

*Jess own smile forms as she see Velvet enter and walk over to her. It was always nice to see a familiar face.*

"Hey Velvet..."

*Jess takes another sip of beer.*

"Yeah Sean does not seem like the one who would put up to much of a fight. Specialy when he is head over heels for you."

*Seeing Velvet turn her attachen to Carson she cant help the dry laugh at her flirting friend.*

"He's quite the looker isn't he?"

*Finishing off her beer Jess puts it down on the bar and gives it a little push. Looking twords the table she hops off the stool and pulls out some cards from her pocket she heads to the table.*

"I was waiting for Peter and Sean to show up but seeing as you so nicely convinced Sean to stay at work for you I guess he wont be showing up now will he?!"

*As if on cue the bar door opens again and a tall braud shoulder man who looked to be around 30 enters. His hair was spiked black. He wore an earing in his right ear and had a few tattoo's on his arms. He fashioned a black cut off shirt and faded black jeans with boots.

Coming up behind Jess he slings his arm around her. The smell of whisky on his breath.*

"Hey Babe, we playing tonight?"

*Peter stops for a moment a grin curling on his lips.*

"..cards...I mean are we playing cards tonight."

*Jess shakes her head and pulls Peter's arm off of her.*

"Pete, first off you stink..."

"Hey Hey now someone had to have a drink with Sean to calm him down since he could come out tonight thanks to someone."

*Peter looks to Velvet and gives a shake of his head but ends it with a wink to her.*

*Jess rolls her eyes as she opens the cards and starts to shuffle.*

"..ok...well second I'm not your babe."

"Awww...how ya gonna leave me high and dry like..."

"Pete shut up and sit down your making a fool of yourself."

*Jess looks back to the bar and nods to Carson and Velvet.*

"We are down one person Carson if you wanna play, Velvet grab some more drinks would ya!"

*As Misty leaves TJY she looks at her watch to see she was out an hour earlyer than planed. Carson was probley home by now and tired but maybe she could call to see about doing something tomarrow on her half day.

Dialing his house phone she lefts it ring only to get no answer. Hanging up she find it odd but thinks nothing of it. Dialing his cell next she waits till there is an answer.*

"Hey You. I got out of work a little early. I tryed calling you house but got no answer so sorry to bother you. I was just wondering tomarrow I am taking a half day and I dident know if we could convince Herb to let you out a little early we could get together and doing something. That is if you want.."

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