
Play on

*Nate smiles as he kept his eyes on the road only to glance at Laura ever now and than when she wasent looking herself.*

"mmmm....Chinese sounds good. Havent had that in ages."

*Nate makes a few turns here and there heading farther into town. Finally making it the small chinese building. Geting out of the car Nate comes around and opens the door for Laura like he always did. Being around Maggie had taught Nate alot. All wemon were delicit not just his little sister. If you cared about them even if it was only a friendship you showed them, and respected them. Maybe Nate was a bit old fashion but it was something he couldet shake. Going inside they end up geting a booth in the back and sit down.*

"I think I am gonna have the buffet. All you can eat here I come."

*Nate gives a small laugh. He liked trying to make Laura laugh it wasent something she did often and Nate wanted to see more of it. He just couldent help it she deserved to be happy. Even if it wasent with him, as long as she was happy Nate would be pleased. He just wish Laura could relax around him again. Nate could only hope and hold himself back from doing anything alse silly.*

"What are you gonna get?"

*Rosetta hold Mick's hand rubbing it with her other. Her own mind reeled over this not knowing what to think. She could only imagen what Mick was going through. Rosetta stays silent not feeling it was her time to talk only listen and be there for those who needed her.*

*Jamie turns her attachen back to Mick. Her eyes still soft.*

"Sam new Mick, even if you never found out who BJ was this would be the best place for him. He would be loved here no matter what. She new you guys would keep him safe and not let him fall into the wrong hands. You wouldent let anything happen to this innocent child. Sam dident want BJ to grow up in a world of hate like she did, always scaired, alone, confused. She wanted him to have a chanse at life. To live and be happy. She new he would get that here."

*Wendy turns her head to Clint. She dident know what she felt. She wanted to run to her mom, but she was grounded with Clint by her side to give her comfort. That feeling she felt creeped in again that she had in the shop. She dident want the comfort of anyone alse but Clint. Her mind flairing in many directions. She had a brother. Wendy's hand shakes alittle as it is in Clints. What would happen now? Was everything about to change? How would she act around BJ he was her brother and it was Clints cousin. That sounded wierd saying that. what this mean for the time to come now.*

*As Damien sits in his truck his mind races. He isent sure what to think. The knock on the door startles him as he looks up and see Sparky. Rolling down his window Damien turns his eyes back to look down the drive way.*

"I cant even remember my own wife and kid. What kind of person does that make me Sparky? I remember at the hospetal BJ told me Sam had picturs of me all over. What happend to us? My mind wants to remember but I cant. I dont even know if I will ever get the memoris of my child and wife back.

And now, I have a chanse to know my son but I dont even know where to start. I dont know how to be a father, or to raise a child. I am still so unsure of myself how can I watch over another small life form. I dont know what to do Sparky."

*As Wes sits at the table he leans back slightly in his chair. He had a nephew. Wes' mind was more open to the idea, yet confustion set in anyways. He wish he was able to meet his sister, and she was still around for her son. How hard it would be for the small boy and how worryed Wes was for him. Wes's eyes move to Cindy's showing confustion and not sure what he was to think. This drew a new line of questions, problems, yerning.*


A smirk crosses Carson's face and he shakes his head, standing. "Yeah...all I gotta do is get myself into trouble, and there you are."

He starts to leave the room, then turns for just a second, studying Misty, his thoughts still confused, but becoming clearer. He liked her. Plain and simple. Throwing her a wink, he finally exits to go find Reese.

Laura gives Nate a silly look of annoyance as he opens the car door for her, but doesn't say anything. As they drive, her mind wanders to that which she resisted. She knew that even though she and Nate were just friends...and even though she'd gotten over the whole stupid kissing thing, there was an element of caution within her that was causing her to hold a barrier between him and herself.

Looking out the window, the sun is warm on her face. She remembers the day she broke down and Nate had been there...he'd been so sweet....and she really hadn't thought a thing of it. Then Con's reaction had alerted her to the fact that maybe she was leading Nate on...and maybe Nate's own intentions weren't only to just be friends. Then Nate had gone and gotten sick, and though Laura knew good and well that he hadn't meant to kiss her and and it didn't bother her anymore...there was still something there that made her question his intentions.

