
Playing cards

Carson sits back for several minutes and watches the three interact. He found the scene a bit humorous, and crosses his arms casually, studying the words and actions.

At Jess' offer for him to play, he shrugs and downs the rest of his beer. "Sure. Why not?" If he went home, he'd be bored. He was a bit tired right now, but doing something here was a more appealing thought than going home. He was here...why not stay just a while?

Walking to the table, he turns a chair around to straddle it, sitting between Peter and Velvet, who brings several more beers for the small bunch. As Jess shuffles and starts to deal, Carson's phone rings. He's tempted not to answer, but he recognizes that ring tone. Taking the cards in one hand, and the phone in the other, he nods to the group to signal keep playing even though he had a call.

Hearing Misty's voice, he smiles a little. "Hey, Sass, what's up?" Listening to her and playing cards at the same time, he nods absentmindedly. "Yeah, sorry. I went out for bit after work. Tomorrow sounds good though. I bet if you talk to Herb he'd let me off early...I'd rather have you smile and bat your eyes than me." He receives a tap to his shin under the table from Velvet as he'd been distracted from the game, and resumes playing. "Just swing by Mom and Pop's in the morning or something..." he grins. "I'll even have breakfast waiting for ya, and you can do your begging then."

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