
More to the story

*Misty shakes her head grinning.*

"Not at all and before I met you my Uncel thought I was sweet an innocent."

*Misty leans into Carson looking into his eyes. Her own blazing with fire again.*

"I guess he was wrong."

*Misty gives Carson another kiss on the lips as she stands grabing the plates*

"You better go before Reese has both our heads. You'll see me again, I am always around remember."

*Nate rolls his eyes at Laura and stands. She had a bad attitude at times but it dident both Nate he kind of liked it. Though it confused him as well. What made Laura so hard, closed off to any kindness Nate tryed to show her. Sometimes he just dident understand.*

"All right all right you dont have to bite my head off."

*Nate walks after Laura till they get to his Car opening the door for her than geting in the other side. Pulling out of the driveway he states.*

"And we are off.*

*Jamie lets out a long sigh and takes a sip of her water. Drawing a breath in and than figuring she might as well get it all out in the open now and not drag it.*

"So after the wrong two people were killed they couldent backtrack and take out Sam and her son. Someone would know something was up and the couldent have that. So they thretand Sam. If she dident do what they wanted they would kill her and she son. The Agency ended up puting a computer chip in Sam's son. It ws the link to everything the information on it. It had lists of names, dates, people, places. It would prove the Agency exsisted and bring them down."

*Jamie eyes the room resting on Damien and than to the room where BJ was. This was harder than she thought. Her eyes go back to Damien.*

"Damien your probley wondering why your here? What you have to do with all this?"

*Damien looks up to Jamie.*

"Yes I am actully. If this is about me being involved with the Agency I had nothing to do with killing anyone...I..."

*Jamie's eyes turn soft.*

"You really dont remember do you. Damien you were married to Sam, and...and BJ was your son."

*Jamie goes silent once again as the eyes widen.*

*A million thoughts run through Damien's mind. What was this? He strains his mind. This couldent be true.*

"Thats not possable."

*Jamie looks at Damien again.*

"The Agency errased your mind Damien, they dident want you to remember Sam or BJ...."

*Damien stands from the table he dident know what to think. He was so confused.*

"I think I would remember my own wife and son. This is not possable I dont believe you. I'm out of here."

*Damien gets up and walks for the door swinging it open and making a beeline for his truck. Once in it Damien dosent start it up but only sits and things. Nothing in his life made sence. How could what Jamie said he true. How?*

*Jamie's eyes follow Damien as he leaves and she lets out a long sigh.*

*Wendy's eyes widen at the news that was just told. BJ was Damien's son...that ment...she had a brother?*

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