She was comfortable being friends with Nate...but the combination of Con's reaction, and her own hesitance was beginning to wear on her mask that everything was fine. Everything wasn't fine. Nate made her feel....funny. She wasn't scared of him...he was a nice guy...he was so sweet...a real gentleman. And she had to admit that she liked being around him. But...did he really want more than to be friends? And if so, what did that do to Laura's own perspective? What did she want? She was trying hard to act normal...to treat him as she would anyone else... but she knew that her harsh comments and body language today was the first sign that she was on the defense...and that could be dangerous. If she allowed herself to be on the defense, she could wind up pushing Nate away...she'd done it before... Things hadn't ended well. She'd lost simple friendships because she'd gone overboard in the wrong direction. Why couldn't she just relax and be herself?

Laura sighs deeply, trying to forget about all of this for now. She points towards downtown. "How about lunch at the chinese place? I haven't been there in a while." Her eyes avoid Nate's, and she can feel a slight warmth creeping up her neck. This wasn't supposed to be hard...why was it?

Mick sit stunned by Jamie's words. His hand feels like ice on Rosetta's as the new realizations hit him. His mind reels. BJ was his own nephew...family...blood. His eyes automatically shift to the other room where BJ is playing. The child had picked him out from the very day he'd arrived, and now was the truth that it hadn't been coincidence.

A lump rises in Mick's throat. He didn't know what to do...how to feel. It was confusing...it was...just plain confusing. He looks to Rosetta, finding her eyes, the emotion building inside of him.

Sparky exchanges a look with Wes, glances to Mick, then Annie, then back to Jamie. They had a nephew...BJ was their nephew. His thoughts are broken by Damien's abrupt exit, and something pulls on his heart strings. He couldn't imagine how that man must be feeling right now.

Rising from his own seat, Sparky quietly follows Damien, seeing where he's gone. He waits a few minutes, and realizing that Damien isn't leaving, he goes to the truck, tapping his knuckles lightly on the window. He cocks his head, his face expressing that he knows he doesn't understand everything, but he's there...he's a free ear if Damien wants it.

Clint tries to digest all what had just been said. How one small thing had turned everything upside down. A child thought to have been abandoned without hope, now was surrounded by family. He was Sam's son, a nephew of...

Clint's mind stops and he blinks. That meant that...BJ was his cousin. He had a little cousin... Having thought this whole meeting would be completely outside of his own world, Clint now realized that this shifted things a bit for him too.

And Wendy...she suddenly had a brother. It was....Clint gives her a sidelong glance as the connection is drawn in his mind. No way. What a bizarre web this had formed. Her brother was his cousin.

He quirks an eyebrow, thinking it over again, making sure he was right. Sure enough...the line was there. He almost wanted to laugh, but the shock on Wendy's face warned him that this wasn't the time. Instead he takes her hand in his, unsure if she'd rather have his presence or her mother's.

Mick is finally able to find his voice, though it's hoarse, filled with emotions. "So now...I..." He shakes his head. "What do we do? What did Sam want to happen? If Damien didn't know about BJ, then....I just..." His voice cuts out on him, and he drops his eyes to the floor, unable to even fathom this chain of events.

More to the story

*Misty shakes her head grinning.*

"Not at all and before I met you my Uncel thought I was sweet an innocent."

*Misty leans into Carson looking into his eyes. Her own blazing with fire again.*

"I guess he was wrong."

*Misty gives Carson another kiss on the lips as she stands grabing the plates*

"You better go before Reese has both our heads. You'll see me again, I am always around remember."

*Nate rolls his eyes at Laura and stands. She had a bad attitude at times but it dident both Nate he kind of liked it. Though it confused him as well. What made Laura so hard, closed off to any kindness Nate tryed to show her. Sometimes he just dident understand.*

"All right all right you dont have to bite my head off."

*Nate walks after Laura till they get to his Car opening the door for her than geting in the other side. Pulling out of the driveway he states.*

"And we are off.*

*Jamie lets out a long sigh and takes a sip of her water. Drawing a breath in and than figuring she might as well get it all out in the open now and not drag it.*

"So after the wrong two people were killed they couldent backtrack and take out Sam and her son. Someone would know something was up and the couldent have that. So they thretand Sam. If she dident do what they wanted they would kill her and she son. The Agency ended up puting a computer chip in Sam's son. It ws the link to everything the information on it. It had lists of names, dates, people, places. It would prove the Agency exsisted and bring them down."

*Jamie eyes the room resting on Damien and than to the room where BJ was. This was harder than she thought. Her eyes go back to Damien.*

"Damien your probley wondering why your here? What you have to do with all this?"

