

A smirk crosses Carson's face and he shakes his head, standing. "Yeah...all I gotta do is get myself into trouble, and there you are."

He starts to leave the room, then turns for just a second, studying Misty, his thoughts still confused, but becoming clearer. He liked her. Plain and simple. Throwing her a wink, he finally exits to go find Reese.

Laura gives Nate a silly look of annoyance as he opens the car door for her, but doesn't say anything. As they drive, her mind wanders to that which she resisted. She knew that even though she and Nate were just friends...and even though she'd gotten over the whole stupid kissing thing, there was an element of caution within her that was causing her to hold a barrier between him and herself.

Looking out the window, the sun is warm on her face. She remembers the day she broke down and Nate had been there...he'd been so sweet....and she really hadn't thought a thing of it. Then Con's reaction had alerted her to the fact that maybe she was leading Nate on...and maybe Nate's own intentions weren't only to just be friends. Then Nate had gone and gotten sick, and though Laura knew good and well that he hadn't meant to kiss her and and it didn't bother her anymore...there was still something there that made her question his intentions.

She was comfortable being friends with Nate...but the combination of Con's reaction, and her own hesitance was beginning to wear on her mask that everything was fine. Everything wasn't fine. Nate made her feel....funny. She wasn't scared of him...he was a nice guy...he was so sweet...a real gentleman. And she had to admit that she liked being around him. But...did he really want more than to be friends? And if so, what did that do to Laura's own perspective? What did she want? She was trying hard to act normal...to treat him as she would anyone else... but she knew that her harsh comments and body language today was the first sign that she was on the defense...and that could be dangerous. If she allowed herself to be on the defense, she could wind up pushing Nate away...she'd done it before... Things hadn't ended well. She'd lost simple friendships because she'd gone overboard in the wrong direction. Why couldn't she just relax and be herself?

Laura sighs deeply, trying to forget about all of this for now. She points towards downtown. "How about lunch at the chinese place? I haven't been there in a while." Her eyes avoid Nate's, and she can feel a slight warmth creeping up her neck. This wasn't supposed to be hard...why was it?

Mick sit stunned by Jamie's words. His hand feels like ice on Rosetta's as the new realizations hit him. His mind reels. BJ was his own nephew...family...blood. His eyes automatically shift to the other room where BJ is playing. The child had picked him out from the very day he'd arrived, and now was the truth that it hadn't been coincidence.

A lump rises in Mick's throat. He didn't know what to do...how to feel. It was confusing...it was...just plain confusing. He looks to Rosetta, finding her eyes, the emotion building inside of him.

Sparky exchanges a look with Wes, glances to Mick, then Annie, then back to Jamie. They had a nephew...BJ was their nephew. His thoughts are broken by Damien's abrupt exit, and something pulls on his heart strings. He couldn't imagine how that man must be feeling right now.

Rising from his own seat, Sparky quietly follows Damien, seeing where he's gone. He waits a few minutes, and realizing that Damien isn't leaving, he goes to the truck, tapping his knuckles lightly on the window. He cocks his head, his face expressing that he knows he doesn't understand everything, but he's there...he's a free ear if Damien wants it.

Clint tries to digest all what had just been said. How one small thing had turned everything upside down. A child thought to have been abandoned without hope, now was surrounded by family. He was Sam's son, a nephew of...

Clint's mind stops and he blinks. That meant that...BJ was his cousin. He had a little cousin... Having thought this whole meeting would be completely outside of his own world, Clint now realized that this shifted things a bit for him too.

And Wendy...she suddenly had a brother. It was....Clint gives her a sidelong glance as the connection is drawn in his mind. No way. What a bizarre web this had formed. Her brother was his cousin.

He quirks an eyebrow, thinking it over again, making sure he was right. Sure enough...the line was there. He almost wanted to laugh, but the shock on Wendy's face warned him that this wasn't the time. Instead he takes her hand in his, unsure if she'd rather have his presence or her mother's.

Mick is finally able to find his voice, though it's hoarse, filled with emotions. "So now...I..." He shakes his head. "What do we do? What did Sam want to happen? If Damien didn't know about BJ, then....I just..." His voice cuts out on him, and he drops his eyes to the floor, unable to even fathom this chain of events.

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