

*Misty can't help the smile forms on her face as she listens to Carson. It was always good to hear his voice. Though a bit of consern emerges insid eof her as the background noise can be hurd. Trying to pushing away the emotion that grew Misty convinces herself she trusted Carson.*

"So are you doing anything fun and exciting? How was work? Busy again?"

*Misty always loved talking to Carson. It's was probley one of her favrote pass times. Now that things were going pretty good and Carson was keeping his noise clean she loved it even more. To her Carson was everything and she want to make sure his own day went well before assuming.*

*Jess looks over to Carson and quirks an eyebrow.*

"Are you going to play cards or keep talking on your phone? It's your turn again."

*As Misty hears the voice in the background her curosite increases.*

"Who was that?"

Playing cards

Carson sits back for several minutes and watches the three interact. He found the scene a bit humorous, and crosses his arms casually, studying the words and actions.

At Jess' offer for him to play, he shrugs and downs the rest of his beer. "Sure. Why not?" If he went home, he'd be bored. He was a bit tired right now, but doing something here was a more appealing thought than going home. He was here...why not stay just a while?

Walking to the table, he turns a chair around to straddle it, sitting between Peter and Velvet, who brings several more beers for the small bunch. As Jess shuffles and starts to deal, Carson's phone rings. He's tempted not to answer, but he recognizes that ring tone. Taking the cards in one hand, and the phone in the other, he nods to the group to signal keep playing even though he had a call.

Hearing Misty's voice, he smiles a little. "Hey, Sass, what's up?" Listening to her and playing cards at the same time, he nods absentmindedly. "Yeah, sorry. I went out for bit after work. Tomorrow sounds good though. I bet if you talk to Herb he'd let me off early...I'd rather have you smile and bat your eyes than me." He receives a tap to his shin under the table from Velvet as he'd been distracted from the game, and resumes playing. "Just swing by Mom and Pop's in the morning or something..." he grins. "I'll even have breakfast waiting for ya, and you can do your begging then."


*Jess own smile forms as she see Velvet enter and walk over to her. It was always nice to see a familiar face.*

"Hey Velvet..."

*Jess takes another sip of beer.*

"Yeah Sean does not seem like the one who would put up to much of a fight. Specialy when he is head over heels for you."

*Seeing Velvet turn her attachen to Carson she cant help the dry laugh at her flirting friend.*

"He's quite the looker isn't he?"

*Finishing off her beer Jess puts it down on the bar and gives it a little push. Looking twords the table she hops off the stool and pulls out some cards from her pocket she heads to the table.*

"I was waiting for Peter and Sean to show up but seeing as you so nicely convinced Sean to stay at work for you I guess he wont be showing up now will he?!"

*As if on cue the bar door opens again and a tall braud shoulder man who looked to be around 30 enters. His hair was spiked black. He wore an earing in his right ear and had a few tattoo's on his arms. He fashioned a black cut off shirt and faded black jeans with boots.

Coming up behind Jess he slings his arm around her. The smell of whisky on his breath.*

"Hey Babe, we playing tonight?"

*Peter stops for a moment a grin curling on his lips.*

"..cards...I mean are we playing cards tonight."

*Jess shakes her head and pulls Peter's arm off of her.*

"Pete, first off you stink..."

"Hey Hey now someone had to have a drink with Sean to calm him down since he could come out tonight thanks to someone."

*Peter looks to Velvet and gives a shake of his head but ends it with a wink to her.*

*Jess rolls her eyes as she opens the cards and starts to shuffle.*

"..ok...well second I'm not your babe."

"Awww...how ya gonna leave me high and dry like..."

"Pete shut up and sit down your making a fool of yourself."

*Jess looks back to the bar and nods to Carson and Velvet.*

"We are down one person Carson if you wanna play, Velvet grab some more drinks would ya!"

*As Misty leaves TJY she looks at her watch to see she was out an hour earlyer than planed. Carson was probley home by now and tired but maybe she could call to see about doing something tomarrow on her half day.