*Damien looks up to Jamie.*

"Yes I am actully. If this is about me being involved with the Agency I had nothing to do with killing anyone...I..."

*Jamie's eyes turn soft.*

"You really dont remember do you. Damien you were married to Sam, and...and BJ was your son."

*Jamie goes silent once again as the eyes widen.*

*A million thoughts run through Damien's mind. What was this? He strains his mind. This couldent be true.*

"Thats not possable."

*Jamie looks at Damien again.*

"The Agency errased your mind Damien, they dident want you to remember Sam or BJ...."

*Damien stands from the table he dident know what to think. He was so confused.*

"I think I would remember my own wife and son. This is not possable I dont believe you. I'm out of here."

*Damien gets up and walks for the door swinging it open and making a beeline for his truck. Once in it Damien dosent start it up but only sits and things. Nothing in his life made sence. How could what Jamie said he true. How?*

*Jamie's eyes follow Damien as he leaves and she lets out a long sigh.*

*Wendy's eyes widen at the news that was just told. BJ was Damien's son...that ment...she had a brother?*


Carson gives Misty's leg a playful swat. "I'm trying to eat, don't remind me how much fun it is."

"Hey, Carson..." Reese skids to a halt in the break room doorway, quirking an eyebrow with a look of mixed annoyance and frustration, though laced with subtle amusement.

Carson sighs a little and turns his head, keeping Misty on his lap. "Does ruining moments run in the family or what?"

Reese smirks at him, not even commenting on his niece being with him, let alone being in that position. "Your desk is set and I'm ready to show you the ropes...that is, whenever you're finished...eating."

"Right." Carson takes another bite of his sandwich. "Give me a minute or two."

"Make it fast," Reese warns lightly. "I don't intend on having to come back here finding you still wooing that niece of mine."

Carson's eyebrows raise as Reese leaves the room, then he shifts his gaze to Misty, humor making his eyes sparkle. "I take it this place isn't used to having someone like me around."

Jason doesn't say much, but tries to find hope in Lockheart's words. After she leaves, he's taken back to his cell and left. His nightmares try to take over as his unstable emotions sway on the breaking point. But he pastes Katie's face in his mind..the only thing that could ever bring him out of those nightmares. "Hang on, Katie," he whispers. "Five days."

Laura rolls her eyes at Nate's antics, despite the small grin on her lips. "Thanks, but I happen to be an independent woman on the payroll, which means I buy my own food. But I'll let you drive and if anyone gossips about us, I'll set them straight."

She spins around to head for the door, purse in hand. "You coming? I don't have all day."

Eyes widen at Jamie's story. Jeff's jaw drops, and he glances to Rosetta, then to his brother. Their sister-in-law had been murdered.

Mick reaches over to lay a hand on top of Rosetta's, feeling her shock. The Agency had been involved and active just over six years prior and no one had known. They hadn't been as dormant as everyone had thought...this changed a lot pf perspectives... and created a brand new anger.

Questions linger in the air...who was Sam's husband? Where was her son now? Were there more connections?

But no one voices their thoughts, respecting Jamie's time. It was evident she had been through heck and back and no one was going to push her.

A story

*Misty cant help but get a grin on her face as Carson takes her around the wast and pulls her all over the place finally to end in his lap at the table. Take a bit of her sandwitch she leans her head aganst Carson's.*

"Ya I guess I do like to rune the good moments huh? I was starving though and something about kissing while my tummy was making noises dident seem very attractive."

*As Misty sits on Carson's knee she suddanly felt content again. Something about Carson calmed her yet striked sparks. Misty dident know what they strange feeling was or how it came to be so fast but there was no point in fighting it. The feeling felt good, it made her happy. Misty laughs at Carson comment about her cooking, taking another small bite of her sandwatch.*

"One dosent have to be better than that other you know. They are both perfect in there own way maybe."

*Misty cant help but grin.*

"But I do have to say I'd rather kiss you than cook. One is more fun than the other."

*Lockheart shakes her head and draws her arm awat from Jason but still stays next to him.*

"I dont understand it eather Jason. I honestly dont, let alone understand how they can even get away with it. Maybe they figure the sooner they bring you down the sooner TJY and the people inside will fall. Along with the people in Texas. You have touched so many people life alot of them would be devastated if you were gone. But we arnt going to have to worry about that Jason. Do you know what five days means? Five days means, in five days your gonna be a free man, and your not going to miss any of that important stuff."

