
<.< .>.>

*Misty listens to Carson for a long moment before slowly pulling her own self up on her elbows dispite the pain.*

"Cuz Carson, you addmited it yourself that you cared for Ashlyn. But I respect that you did weather it be for one reson or another. I would never ask you to stop, cuz its just not that easy. I just want you to be open with me. So it gives me one more thing to deal with, so I get upset, I'll cool down and get over it. I would rather you be honest with me than hide it that way I CAN get over it and you wont have to dwell on it for a moment."

*Stoping for a moment and feeling a sharp pain Misty leans back resting her head on the pillow and stairing up.*

"I cant really say I understand what your feeling. I never cared much for anyone besides my family, untill I met you. Even when I was in England and I was SO mad at you, but I still missed you so much. When you left, I....I was mad but I lost a part of myself when you left. gah...i dont even know if I am making sence. As for the whole dieing thing I'd rather spend my last moments with someone I loved and cared for than alone I think."

*Katie turns and smiles at Jason. It was nice to feel the friendship again even if it was awkward alittle. In time that would pass.*

"I'm happy to have our friendship still too. You mean a great deal to me Jason. I'm just glad I am able to help you."

*Katie thinks for a moment.*

"You deserve to be happy. You've been through enough. Maybe we can go for the walk later."

*Katie gives her own nod and turns making her way for the door and than exiting heading back over to her desk to finish her work.*

*Wendy smiles up at Trent. She was happy he would be joining them.*

"Rosetta says I am like mom too. Thank you Trent."

*Rosetta lets out a sigh and takes a sip of her coffee leaning back. Learning that Tylar was still alive was a shock but one goten over and a feeling of joy replacing it.*

"I think the kids will understand Jim. Clint and Roslynn have come along way and know a great deal more about The Agecny now. I think once you explain it to them they will understand.

Its probley a real hard thing to work through your mind right now. Knowing you Son is so close yet so far. But since he is already involved now I think he had the right to know his family. But no matter what you guys decied I'll be behind you all the way Jim."

Don't know

Oh, how Carson wished it was as easy as Misty said. He just wasn't used to sharing himself with anyone...it had never been his nature. He'd always just barged on through whatever it was in his way, and if people got hurt in the process, so be it. It was new to have someone else there who he cared about and didn't want to hurt. And she was proud of him...that made him feel all the worse for what he'd just done.

After just lying in silence for several minutes, Carson finally rolls over and out of bed. It takes him a moment to stop a wave of pain and dizziness, and he heads for his dresser. "I didn't want to make it harder on you," he admits as he pulls a clean shirt out, and fishes for a pair of jeans. He still smelled like smoke from the bar, and needed a shower badly, even if he felt as though he could stay in bed all day.

"What was I supposed to say? That I felt terrible for killing Ashlyn? Someone I shouldn't have even cared about in the least?" He stops gathering his clothes, leaning on the dresser with his back to Misty. The feelings were still there, despite his attempt to snuff them out. "I don't even know why it got to me...it just...it shouldn't have. And then you got hurt, and it was like, great, so no matter what I do, I screw it all up, so to heck with it. I can't even get a handle on why I'm feeling what I'm feeling, so why try at anything else? I didn't want you to have to worry about anything else, and I certainly didn't want you thinking I was pining over Ashlyn, 'cause I wasn't, I was just...I was...I don't even know what I was...or am...or..."

Stopping, Carson lets out a groan, rubbing his forehead. Now he was rambling. Could he not just shut up when he needed to? "I'm just...I'm sorry, Misty..." His voice grows softer, though he doesn't turn around. "I guess I just fell down and couldn't get back up."

Jason finally looks over to Katie as she speaks. It felts so familiar, yet so strange to be having this conversation with her. Even now, when he'd wake in the morning, he half expected to wake up in his prison cell. It was hard getting used to being back again.

Listening, he grows a little more quiet. As Katie gets up and starts to leave, he stops her. "Katie...thank you." His eyes search hers as he tries to convey his current emotions without bombarding her. "I know...I know this is really awkward for both of us, and we might as well admit it. Maybe things were just meant to be this way, I don't know, but..." His words stick in is throat as he tries to force them out. "But I'm okay with just being friends, as long as we still do have that. And...I'm glad for you making me open up again...I know I haven't made it easy on you."

Giving a short decisive nod that he's said all he can, he turns back to his computer.

Trent stares after Wendy for a moment, shaking his head. Finally he rises and makes a fast pace to catch up to her. "You're just like your mother, you know that?" He looks down at her as they walk. "Don't ever change that."