Dialing his house phone she lefts it ring only to get no answer. Hanging up she find it odd but thinks nothing of it. Dialing his cell next she waits till there is an answer.*

"Hey You. I got out of work a little early. I tryed calling you house but got no answer so sorry to bother you. I was just wondering tomarrow I am taking a half day and I dident know if we could convince Herb to let you out a little early we could get together and doing something. That is if you want.."


Carson chuckles a little. "Ah, a card player, eh? Been a long time since I've been at a table for a good round."

He twirls his beer bottle with his fingers, spreading the wet ring on the bar. "I'd offer to play, but I would assume you'd want a bigger group than two." He takes another sip of his drink, his eye catching movement by the door.

A slender, petite woman with long dark hair slips into the bar and glances around the room, one hand on her shouldered purse, the other running through her hair. She spots Jess and a flashy smile forms as she approaches. "Hey, Jess!" She leans on the counter between Jess and Carson. "I wasn't sure if I'd make it tonight. The bossman had one of his bad days and was intent on keeping me at work all night, but I ended up...persuading Sean to stay for me." She giggles. "Not hard to do that with him." She throws Jess a wink.

As if suddenly realizing there's someone behind her, she turns around and sees Carson. "Oh, well hello, hello. So sorry for interrupting."

Carson gives her a nod and a slight grin. "You interrupted nothing and I was enjoying hearing about your persuasion."

The woman's cheeks flush slightly as she smiles slyly and she studies Carson's eyes for a moment. "Well I'm glad I wasn't interrupting...but even if I was, I think it was worth it to meet you." She extends her hand. "Velvet Michaels."

Carson takes her hand in a firm shake. "Carson Banks. You with Jess here, I'm assuming."

"Oh, we go way back." Velvet laughs and looks to Jess again. "Don't we?" She nods to the empty table. "So you setting up tonight or what?"


*Jess could not help but give a laugh at Carson comment. It was not that she studyed people all the time but that she just took note who came in and out of the bar. And when someone as hot as Carson came though the door it was hard not to notice.*


*Jess takes a sip of her beer and gives a curled smile to Carson. Absintmindedly picking at the beer lab finally replys.*

"Well Carson this is not my normal seat but that table over there..."

*Jess point over her shoulder at a small table with a few chairs.*

"...thats my table when I have someone to play cards with. I'm just about there every night if I am drinking or not thats a differnt story."

*Jess finishs off her beer and than orders another.*

"Tonight I don't have anyone to play cards with. Sooooo...tonight is a drinking night and I wanted a front row seat so I could order all my little heart desired."

*Jess turns back to the bar as her new beer is but down. She had, had a rough day and the beer felt good.*

"I pretty much do know who comes in and out btw. I AM very observent."


Carson turns his head to see Jess straight on, and his eyes narrow slightly. He can't help his slight grin though. "You're pretty observant. Do you study every stranger who walks in like that, or just me?"

He turns his attention back to his drink for just a moment before looking at her again. "Well, Jessica, I'm Carson and most people call me Carson." His grin widens. "You must take up this seat frequently if you know who's been here and who hasn't."


*Katie gives a small shake of her head at Laura's question. He had made enough people go out of there way tonight she dident need to add another name to the list. In a soft voice she responds.*

"No, I don't need anything. You get some sleep."

*Once Laura is gone Katie stands and goes to the window for a moment looking out. As she looks out the window she gets a sudden yearning to call someone, but the name that comes to her mind is not who she was exspect. She felt like wanting to call Scott.

Turning and looking at the phone for a long moment Katie fights with herself wondering if she should call or not. Letting out a sigh she decieds not to bother him. She'd never called him before and it might be to strange to him.

Going back over to her door she shuts it all the way than hops into bed letting her head sink into the pillow. Now that it was quiet her mind wandered a little more. Another small tear escapes her eye till finally she closes them. Tomarrow would be a new day, maybe it would be better, maybe the pain would be gone than. Though Katie new that wasent true she still hoped.*

*The woman gives a laugh and takes another swig of her beer.*

"You know you..could be right, but your accent tells me differnt along with your good looks. We don't have many people around here who..."

