
All play and no work?

*Katie smiles and nods at Wyatt.* " Ok..I look forword to it." *After Wyatt leave Katie looks around the basment more. A shooting range. Good to know in case she needed to take her frustrations out. Sighing she heads back up and to her desk to call Con for the day.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Angel enter Luke's bunk and smiles siting down on the edgh of the bed.* "Hey you. How are you feeling?" *Angel relays to Luke everything that happend at the hospetal.* "How do we decied for BJ. We arnt his parents. We all know its the best to not do it. But yet that chip could hold the key to ending this." *Angel shakes her head* " I have to looks through my files and see what I cant find. Back in school when I did my inturnship I assisted on a brain surgary. If I brush up and see exacly where the chip is I might be able to do something. With JT's help. I would just be so scaired of messing up." *Angel lets out a sigh.*

*Rosetta continues to cook while replying to Mick.* " How are we to choose what is best for this boy Mick. We have mixed intrests. We care for him, yet he holds something we need." *Rosetta sighs.* "On the same hand if we try and attempt this surgary are we any better than the Agency? Risking BJ's life for our purpis. Maybe there is a way around this. MAybe we dont NEED that chip."

*Finally relizing she is not alone in the mess hall anymore Wendy looks up. Looking around the room she dosent see Clint. She wasent sure if he has went with him or not. Geting up she heads outside and to the shop. As she is about to open the door Wes steps out.* "Hey Wes. Is Clint inside?"

*Wes smiles and nods* "He is. Kind of a mess but he is there non the less."

*Wendy smiles.* "Ok thank you." *Wendy enters the shop and makes her way to the back where she hears the noise coming from. Walking over to the Car where Clints legs are stickinng out Wendy bends down.* " And all this time I though you were out here working when really your just playing around." *Wendy cant help but laugh with a mischevus grin on her face.* "Need any help?"


“Hey!” Wyatt smiles and sets a filing folder down on a desk. “Thought you might not making before heading home, but we got just enough time before I gotta split. Follow me.” He leads her to the elevator and instead of going back up to the ground floor, they go down. A whole new world greets them. But instead of cubicles and offices, down here there is gym equipment, weaponry and to the far end, a sealed off shooting range.
Wyatt gestures to it all. “Welcome to downstairs TJY, where you’ll find everything else you need.” He grins. “Lot of us work out on our breaks down here, and the shooting range comes in handy for training and practice. Speaking of which…I heard you were a pretty good shot. We’ll have to come down here after work sometime so you can show me what you got.” He thumbs to a closed door. “Over there is a resident physician in case anyone gets hurt here or out on a case when we don’t want to attract attention at a hospital.” He shrugs, looking around. “That’s basically it….now you’ve seen the rest of it.”
Wyatt’s watch beeps, and he looks at it with a smirk. “Crumb, I gotta go. Laura said you two would catch a ride back with Scott, but tell her I can pick you up again in the morning.”

As everyone arrives back at the ranch, Jason greets Jade in the mess hall, but then goes to his bunk, settling in by himself once again. He eases down in the chair at the small desk and stares at his computer, but doesn’t turn it on. His thoughts continue to churn. Finally he puts his arms on the desk and leans down to rest his forehead. The anger was gone… all he wanted to do now was pick himself back up and get going again. All he wanted was to stop feeling like he was running in place, and start making headway. He was tired of feeling like he was in a rut. Maybe JT was right…maybe he really had been fighting against himself instead of for himself. He’d been fighting against his feelings…fighting against his guilt…fighting against who he was… He needed to reevaluate who he was instead, face the things that were tormenting him and leave them behind.
Sighing, Jason lifts his head. Katie enters his mind once again… There was a part of him that missed her…she’d been the first person he’d called a true friend…and it was his fault she was gone. For the first time since their argument, he could admit that he’d been the one at fault. Jade had confirmed it…he’d made a bad choice. He had hidden things from Katie he shouldn’t have…yes, he’d been wrong. He hadn’t thought so at first, but now…now pride had taken a back seat, and things seemed to be a little more clearly seen. It appeared as though in order to learn this lesson, he had lost something precious.
Shaking his head, he finally turns on his computer, and after a few minutes, checks his email. Seeing a message from Katie, he raises his eyebrows in surprise. Cautiously he opens it and reads. Reaching the end, he lets out a slow breath, leaning back in his chair. Wow…he hadn’t expected that. After he’d finally concluded he was the one who had been wrong, Katie was apologizing. Maybe both of them were at fault. He reaches out to hit “reply,” but then stops. He looks down, pursing his lips as he thinks about the seriousness of this situation. Perhaps…perhaps it would be best to simply let things lie. Apparently Katie was sorry…and he was sorry too…but could things really mend so easily? He hardly thought so. No…it would take more time for real healing… Katie probably needed this time without him…without his mistakes, and without his presence to encourage confusion.
Jason withdraws his hands, and closes out his email program. No…for now…it would be better just to wait. The wounds were still too fresh…the hurt pride still trying to heal into strong humility.