"I don't know." Jim looks back down at the table. "I don't know what we're going to do. Mick says it sounds like a coincidence that Tyler ended up working at TJY and he's clueless about everything. He knows he was adopted, but that's it. I guess Mick almost spilled the beans a bit ago, but stopped himself. I...I don't even know where to start. I need to tell Becky, but I'll wait until she gets here...and then...we're going to have to tell Clint and Rosalynn, and as rocky as things have been between me and Clint....I just don't know how he's going to take this."

He leans back in his chair, heaving a weary sigh. "I just plain don't know what to do, Rosetta. Maybe Becky and I were wrong in the first place, but at the time, we thought it best...we didn't ever dream it would come back around like this. I mean...I'm thrilled to death that I'll get to see Tyler again, and I know Becky will be to, it's just....I don't know..."


*Misty gives alittle nod.*

"I do, as does Wyatt, Katie and Jason knows alittle too but they dont know everything. They helped me get you back here cuz there was no way I could do it alone."

*Misty thinks for a moment about how she wanted to word everything. She wanted be mad at Carson, she wanted to slap him, she wanted to be so angry. But feeling is arms around her she couldent be.*

" Ya know Carson, your a retard and that head ack you have I should be happy you have it. If your feeling sick to your stomach rigth now I should be happy, but I'm not. I cant be mad at you no matter how much I want to be."

*Misty lets out another sigh drawing quiet for a long moment before speaking again. Giving Carson's arm a slam as she rethinks everything in her head and than rests her arm across him again.*

"I just wish you had come to me sooner Carson and let me know what was wrong. Like when I asked you. No matter what condition I am in I dont want you to not tell me something that I can help you with. or if you cant come to me, go to someone alse. One of the other friends at TJY. They care about you, you know and so do I. Everytime you have a problem you cant run away. You cant do everything alone and on your own. You need help sometimes and you have people who offer that help to you. Stop turning them away. If I have to beat that into your head I will. You've come along way Carson from when we first met and I am so proud of you. Now let me be here when you need help. No matter what it is."

*Katie pats Troopers head as she slips into Jason's office shuting out the rest of the world behind her. A bit of irratation that Jason was saying sorry to her. Giving alittle roll of her eyes she sits down in one of the chairs across from Jason's desk.*

"Dont be sorry. I'm glad you were thinking and trying to work through things. You should also know by now Jason that your not bothering me at all. What kind of Hero would I be if you dident."

*Katie gives a small smile at her comment. Thinking for a moment more words on the tip of her toung that want to be said but was it right to say them or not. Heaving a sigh Katie chooses her words wisly.*

"J...I understand alittle bit more now about what happend to you, and why you closed yourself off. I cant say it was the right thing to do, but I cant say I would of done anything differntly myself. I'm sorry you had to go through everything you did. I understand now how it wasent easy at all. I just wish I had know than so...things could be...."

*Katie stops herself for a moment before finishing her sentince relizing what she was going to say. Katie stands again, her eyes locked on Jason.*

"Well we cant change the past now, but we can change the future and we need to make the best of it. I'm glad your back now J. It dosent feel empty around here."

*Katie breaks her eyes away from Jason and turns from his desk.*

*Wendy studys Trent for a moment and than gives alittle shrugs*

"Well if thats the only reson why your not eating its silly and your going to starve. There cant be peace all the time you know. Not to mention if anyone thought you wouldent be keeping peace here I dont think you would be siting on those steps. The first step in change is actully mingalin with people. Giving them the opertunity to see you've changed in stead of hiding out."

*Wendy turns and continues her rout to the mess hall.*

*Rosetta knows her eyes go wide for a moment on the new about Tyler. She was shocked and saprised. Everyone thought he had died, only now to know he was alive still. Jim dident have to tell her why they did she new it was to do with the Agency, it ALWAYS had to do with the agency one way or another.*

"Wow...I'm not even sure what to say. I mean...what are you guys going to do? I am sure Tyler would want to get to know you. I bet this is a big saprise for you guys too."

Shocking Truth

Carson is quiet for several more moments, unsure even what to say. He felt like a miserable idiot. He wasn't even sure he wanted to know what he'd done or said. But some of it he had to know. He needed to know if Misty knew what had driven him that direction. He needed to know if it was just her that knew about his escapade or if everyone did. ...and the blatant truth was that he felt worse than he had the day before. He'd known his actions had been shallow, yet he'd fallen again.

"I...I'm assuming I must have talked a lot..." He inwardly grimaces. He'd been told he could talk up a storm when drunk. "What, um...did I...I mean..." He sighs again. It was stupid to hope anything had been kept a secret. There was no way, and most likely Misty wasn't the only one who knew about this either. "You know everything, don't you..."