*The woman stops for a moment as if trying to catch her train of thought.*

"...who...have the blond hair and blue eye trat."

*The woman lips continue to curle as she turn around in the stool chair to face Carson fully.*

"I'm Jessica Fisher, but most people just call me Jess."


Jason heads to the kitchen to find something to make a couple sandwiches. Though he kept his hands busy, his mind still wandered. Though being with Katie felt good, getting away was a slight relief too, but he didn't quite understand why. It was almost as if being separated, he didn't have to fight something...but what it was, he wasn't even sure.

Pushing aside all these rampant thoughts, Jason simply fixes supper and takes it back to Katie's room. Sitting in her chair, he eats with her, not saying much, but just being there. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or awkward. He just wanted to help her get through this. He knew she didn't remember everything yet. Would it make things easier or harder on her to remember about Scott?


Jason sits up straight, hearing Laura's voice. "In here."

Laura comes down the hall, her purse still slung over her shoulder. She pokes her head into Katie's room and offers her a smile. "Hey, you. Good to see you back."

Jason knows that this is his cue and slowly rises from the chair. He exchanges a quick glance with Laura, then looks down on Katie, reaching out to rough up her hair. "I better get home, Hero. You need anything, you know who to call."

Heading out of the room, Laura gives his shoulder a pat. She knew why he'd been here...and on some level, she understood. Once he's gone, Laura looks back to Katie. "I just got back from being out with Nate. Can I do anything for you before bed?"

Carson quirks an eyebrow at the stranger's comment, and he doesn't turn to look at her. He takes a swig of beer and lets it slide down his throat before responding. "I could live right around the corner and you wouldn't know the difference," he retorts. He leans his elbows on the bar and absentmindedly picks up a pretzel to chew on. Just sitting here to relax felt good. Though he'd been proud of the fact that he'd steered clear of bars as of late, he couldn't help but feel almost a relief, as if this was what he'd been waiting for.

He throws the woman a sidelong glance, noting that it appeared she'd already been here for a while tonight. Even so, someone to talk with didn't bother him.

Long way

*Katie pulls away from Jason and sits on the edge of the bed. Giving another whipe to her face she gives a sniffle.*

"Yeah I'm sure I will be fine sooner or later right?!"

*Katie trys to offer a smile as she leans back on her pillow. Not quite laying down but not quite siting up eather. Her mind still siffed thought the new information and tryed to sort it out.*

"I guess now that you said something I do feel a little hungry. Wasting away would be a bad thing. I promised Con I would try and stay out of he hospital and if I wont back he'd kick my butt."

*As Jason walks away Katie's eyes follow him. She couldent help but wonder would anything be the same again ever. Would what happend change things between her and Jason. It certinly dident see like it but what was going on inside could be something totally differnt.*

*A tall skinny woman about 24 with long dirty blonde hair sits on the stool next to Carson. Her own bottle of beer infont of her the lable half torn off. Her wrists lined with braclets and around her neck hung chains. Her eyes have a tint of glaze relaying her had more than one beer tonight.

Turning her head to Carson as he sits down she gives him a once over. A grin curling on her lips.*

"You look like your a long way from home. Not that I mind having you sit next to me."

*Picking up the beer she brings it to her lips and takes another swig before setting it down again.*


Jason simply holds Katie close, letting her cry...letting her talk. In the back of his mind, questions arose that he didn't want to face right now. He wondered what would change now. He wondered if after remembering, Katie still loved him. He wondered if they would function differently now or if things could just get back to normal. But he didn't dwell on these now. The future would have to take care of itself.

"It's okay," he speaks quietly. "You don't have to say anything. And quit thanking me. I couldn't just walk away...not like this."

His hand gently rubs her back, as he tries to soothe away the pain. In reality, having Katie this close...talking to her...touching her...it was just as much a comfort to him as it was her. He could feel his emotional strain easing off as her presence itself was like a warm summer breeze to his inner battle.