*Lockheart smiles and stands.*

"We are gonna do this Jason and we are gonna laugh at the Agency when its threw. Boy am I going to miss you when this is over. Your a good kid Jason."

*Lockheart reaches into her bag and pulls out the rest of the orange for Jason.*

"I know its not much but its whats left from earlyer today. I'll bring you something alse when I come back tomarrow. Try and get some rest tonight. Dream of your girl and how nice its gonna be when you get out and can hold her. Let it bring you comfort Jason. Let the memories protect your mind. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Lockheart makes her exit and heads for the hotel.*

*As Laura shakes the walls of Nate's cubicle her cant help but play along.*

"Ahhhh earthquake help...help..."

*Finally he stops flalying himself about and grins at Laura.*

"Your saved me Laura Gibbs. Your my hero."

*Shuting off his computer Nate stands and streches.*

"Ok I guess we can go. I'll drive. Maybe we can pick up some lunch to. What do ya say? You can even pay if you want. But I am offering so its my treat."

*Angel makes her way into the messhall finding a seat next to Luke knowing he wasent feeling all that great she dident want to leave in alone in case something happend. Not to mention she would give any excuse to be close to him.

Rosetta finds a seat up front with Mick ready to listen to Jamie intently. Whatever was going to be told certinly going to be something big. Why alse would she come all the way out her other than to get away and than call a meeting. Rosetta makes sure BJ playing on the carpeted area where the TV was while he watches Spunge Bob. Rosetta wanted to make sure she would be able to keep an eye on him.

Damien found a seat at the far end of the table. Close enough to hear but back a bit from the other. He still wasent sure how he fit in here, and if there were strange or not. Sure he hung out once and a while but it was always a strange feeling. Though he was a bit saprised when Mick called as asked for him to head over. That a complete stranger was holding a meeting and asked for him to be there. In a sence it felt nice, like he was part of the gang. But on the same hand he felt something tarrable was going to happen.

Wes make's his way arm in arm with Cindy to the left side of the table where it is not to crowded. Cindy had been through so much in the last week Wes could only hope that whatever was going to go down would not more bad news for her. Wes new a bit about who Jamie was and how she had been taken bu the Agency. But other than wanting a get away he new nothing about her. Wes was ready to listen intently.

Wendy also makes her way into the mess hall spoting Clint she grins and heads over to him siting down. and smiling.*

"Looks like I am not the one that intarupted you this time huh?"

*Wendy gives a smerk and than draws her attachen to Jamie as she stands up.*

*Jamie stands. She was as nervous as all get out and she wondered if it showed. She hadent shaired her story with many people and she always had a hard time talking in front of strangers. Clearing her throt Jamie starts to speak softly.*

"First I want to start by sorry I dont normaly talk in front of big groups of people. I've never been good at it. So it this turns out horrable I'm sorry. I guess I'll start by introducing myself for Damien since he dosent know who I am. I'm Jamie and I work for TJY. I was taken by the Agency a while back and was held for a few days."

*Jamie brings her hand to her scar out of instinct.*

"It was the hardest few days of my life that I have ever been though. But when I was being held captive I met someone who was being held as well. Her name was Sam Henson."

*Alittle voice can be hurd from the other room.*


*Rosetta takes her attachen from Jamie to the room with BJ.*

"Just play with you toys hun."

*Jamie looks twords the room her eyes sad.*

"Sam died saving my life. If it wasent for her Con and I might not be here today. Sam new she wasent going to make it out of there alive. So before she died she told me a story. Your sister wasent a bad person she just had her secrest. As you guys were taken from the Agency so was she but she was raised by them. The Agency was all she new. Till finally she wanted to get out and she met someone and they had a child.

When the Agency found out Sam had turned there bad on them they were furieus. They made planes to kiss Sam and her baby off. Taking her husband and errasing his memorie and having him work for them. However as the story goes it dident work out that way. The thugs in charge got it mixed up and killed the wrong two people. You see another lady had a baby that same day, in the same hospetal. "

*Jamie draws in a breath and than lets it out. This next bit of information was going to be quite a blow. Jamie was only happy Katie wasent here.*

"Her name was Tammy Pent."

*Jamie's eyes drift to Rosetta as her own eyes widen.*

"The Agency's men got mixed up and new that the Pent family had always been in there sites So they thought this time whats who there were after and they killed 2 more innocent people."