Trooper's hair stands on end as the door opens and he stands up, leery of anyone entering his master's office. Taking a moment to sniff in Katie's direction, he appears satisfied, and approaches her slowly to smell her hand.

Jason looks up from his desk, managing to show a weary smile. He shouldn't be surprised Katie had come. "Yeah...I just got to thinking and..." His eyes drift back to his computer screen, his fingers resting on his keyboard. "Guess it got the best of me...sorry." He pauses, unable to concentrate on his typing, but still staring at his screen. "One of these days maybe I'll be straightened out enough not to keep bothering you."

Trent looks up at Wendy, unable to help but return a small smile. "Good morning, Wendy." He shakes his head a little at her invitation. "Oh...I think it's best I let the others gather before I go get some breakfast. I don't like disturbing the peace."

Luke's eyes shift to the ground as Angel comes and lends him a hand, but he doesn't resist. Leaning on her, he's able to make it to the door, but stops for a moment. "Thanks, Angel," he says quietly.

Jim eyes Rosetta as she sits down and gives a weary sigh. "No... I guess everything's not okay." He takes another sip of coffee, contemplating his options. The truth had to come out...if Ty was involved with the court hearing, and involved at TJY, and Mick was already there...the truth was going to end up coming out one way or another. Was it less painful to be told, or for it to be a surprise? Either way seemed like somebody would get hurt.

He didn't even know how to tell Becky though. They'd decided a long time ago what they were going to do, and that they would stick with it, for the protection of their child. It seemed so ironic that despite their efforts, the connections still came back around.

But the bottom line was that the truth needed to come out. And Jim was tired of holding it in. He needed advice...he couldn't do this on his own.

Glancing back up to Rosetta, his eyes reveal his hesitance. There was no way to say this, but bluntly. "Our son didn't die, Rosetta... Becky and I gave Tyler up as a baby. ...Mick just found him, and he's at TJY."


*As Carson draws Misty closer and speaks her eyes stay closed for a moment.*

"Oh boy did you ever."

*Misty keeps her voice soft knowing Carson's head was probley spliting. Slowly Misty opens her eyes a smile creeping across her face as she looks up at Carson.*

"But thats ok. We all act like a fool sooner or later."

*Misty draws silent again. She dident want to make to much noise knowing Carson probley wasent feeling hot and he has said she could stay if she was quiet. Right now Misty was comfortable she dident want to move.*

"Next time it might be alittle easyer to just let me or one of your friends know how your feeling so we can help you. It would probley be alot easyer.."

*Misty keeps her arm draped around Carson as she cuddles her face into his arm. Fighting the pain she felt in her stomach.*

*As Katie sits at her desk she starts to sort through another pile of papers Jamie had left for her on the desk. Katie felt bad for her, of the last year there had been so much that destracted her from work that they were still trying to catch up. Leting out a sigh Katie continues. At least there was stuff to do.

As Katie continues to work when a feeling comes over her. The feeling she felt so many times before. Memories start to fill her mind of Jason over his time in prison, his feeling emotions. Absorbing the emotions and memories like a spunge Katie leans her head in her hands on the desk. Once the emotions are cut off Katie leans back with a new understanding. Everything Jason went through, what she felt probley wasent even half of it but it brang a new feeling, a new understand of what Jason went though. No wonder he was so drawn back, closed off the pain he indured was great indeed.

Once Katie recomposed herself and gets his mind clear Katie looks to Jason's office. If anything alse were wrong she would feel it but still something tugged at her heart. Standing Katie slowly makes her way to Jason's office and know softly on the door opening it a crack and poking her head in. A smile on her face.*

"Are ya doing J?"

*Rosetta makes her way into the mess hell BJ close on her tail. After geting inside Bj breaks off to go into the TV room and watch Cartoon while Rosetta heads into the kitchen to get some coffee and starts breakfest. Feeling as though she wasent in the mess hall alone Rosetta scans the room her eyes landing on Jim. He looks so distraught in the courner but why. Grabing her mug she makes her way over and sits down hoping he wont mind.*

"Morning Jim. You look deep in throught everything ok?"

*Wendy makes her way to the mess hall decieding she should probley grab something to eat before work. Catching movment out of her courner of her eye she spots Trent siting on the bunk house step. Wendy had been told alittle bit about the story with Trent on the past and how along time ago when she was very small Trent had held her, and was very close with her mom. Than everything fell apart. Making her way over to the bunk Wendy offers a small smile to Trent.*

"Good Morning! Are you going to join us for breakfest?"