Luke answers Angel’s knock. “Yeah, come on in. I’m just resting.”

Mick goes to his bunk for a few minutes, but comes back to the mess hall, finding Rosetta in the kitchen. He watches her for several minutes until finally entering, leaning up against the counter. “So…what do you think of all this?”

Clint is on his back under the car, and hears Wes but holds his response until he can finish this one…last ..turn… his wrench slips. Oil spurts out from the line, raining onto his arms and chest. He puts a hand up to try and plug the leak, while trying to regain a grip on the now-slippery wrench. “Uh…yeah,” he calls “I think I better stay here….for a minute….” He rolls his eyes at himself.

*Katie smiles at Wyatt.* "Ya I have a few things to finish up here than I certinly will come find you." *After Katie is along She sits at her desk and starts to clean some things up trying to get organised. After she typed a few things up for Reese. All the while something tugs at her heart. It was Jason. He wasent in danger but he was sad, depressed. Katie couldent help but feel it was her fault. Opening her email she writes a letter*

{Dear Jason,
Though its only been a few days it feels like ages since I talked to you last. I hope all is well with you and everyone alse at the Ranch. I am doing well. I like it here.
I guess I am writing this email cuz I have been thinking alot and want to get some stuff off my chest.
First I wanted to say I am sorry for blowing up on you. That was wrong of me and I should of handled it better.
Second I want to exstend my most genuin congradulations to Jade and youself. Ok maybe thats not the word but I am truly happy for you both. You deserve the best J.
Third I guess I want to explain myself alittle bit better than I did before. When I think about it all I guess I worded alot of stuff wrong. I wasent upset that you were dating Jade Jason, I guess I felt led on in a sence. I dont think it was your doing though. I think it was mine. I led myself on and I am sorry that, that got in the way of our friendship.
And last I'm sorry I failed you. What am I talking about. I dont even know. But I feel I have. I failed as a friend. and I am sorry.

Respectfuly Yours,
@->--- Katie P. ---<-@
~*~Secratary of TJY~*~ }

*As Katie rereads what she typed she sighs. Thinking she hits the X to close out the program without sending Katie stands bumping her keyboard. As she walks away a message flashes on Katies computer "Mail Sent."! Katie walks to find Wyatt. Finally seeing him she heads up and smiles.* "I'm ready when you are."

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*After making it back to the ranch Rosetta heads inside with BJ. Going into the kitchen she looks for something to make for everyone. Quietly stewing in her own thoughts. BJ's care was in there hands now. They held this small boys future in there hands.*

*Angel goes up to Lukes bunk and knocks on the door softly calling for him.* "Luke? Its Angel."

*Wes looks up at the sound of cars. Looking over to Clint he yells.* "Hey Clint it looks like everyone is back. I'm going to go see what went on if you want to stay here and finish up thats fine. If you want to come along thats fine too." *Wes starts to leave.*

*Wendy sits quietly in the courner on the computer. Wraped up in the files to even notice anyone entered the room.*

More to come

The ride back to the ranch seems to take twice as long as the ride up, each passenger lost in their own thoughts.

Jason stares out the window as Austin drives, his mind a million miles away. Despite his resistance, he kept going back to what JT had told him. Was what he’d said really going to affect him? Must he rethink it over and over? Was it that significant?

Sparky sits with Jeff at a table, going through the same files they’ve been over ten times already, but still searching for something new…anything to give them a new lead…anything to give them hope. Though Sparky’s concentration is not dedicated to his task. He has a mission to complete, but it will have to wait until Mick gets back. He can no longer ignore the issue, but must confront it, lest he live the rest of his life wondering if he’d done all he could.

Luke stretches out on his bed, wincing just a little as his legs kink. There’s so much on his mind, how can he dedicate himself to this case? But he has to…for when it was over, they could finally be at peace. Happiness was just around the corner…it had to be.
He glances at the clock, hoping that Angel and the others won’t run into any trouble before getting back.

Wyatt raises an eyebrow at Katie’s remark. “Pool, eh? Well, we might just have to see how good you are.” He grins as she promises to return, and stands to clear off the table.
Once Katie comes back, they get back in his jeep for the short drive back to TJY. Wyatt walks her inside and pauses before going his own way. “Well, Katie, I have you to thank for an enjoyable lunch break.” He glances at his watch. “Dang time flies too fast.” He lifts his gaze to smile at her. “This afternoon I’m supposed to show you around the lower level, so whenever you’re ready, just find me.”