*Jamie stops talking lowering her head. IT was hard telling this story, she new it braught so much pain. She lets every one take it in for a moment leting room for questions if they needed to be asked.*

*As Rosetta listens to Jamie her eyes widen. Her sister in law, Katie's mom and baby Jason were killed by The Agency. A tear falls from Rosetta's eye. She dident know what to say or how to react. All she new was the great deal of pain she felt inside.*

Ready and waiting

As the moment comes to an end, Carson lets Misty draw back, and looks her in the eye again, seemingly ignoring her suggestion to eat. Without even cracking a smile, he turns her around, keeping her in a firm grip around her waist to drag her along with him as he takes a couple steps the counter to retrieve her own plate, then back to the table.

He sits down in the chair and sets Misty on his knee, shoving her plate in front of her. “You sure know how to ruin a moment, don’t you,” he grumbles. “But I suppose if it’s gotta be ruined, it might as well be done as such with one of your grilled cheese sandwiches.” He takes a bite of his and contemplates it for a moment. “Hmm…I don’t know which is better…your kisses or your cooking.”

Jason sits back in his chair as Lockheart puts an arm around him. He wanted to remain strong on his own…to stay tough through this… but she reminded him of his own mother, creating a feeling of melancholy. The wedding…it was coming up fast. If only they could win this…

He shakes his head slowly. “I don’t understand this…if the Agency wanted to torture me, why would they allow things to move this quickly? I don’t get it…”

The guard taps on the door. “Five more minutes, Lockheart.”

Laura shakes Nate's cubicle wall, a smirk on her face. "Hey. Snake tamer. It's late. Are we going to Jamie's or what, and who's driving?"

The mess hall is a bit noisy with chatter as the gang gathers together at the wish of Jamie. Damien has come, and most everyone else is present.

Luke pulls out a chair in the corner and eases down slowly, trying not to wince. He felt like crap, in pain, and struggling without the meds he was on. But he’d given what was left to Angel, and was forced to go without.

Mick offers Jamie a seat near the front where everyone can see her, and scoots his own chair in close, sensing that this was something he was going to need to hear.

Austin hangs back a little, knowing some of what was coming, though interested to hear it from Jamie herself.

“Can I have the peas?”

“Mashed potatoes please!”

The lunch table was alive with chatter. Dan and Paula direct the younger children, while the older ones help out passing the food, Con somewhere in the middle of it all.

“Unca Con…” Mindy looks up from his left side, trying to get his attention. “Unca Con..” She finally tugs on his sleeve.

Con turns to see her, giving her a smile as he realizes by the look on her face that she’s been trying for several moments. “Sorry, kiddo.” He taps his ear. “Uncle Con can’t hear from this side anymore.” He leans down closer, cocking his head. “Whatcha need?”

Mindy points to the chicken on her plate. “I can’t cut it myself.”

Con chuckles and reaches over to pick up her fork and knife. “No problem. Here we go.” Within a minute, Mindy has her chicken cut up into pieces just her size.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Con ruffles her hair with a hand before turning back to his own plate.

Paula smiles at him from across the table. “Thanks.”

Con shakes his head, not needing an ounce of thanks. He glances down to sixteen-year-old Eric. “So did you ever get that catfish you wanted last year?”

Eric laughs, taking a sip of his water. “Almost. I had that sucker out of the water halfway up the bank and my line snapped.”

Con cringes. “Ooh, bummer.”

“Yeah, and Lydia still doesn’t believe me.” He elbows his sister who was a year younger.

She smirks at him, turning to Con. “I say he got a snag and broke his own line.”

Con laughs. “Well, Eric, maybe you and I will just have to go down to that pond and try again while I’m here.”


*As Misty feels Carson's touch she closes her eyes leaning her head into his hand. They felt so warm, so soft to Misty. As Carson's lips touch her they are soft as well. This kiss was much difffernt from the ones before it. This one showed passion but a gentalness. Misty kiss Carson back leting it linger. Bring her hands around him to his back squeezing him alittle as there kiss continues. Finally after a long while Misty gives Carson on last squeeze and pulls away from the kiss.*

"How about something to eat now?"

*Lockheart slides her arm around Jason's shoulder in a motherly way.*

"We will win Jason. Just stay strong a while longer. We will win this. You've got God, thats gonna help us through too. There is no way we can lose with him on our side. In 5 days Jason your gonna be free. And your gonna be able to hold Katie again, and you gonna make it to you mom's wedding. Its gonna work out."

