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*Nate smiles as he kept his eyes on the road only to glance at Laura ever now and than when she wasent looking herself.*

"mmmm....Chinese sounds good. Havent had that in ages."

*Nate makes a few turns here and there heading farther into town. Finally making it the small chinese building. Geting out of the car Nate comes around and opens the door for Laura like he always did. Being around Maggie had taught Nate alot. All wemon were delicit not just his little sister. If you cared about them even if it was only a friendship you showed them, and respected them. Maybe Nate was a bit old fashion but it was something he couldet shake. Going inside they end up geting a booth in the back and sit down.*

"I think I am gonna have the buffet. All you can eat here I come."

*Nate gives a small laugh. He liked trying to make Laura laugh it wasent something she did often and Nate wanted to see more of it. He just couldent help it she deserved to be happy. Even if it wasent with him, as long as she was happy Nate would be pleased. He just wish Laura could relax around him again. Nate could only hope and hold himself back from doing anything alse silly.*

"What are you gonna get?"

*Rosetta hold Mick's hand rubbing it with her other. Her own mind reeled over this not knowing what to think. She could only imagen what Mick was going through. Rosetta stays silent not feeling it was her time to talk only listen and be there for those who needed her.*

*Jamie turns her attachen back to Mick. Her eyes still soft.*

"Sam new Mick, even if you never found out who BJ was this would be the best place for him. He would be loved here no matter what. She new you guys would keep him safe and not let him fall into the wrong hands. You wouldent let anything happen to this innocent child. Sam dident want BJ to grow up in a world of hate like she did, always scaired, alone, confused. She wanted him to have a chanse at life. To live and be happy. She new he would get that here."

*Wendy turns her head to Clint. She dident know what she felt. She wanted to run to her mom, but she was grounded with Clint by her side to give her comfort. That feeling she felt creeped in again that she had in the shop. She dident want the comfort of anyone alse but Clint. Her mind flairing in many directions. She had a brother. Wendy's hand shakes alittle as it is in Clints. What would happen now? Was everything about to change? How would she act around BJ he was her brother and it was Clints cousin. That sounded wierd saying that. what this mean for the time to come now.*

*As Damien sits in his truck his mind races. He isent sure what to think. The knock on the door startles him as he looks up and see Sparky. Rolling down his window Damien turns his eyes back to look down the drive way.*

"I cant even remember my own wife and kid. What kind of person does that make me Sparky? I remember at the hospetal BJ told me Sam had picturs of me all over. What happend to us? My mind wants to remember but I cant. I dont even know if I will ever get the memoris of my child and wife back.

And now, I have a chanse to know my son but I dont even know where to start. I dont know how to be a father, or to raise a child. I am still so unsure of myself how can I watch over another small life form. I dont know what to do Sparky."

*As Wes sits at the table he leans back slightly in his chair. He had a nephew. Wes' mind was more open to the idea, yet confustion set in anyways. He wish he was able to meet his sister, and she was still around for her son. How hard it would be for the small boy and how worryed Wes was for him. Wes's eyes move to Cindy's showing confustion and not sure what he was to think. This drew a new line of questions, problems, yerning.*

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