

*Misty feels a tear in her eye. Who was she fooling. She couldent let Carson go.*


*Misty turns to look at him. The tears still in her eyes. Sometime about Carson Banks touched her life, got he invoved and no matter what she dident want to turn her back on him. Once it would of been so easy to throw a guy away but Carson touched parts of her that were unreached by anyone alse. Misty dident want to plung back into darkness, she had been there for so long before she liked the light Carson braught. Misty swiftly walks over to him throws her arms around him and burrying her face into his chest. The tears still falling. She dident care if Carson saw them, she dident care if this was a sigh of weakness. She just dident care. Misty pulls away enough to look into Carson peacing blue eyes for a sign of life, a sign of anything. She dident know what to say to show Carson she still cared all she new is she dident want him to go. Misty reaches up to touch Carson's face running her fingers over his cheek. Her hands were soft her touch light. Misty places a small kiss on Carson's lips than draws away again.*

"Please....dont leave me."

*Lockheart drops Katie offer just a bit worryed about her. She dident look so good and she was limping. As Lockheart pulls out of the driveway and heads back to the Jail she dials Reese's number on her phone.*

"Reese...its Lockheart. Ya we got done with the plamianry about a half hour ago....5 days. I dont know how they are geting away with it. I'm pritty confadent though the jury looked to be pritty good....Katie took it pritty hard. I think maybe later you should have someone check on her. She was limping pritty bad, and her emotions are crazy....She miss him something awfel....ok Reese. Talk to ya soon."

*Lockheart pulls into the jail driveway and than enters. Knowing the way down the all familure hall. Entering the room with Jason she goes over to him knowing his own emotions must be crazy. Placing a hand on his shoulder Lockheart slids down next to him offering a shoulder if he needs it. Even the strongest of people break sometimes. Maybe it would be good for Jason.*

*As Katie heads inside her tears have finally stoped. Her mind races with many things. Taking the new Rose from her dresser Katie crawls into bed. She new she was ment to call Reese but she just dident have the emergy right now. Katie places her phone on the small nightstand. Her mind on Jason and everything that was going on tears form in Katie's eyes again. Finally after about an hour Katie falls fast asleep from exsausten.*

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