*Angel makes her way around the back of the messhall her face in a book in nerve reasearch. She was bound and deturmened to figure something out for Luke. There was hope, they had to be for him. Drawing close to the steps she see Luke and without him saying anything she could read his face. Going over she reaches down to help him up not drawing attachn to the face he needed help to save him the embaresment.*

"Breakfest is gonna get cold if we dont hurry."


It's late morning before Carson begins to stir again. Opening his eyes slightly, even the dim light coming in through the cracks in the blinds made him cringe. The pain killers had done nothing for his headache. Despite physically feeling as though he'd run his head into a brick wall, his mind was beginning to clear away at least some of the fog.

Blinking, he tries to piece together what he knew. He'd decided to leave...just for a while. He'd filled his backpack and had decided to hitchhike out of town. He'd needed to think...sort things through. But on his way, he'd been lured into the bar, decided he might as well completely forget about everything. Apparently he had...because he remembered nothing after that.

Turning from his stomach to lay on his back, he realizes that Misty's arm is resting around him. And where did she come in? Had she been there all night? What about yesterday? It could only be assumed she knew he'd been drunk. Had he talked a lot? Did Misty know now about Ashlyn?

Carson didn't even know what to think or how to feel. It hurt too much to even try thinking about. But guilt had a way of finding it's path to the surface, making him feel all the more worse, along with the fool he really was. And yet...Misty had apparently stayed. He had no idea what he'd said, or what he'd done, but he knew it couldn't have been anything to be proud of.

Heaving a slow sigh, he slides his hand under Misty's head, bringing her a little closer so her head could rest on his forearm. "I made a fool out of myself, didn't I?" he asks quietly.

Jason eases down at his desk, one hand on Trooper's head as the dog didn't let him out of his sight. "You realize I have to work now, don't you?" Jason looks at him, stroking one of his ears.

Trooper comes closer and sets his head on Jason's desk.

Jason sighs and leans back in his chair, just studying his animal friend. The last time he'd had Trooper with him had been right after the house fire, then he'd been taken away.

Jason's mind goes back to that night. His whole world had been crashing down around him. But his friends had stuck close...proving to him just who his friends were, even if he hadn't recognized them to be. And then there was Katie...he could still remember how she'd shown up as he'd walked from the smoldering rubble, having known he was in danger. She'd saved him more than once because of her sixth sense.

Allowing his mind to wander just a bit, Jason reflects on the past. The good...the bad. Going to Texas...returning a different person...a better person. Running back to Texas, coming back again to realize the damage he'd caused to a friend. Renewing that friendship...then trading the simple friendship for something deeper...something he and Katie had both wanted. Had that relationship been doomed from the beginning? It had hadn't felt like it. If he hadn't gone to prison, would they have given up? He didn't know. Perhaps they hadn't been wise in the first place. Perhaps they had acted on impulse when they should have used more logic. Perhaps they simply weren't ready for anything else, yet had plunged ahead anyway.

No matter the reason...whether Jason wanted to admit it or not, Katie looked happy with Scott. And if Scott could offer her more than he could, then he couldn't be upset. It was better to see Katie happy, than continue struggling with their own relationship. Maybe it was best for Jason too...maybe he needed this time to get to know himself again.

And really...what more could he ask for? Katie was still willing to be his friend and help him deal with what he was going through. He'd lost a love, but hadn't lost the friend completely. The sorrow was beginning to fade...the wounded heart was beginning to heal. Love? Perhaps it still lingered in the shadows, but it was dispersing to be recollected later and aimed in a new direction if he desired.

Shaking his head, Jason returns to his computer. He hadn't meant for his mind to go down that path. But maybe it was good he was finally sorting through all that.

Sighing, he tells Trooper to go lie down, and tries to concentrate on work. Sifting through one of his drawers, he runs across a couple old photos of him and Con and Laura. He didn't know how they'd gotten there, but he was holding them now. It had been several years...he'd changed so much. He wasn't that over-confident kid anymore...though the chip on his shoulder had stuck around too long. The pain he'd been burying back then had been on its way to being resolved. And now...he had a whole new set of pain to deal with. Is that what life was destined to be? A constant battle with different kinds and different doses of pain? It seemed unfair.

Unable to concentrate, Jason rests his elbows on his desk and stares into nothingness. Releasing some of his negative emotions the other night had put even more pressure on what was left, and he longed to be free...he really did.

When getting to this point, he was used to seeing Katie...used to sitting down with her and letting her help draw it out of him, even though it hurt. But how much of that could he really do now? He remembered how spending time with Katie before had jeopardized his friendship with Wyatt and put a strain between them as well. He didn't want to do that to her again. Yet he still knew that they could be friends. And part of their unique relationship was the giving and taking of their thoughts and feelings. No matter whether romance was involved or not, their bond simply couldn't be broken, even if they wanted it to be. Perhaps once the love was dissolved, it would be even easier.