*Rosetta nods to JT* "It was great seeing you again JT. Let you Uncil know I said hi. Dont be a stranger."

*BJ takes Micks hand and takes Rosetta's in his other.* "Ok I am ready."

*Rosetta smiles down at BJ than looks up at Mick and smiles.*

*Damien tags along behind. After geting to the parking lot he stops.* " I am gonna be back to the McCulan's and finish up my work. I'll swing by the ranch a bit later. If you guys need me let me know."

*Rosetta nods than gets BJ into the the car straping him in. With in minutes they are heading back to the ranch.*

~*~With Wyatt~*~

*As Katie finish up meal and smiles.* " Well I would like to meet brut sometimes. I love dogs." *Katie eyes dance as she conjers up her own mischife* "Well I guess I will have to challange you to a duel in darts sometime. I am pritty good myself. Though I like to play pool even more." *Katie finishs off her water and stands.* "I am gonna head to the ladys room and freshin up. I'll be right back. I promise." *Katie grins and heads to the bathroom.*


JT grins and walks with Damien out to the others. "Well, you should all be set. Take care of yourselves."

Mick stands and shakes his hand. "Thanks, JT."

Austin follows suit and nods. "You'll get reimbursement from TJY."

JT declines. "No, no...this was on my own time and I wanted to help. It's the least I can do...it's been a long time since I've seen everyone, and I'm honored to be helping at least a little with the case my uncle worked so hard on years ago."

Mick lifts an eyebrow, seeming to be taken slightly off guard by the mention of Greg, and he throws a questioning look in JT's direction which is returned with a very slight nod. Mick turns around, and holds out his hand to BJ. "Well, Bud, you ready to get out of here?"

Wyatt nods. "I guess really it's TJY's dog, but Jason's the only one he minds. He's a stubborn brute, and when you got a mastiff on your hands with that kind of personality, you just hang on and go for the ride." He laughs. "Jason trained him to go out on cases with him, and kept him in his office during the week. I tried keeping him in Dad's office when Jason left, but the beast tore everything up." Wyatt's face reddens as he recalls finding half of Reese's office in shambles. "That's the fastest cleanup job I've ever done, I'll tell ya that! After that I took him home with me, since it was obvious no one was going to be able to handle him to take him on any cases without Jason. Unfortunately, he's taken apart my own house, so we've reverted to a doghouse in the backyard."
Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he grins. "Well, I'm twenty-two, single, I love movies, jogging and music. I like to read and am terrible with math." His eyes twinkle mischievously. "I've been with TJY for about four years, and contrary to popular belief I really am good at playing darts in the break room - the others are just jealous."

About yourself

*Damien nods* "Thank you JT." *Damien takes the small bag with the chip.* "Oh yay its what I always wanted." *Giving a grin Damien leaves the room and hands the bag to Mick.* " You best hold on to this so nothing happens."

~*~With Wyatt~*~

*Katie giggles* "Jason has a dog? I dident know that." *Katie thinks for a moment about everything Wyatt said.* "Ya Jason does have alot of talent. He deffintly is in the right busness." *Katie trys to change the subject off of Jason.* "So Wyatt...I've met you, got a ride to work from you, and am having lunch with you but still know nothing About you." *Katie takes a bit of her hamburger, and a sip of her water.* "What do you like to do? Tell me about yourself."


JT nods in agreement, though finding it hard to imagine that Damien is in this position without knowing what's going on. He asks no questions though, and takes Damien to a different room to avoid any attention. Half an hour later, he's sewing up Damien and putting a bandage on. "Now, just take it easy the next twenty-four hours or so, so you don't tear your stitches. Have Angel check the wound out in a day to make sure there's no infection. Otherwise, you're good to go. You'll be sore for a while." JT holds up a small plastic bag with the chip in it. "And here's your prize."

Wyatt grins. "Heard you and Jason might have been partners - I'd say something qualified as you two working together." He chews on a couple french fries. "Yeah, he and I have done a bit together. He knows what he's doing, that's for sure. Some people might try to tell you he got to the top just because he's the boss' grandson, but I'll tell you that he worked his tail off to get there - it was earned all the way. Not too many of us at TJY have the natural skill he's got." Wyatt shrugs, taking a swig of his soda pop. "We're all waiting for him and Austin and Con to get back sometime - been different without them around here. Not to mention I'm tired of taking care of Jason's beast for him." He chuckles. "He's alright, but he misses his master, that's for sure, and I can't get him to do squat for me."