*Lockheart sits with Jason a while longer just trying to bring him the comfort he needed.*

*Katie stirs in her sleep feeling someones pressence in her room, but her body is to sore and tired to wake. Being able to feel it wasent a thret Katie stays fast asleep.*

We have to

Taken off guard, Carson doesn’t react at first to Misty, his arms remaining at his sides…but feeling her embrace…feeling her tears… his hands find their way around her.

As she brings her lips to his, he doesn’t kiss her back, but waits for her to draw away, meeting her gaze head on. Her plea hangs in the air, surrounded by a silence he uses to let his thoughts run wild in.

Carson searches Misty’s eyes…she did still care…even after all that had happened…she did still care…she did still want to be with him. Would she ever cease to surprise him?

He slowly brings a hand up to run his fingers gently through her hair, now realizing that though it had been barely twenty-four hours, he had missed her. “Alright,” he relents quietly. “I won’t leave you.”

His thumb rubs away a tear on her cheek. He leans down to kiss another away, following the trail until his lips meet her own once again. His arms tighten around her, enveloping her in a strong embrace, his passionate motion proving his words true.

Jason stares numbly at the table, barely feeling Lockheart’s hand on his shoulder. His face and eyes are void of emotions, his mind to the point of total exhaustion, too tired to handle any more. “Five days,” he states quietly. “We’ve got to win. I can’t stand this any longer.”

He leans his elbows on the table to rest his forehead on his hands. It hadn’t been all that long…he couldn’t imagine spending more time here…with this kind of treatment…away from those he cared for. If he had done something deserving this punishment, he would be able to justify it in his mind. But he had been right to kill that man…and knowing that, simply drove home the misery.

“We have to win,” he repeats. “I can’t let Katie down.”

A figure slowly, quietly slips into Katie’s bedroom, approaching her bed as she sleeps. Checking to see she rests peacefully, they take the blanket and pull it up over her, allowing the rose to remain in her hand. With a gentle brush to her cheek, they retreat, leaving her door ajar.

Stepping outside, they go back to their jeep, flipping open their phone. “Yeah, Dad, she’s alright. I’ll make sure Laura knows to check on her later when she comes home.”


*Misty feels a tear in her eye. Who was she fooling. She couldent let Carson go.*


*Misty turns to look at him. The tears still in her eyes. Sometime about Carson Banks touched her life, got he invoved and no matter what she dident want to turn her back on him. Once it would of been so easy to throw a guy away but Carson touched parts of her that were unreached by anyone alse. Misty dident want to plung back into darkness, she had been there for so long before she liked the light Carson braught. Misty swiftly walks over to him throws her arms around him and burrying her face into his chest. The tears still falling. She dident care if Carson saw them, she dident care if this was a sigh of weakness. She just dident care. Misty pulls away enough to look into Carson peacing blue eyes for a sign of life, a sign of anything. She dident know what to say to show Carson she still cared all she new is she dident want him to go. Misty reaches up to touch Carson's face running her fingers over his cheek. Her hands were soft her touch light. Misty places a small kiss on Carson's lips than draws away again.*

"Please....dont leave me."

*Lockheart drops Katie offer just a bit worryed about her. She dident look so good and she was limping. As Lockheart pulls out of the driveway and heads back to the Jail she dials Reese's number on her phone.*

"Reese...its Lockheart. Ya we got done with the plamianry about a half hour ago....5 days. I dont know how they are geting away with it. I'm pritty confadent though the jury looked to be pritty good....Katie took it pritty hard. I think maybe later you should have someone check on her. She was limping pritty bad, and her emotions are crazy....She miss him something awfel....ok Reese. Talk to ya soon."

*Lockheart pulls into the jail driveway and than enters. Knowing the way down the all familure hall. Entering the room with Jason she goes over to him knowing his own emotions must be crazy. Placing a hand on his shoulder Lockheart slids down next to him offering a shoulder if he needs it. Even the strongest of people break sometimes. Maybe it would be good for Jason.*

*As Katie heads inside her tears have finally stoped. Her mind races with many things. Taking the new Rose from her dresser Katie crawls into bed. She new she was ment to call Reese but she just dident have the emergy right now. Katie places her phone on the small nightstand. Her mind on Jason and everything that was going on tears form in Katie's eyes again. Finally after about an hour Katie falls fast asleep from exsausten.*