

“Thirteen, take it easy!” Reese tries to calm the girl down, but it seems the more he tries, the worse it gets. He doesn’t have much choice but to step back and let the fit happen until it’s finally over.

He folds his arms, displeased with how this was going. Ryder seemed to have thought that she would be easier than this. What had happened?

Seeing that her wrists are bleeding, Reese groans. “Now look what you did, huh?” He sighs. He just wanted to protect TJY. He just wanted some answers. He didn’t want to hurt the girl, but this task seemed impossible. She was either too frightened or too stubborn, and Reese wasn’t willing to bet which one it was.

“Just stop fighting,” he coaxes. “It’ll be a whole lot easier.”

His gut tightens, hearing that she’d been hurt before. He’d suspected it, but it was still hard to deal with. Noticing that she was quieting down, he goes back behind her again, deciding that the cuffs weren’t such a great idea after all. Not that it was his fault – if she would have just sat still, she wouldn’t have cut herself.

Removing the cuffs, he tosses them on the table and takes a closer look at her wrists. “You did a nice job on them, I will say that.”

Straightening, he walks back around to the other side of the table, not willing to stop this interrogation yet. “You answer my questions, and I’ll get you cleaned up and bandaged. If you don’t answer my questions, it will just keep on hurting worse and worse. Not to mention, I’m not thrilled that you already got blood all over the floor.”

A knock at the door interrupts the whole thing and Reese looks over with irritation. “Enter.”

Ryder cautiously cracks the door. “Just got back and wanted to check on…” His eyes spot Thirteen, and widen. “What have you been doing to her?” He enters the room and takes a step further, but Reese stops him in his tracks.

“Stay put,” he barks. “We’re not finished here yet.”

Ryder knows his boss is just trying to make the wisest moves, but it burns him up anyway. He looks to Thirteen, wondering if she really was okay.


Continuing to struggle and scream her pleas grow. "Ouch your hurting me stop. Let me go I wont run away. I just wanna go back to the room please."

Continuing to struggle and feel Reese hands tighten doesn't help her fear. Being pushed into the chair and her arms around her back with the cuffs Thirteen continues to try and get out of the cuffs as they dig deeper into her wrists and draws blood. Soon the cutes are so deep soon they are very painful but still she doesn't stop the struggle till finally she lets out a scream of pain that could chill someone to the bone.

Finally stopping her struggle, her eyes and cheeks are streaked with tears. Keeping her eyes down in a soft defeated voice she whispers, "I don't like you just like everyone else at home who hurt me." She keeps her eyes down still and keeps her lips tightly closed as the tears still streamed from her face and the blood trickles down her hands and fingers to the floor.


“Whoa, settle down!” Thirteen’s fighting only leads Reese to put a tighter hold on her. “I don’t want to hurt you, now just calm down!”

Struggling, he finds the girl to be stronger than she looks, and he uses both hands to yank her arms behind her back, twisting her in front of the chair. With a final shove, he sits her down hard, wrapping her arms back behind her.

Her screaming added to his frustration. “Just stop it! Calm down!” He wanted to let her go if that would calm her down, but at the same time, he didn’t want her loose.

Grabbing a set of cuffs from his belt, he snaps them around her wrists, locking her to the chair. She could fight the chair all she wanted.

“Now for the last time…” Reese catches his breath. “I want answers.”


Seeing Reese coming for her Thirteen backs up a few steps. Memories of hoe she was beaten, and dragged around, passed from person to person. Trying to move back a few more steps it was too late, Reese already had her. Thirteen tenses as the fear courses through her. Not even knowing the tone of her own voice Thirteen shouts as she tries to struggle away pulling and pulling away from Reese. "Let me go, stop stop please let me go. I wont tell anyone, I wont please let me go." Feeling Reese grip tighten, tears start to flow from her eyes as she lets out a piercing scream, followed by more begging.


Reese blinks, confused for a moment about Thirteen’s reference to Trooper and Ryder. He hadn’t meant them… he had meant Gage and Alec.

“No, look, they’re not…” His words trail off as Thirteen starts to plead, wanting out and wanting to go back to the spare room.

“Thirteen, sit back down, please,” Reese emphasizes strongly. Ryder said she was harmless, but he had his doubts, and he wasn’t going to take any chances.

He steps forward and takes her arm, pulling her back to the chair. “You must sit and you must answer my questions or you’ll have to stay in here for much longer than this session. Be glad you’re here and not behind bars.” He moves the chair, trying to get her to sit back down, his grip firm.


Taking the juice and sandwich from Ryder Thirteen can feel her tummy rumble again. Giving a soft smile she whispers, "Thank you very much."

First taking a sip of the apple juice she scrunches her nose not sure if she liked it or not. But taking another sip she licks her lips before taking another sip. It was different but she liked it a lot. The bitter taste followed by the sweetness was nice.

Taking a bit of the sandwich she eats a little more than the day before. Thirteen's meal was interrupted as Susanne's voice came over the intercom, making her jump. Watching Ryder leave Thirteen gets nervous but she holds on to the promise that he would be back.

A little time goes by and Thirteen jumps again as the door opens and Reese stands in the door way. Not really wanting to leave the safety of the room Thirteen is hesitant but getting the prompting of Reese scared her even more bring back unwanted memories.

Finally getting into the room and sinking down in the chair Thirteen just looks up at Reese. She felt so scared. She didn’t want to be here. As Reese 's questions are thrown at her Thirteen can feel her nerves rising so many things flashing in her mind.

Her buddies...her...ohh he couldn’t hurt the only friends she had. "Please don’t hurt the man that talks funny and the dog. They were just being nice to me. Please…

More questions are thrown and Thirteen gets more nervous and scared. "I live in my home, and...and...I don’t know. PLEASE can I see my friends again or go back to the room please I don’t like it here." Thirteen stands, taking a few steps around the table. She just wanted to go back to the room and be with Trooper again. She was so scared.