Sparky sighs deeply and leans back in his chair, letting his Bible fall shut. So many things were running through his mind, but one subject was most heavy on his heart. He had to say something...he had to talk to Mick... but how would he be received?


*Damien looks at JT, his own questions corsing through his mind.* "To be honnest I dont even really know about the situations eather. I know bits and peaces, and I know what went on in the Agency but thats about it. Anything alse I am clueless. But since its not a hard plae to get at we might as well do it now and get it done and over with. Than that will leave BJ's chip and one other. Lets get this done and over with if you have the time." * It is evadent Damiens mind is somewhere alse at the moment. Still trying to rummage though his memories of Who Sam was.*

~*~With Wyatt~*~

*Katie orders a burger and frys. After eating a bit and taking a sip of her soda. As Wyatt asks about Jason Katie shifts in her seat a bit.* "Ya I got to know Jason pritty well. We connected when we first met. I wouldent say we worked together, well we did kind of I guess. Did you ever get to work with Jason too?"


JT greets Damien, then tells him what they're going to do with the x-rays. He sets about with the equipment, and in no time is looking at the results. "Well, Damien, looks like you're in a similar boat, though I've got better news than I did with BJ." He points to an area of the x-ray. "See this spot here? Looks an awful lot like a little chip, and I'd guess that just because that's what y'all are looking for. It's in some tissue there in your chest, up near your shoulder. It's not a hard place to get at, and it would be a quick job to get it out." He looks at Damien with question. "Is this something you want done today or postponed? I'm clueless about your situation."

Mick sits down in the lobby chair and watches BJ, questioning his own judgment. What would he do? What would they decide? BJ held the key to so many questions, but was it really worth it? He turns to Angel, shaking his head. "There's no way we're going to find his parents....there just isn't anything out there."

Wyatt takes Katie to a burger joint at the edge of town that has quieted down after the noon hour. "Best french fries in the county," Wyatt boasts as he parks. "Come on."
After they get their food, Wyatt finds them a small table in the corner and they start to eat. He takes a bite of his burger and leans back in his chair casually. "So...you and Jason worked together a bit, I heard. Got to know him pretty well?"


*Rosetta looks at Mick grimly.* "Ok JT thank you. Its alot to think about." *Exiting the office Rosetta see Damien. Walking over to him she nods.* "Your up."

*Damien gets up and slowly makes his way to the room. Entering her holds his hand out to JT.* "Hey JT, hows it going?"

*Angel looks up as Rosetta aproches.* "So what happend?"

*Rosetta relays everything that JT said to Angel.* "So now we need to find his family to make a choise. I cant make it I know that."

*BJ runs up to Rosetta.* "Rosey am I healfy?"

*Rosetta smiles at BJ and gives him a small hug.* " You are BJ you are."

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*As Katie works time flys by without Katie even relizing what time it is. Her desk is a mess and needs to be cleaned up. Feeling someone standing next to her she looks up and see Wyatt. After intaking his invatation Katie looks at the time.* "Ok wow I dident relize what time it was." *Katie giggles.* " I would love to go to lunch with you. I could use a break." *Katie looks around her desk.* "I guess I should clean this off when I get back huh." *Grabing her coat and her sunglasses Katie heads for the door with Wyatt reminding herself to call Con when they got back.*


JT looks at Rosetta grimly. "I can't answer that specifically, but I'd tell you that even a skilled brain surgeon would have a difficult time with this. BJ's brain has grown up and around the chip, leaving only a small portion of it accessible. But it's not something you can just grab a hold on and yank out. There's nerves everywhere, and severing just one would cause damage. Would BJ die? Probably not - though there's always risk involved in any surgery - extremely so with brain surgery. If anyone goes digging around in there, BJ could lose any part of his mental capabilities like speech, motor skills - you name it. It's a sensitive area of the brain. If you'd decide to have surgery done, you'd be risking BJ losing independence or much worse." JT holds up his hands. "And I'm not skilled enough to do it, so you'd be risking whatever security you're trying to keep as well." He looks between Mick and Rosetta. "It's up to you..." He glances at the clock. "But while you're thinking, we need to get Damien in here before the other doctor arrives and starts asking me what's going on."

Most people on the floor seem to be busy and taking late lunches. Around one o'clock, Wyatt appears at Katie's cubicle, resting his arms on the half wall. "Hey... looks like Dad's got you working like that horse you were worried about." He flashes her a smile. "But we all gotta break sometime. What would you say to going out and grabbing a friendly burger with me?"