder twists his fork in his food, contemplating Thirteen's question. "Then... that's up to you, I guess. But... I don't want to hold you back from finding another g-... I mean... finding other friends. Your feelings... I mean... they don't necessarily mean anything, ya know?"

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