Taking a deep breath, he suppresses only the things that he doesn't want Katie to know right now...the things he doesn't want her to have to deal with right now.

After a while, Jason finally pries Katie away from him so she can sit up and he can tilt her chin to look her in the eye. "You gonna be alright? Hmm?" He offers a small grin. "Why don't you just settle down here while I go find something for us to eat. You may not be hungry, but you need to eat something. The last thing anyone needs is for you to waist away to nothing."

Carson slides into his car and lets out a long sigh. He was hot, tired, and his feet hurt from standing all day. It had been a long day...he'd worked more hours than normal and was feeling it. Misty was working late tonight, so all he had to look forward to was going home and sacking out on the couch in front of the television.

Starting the engine, he pulls away and heads to his apartment. Halfway there, he decides to take a side trip to the store, and once finished there, he realizes he needs to get gas somewhere too. Winding up across town for everything, he's finally on his way back, and feeling even more tired than when he'd left for work. Right about now, just to sit and have a nice cold beer would hit the spot.

As these thoughts pass through his mind, his eyes catch sight of a bar. There were a few cars parked out front. It was late evening...not late enough for the crowd to have gathered yet. Carson hadn't stepped foot in a bar in a long time, but tonight, it would just hit the spot. Besides, there was nothing wrong with it. He'd go in, sit, have a beer and leave. That simple. He could do that.

For just a moment, his conscience argues with him, reminding him of the pass, but he ignores it. This was fine. After the day he'd had, he deserved the break.

A few minutes later, he was walking through the door. The smoke hit his senses along with the smell of beer and the noise of rock music, chatter and laughter. Heading for the bar, he finds a stool and orders a bottle of beer.

Not Sure

*As Jason pulls Katie into his lap it startlers her for a moment not exspecting that to happen. His words hiting her hard knowing there was truth in them. If only the akwardness would go away things would probley be pretty much back to normal.

Slowly Katie's sobs slow down till they are small whimpers. Now that she was shelted in Jason's arms and she was so close to him the comfort made itself present. Keeping her one arm tucked under her and her other on Jason's feel arm but burys her face into Jason's chest alittle more just letting the comfort wash over her as the pain subsides just a bit.*

"I...I'm not sure what to say. I mean I want to say so much but I dont know how."

*Katie lets out a bit of a tired sigh as she closes her eyes.*

"Thank you J for giving up your night and coming to make sure I was going to be ok. That was one of the things I always liked about you. You always were so kind. Thank you for being the person I needed. I just...I don't know."

*Finally Katies crying stops though her heart still aches and for now her breathing became normal. The warmth, the small, the comfort of Jason making her feel safe for the time being.*

Stop it

Jason sighs deeply at Katie's words. He knew what she meant...he knew she was probably right. Yet he didn't want to leave. He'd come here for a reason, and he wasn't ready to leave yet. He couldn't. Not with Katie like this.

As Katie takes his hand, he accepts hers, giving her fingers a light squeeze. He just wanted for this to be over. He just wanted her to feel better. The pain was wearing on him and he just wanted all of this to stop.

But for some reason, her words produce an element of irritation within him. Yes, Camryn was his fiance. Yes, this whole thing had ruined their evening together. Yes, he needed to be with her. But he needed to be here too. Otherwise he wouldn't have come.

"Katie, stop it," he chides quietly. "You have no reason to feel like an idiot - nothing is your fault."

Looking at her for several moments, Jason pushes aside all feelings outside of right here and now. Slipping his hand out of hers, he shifts a little closer and leans down to pull Katie up and onto his lap. Resting her head against his chest, he rocks her gently, just holding her. "You can't get rid of me, Hero," he says softly. "I may be taken by another woman, but that doesn't mean you're no longer my friend, and it doesn't mean I no longer care about you."

His hand moves to tuck her hair behind her ear. "I'm so sorry...for everything."