Closing his eyes, Jason tries to focus for just a moment. He didn't know where Katie was right now...but he knew she was probably up...on her way here...maybe even here already. No matter her location, he knew good and well that she'd be able to feel him.

Ever so slowly, he lets memories invade his mind. Memories of the last half year...memories that brought the hurt all over again. The horror of being so alone...the loneliness itself...the loathing of receiving torment from other inmates. The anger at being taken advantage of. The sorrow for things he'd done.

Swallowing hard, Jason doesn't let the moment last too long, knowing if he did, he would be too exhausted to continue through the day. Gradually, he stops the flow again as the tears pool behind his eyes, not allowed to fall. The more he released, the emptier he felt. On one hand, it was a relief...the burden was slowly being lifted. And on the other...he still didn't know how to refill his heart with the good things.

But he was recovering...slowly. With Katie to help draw him out, he was recovering, and hope was in sight. Soon he would be able to function again without the built-up emotions, and things would go back to the way they were when he didn't affect Katie unless his emotions were at an extreme, or she concentrated on finding him. He wanted to return to that place...for his sake...for her sake...for peace. "Thanks, Katie," he whispers.

Jim sits alone in the corner of the mess hall, his eyes frozen on his mug of coffee. Becky and Rosalynn would be returning tomorrow, in order to be around when the court hearing occurred, but despite his joy of seeing them again, his mind was occupied with another subject. One that only he, and Mick knew about. One that was becoming a wretched secret, now that it was so close to being exposed. He didn't even know how to start with this one. He'd just mended a relationship with Clint...would this prove to sever it all over again? And what about Becky? He'd spoken to her on the phone last night, but had not told her.

Trent leans back against the porch railing as he sits on the bunkhouse steps. He had not yet made a habit out of joining everyone for breakfasts...he stuck on the outskirts during other meals, but interacting was still pretty awkward yet to immerse himself completely.
He was slowly coming to know Rosetta and his other brothers again, which was more than he could have hoped for though, so any awkwardness was small in comparison.
The only real tension he felt came from Luke. Trent had exchanged probably a whole of twenty words with him since coming, though neither had attempted any more than that. There was just too much history to be forgotten in one day.

Luke tucks in his shirt and buckles his belt, getting ready for the day. Leaving his bunkhouse, he easily makes it down the stairs and walks towards the mess hall. The last few days had been good and he'd been able to function well without much trouble at all, proving he could still carry on a normal life once in a while.
Reaching the mess hall though, he's just heading up the steps to the back door, when a visitor's kid comes bounding outside. Luke twists to the side to avoid running into him, but it was the wrong move. As his spine shifts, he can feel the pain shoot down his legs, and before he can catch himself, he's sitting on the step, cringing until the pain passes. Frustration reaches an all-time high and he lets a curse slip out from under his breath, even though it's followed by guilt for allowing it.
Just sitting alone, he tries to recover, but feels his legs start to grow numb again. He knew it wasn't just going to pass in the next five minutes.
Resting his head against the railing he just remains, knowing that eventually, someone would come along and help him up, and he'd endure the embarrassment all over again, probably requesting to be helped back to his bunk rather than join the breakfast bunch.

Wraped up in You!

*As Misty hears movment she turns on her side feeling a slight pain but pays no attachen to it as she gets comfortable enough it stops throbing. Her back was killing her from all the sleeping and laying she had been doing. She needed to change it up.

As everything goes quiet once again Misty fall back to sleep only to be woken up again moments later by something heavy droping on the bed causing her to move the wrong was and let out a small gasp. Slighly confused for a moment Misty just stairs into the dark before looking who was next to her and stole the other pillow. As Carson's voice its Mistys ears, it conferms its not a stranger next to her. Misty whispers. *

"Seeing as I wasent saying anything Carson, I dont think I can be any quieter. So shut it and go to sleep."

*Laying her head back down on the pillow with her back to him still Misty lays very still continplating geting up or not. Being to tired Misty finaly convinces herself to stay put and its not like it was wrong. Falling back into a deep sleep Misty feel more at peace than before. Almost as if she felt safer.

Sometime during the morning Misty rolls from her side to her back to her other side so she is facing Carson. Slowly moving slightly close Misty subcontusly puts her arms over and around Carson holding him.*


Scott beams at Katie’s compliment. Cooking was something he enjoyed when he found the time, and knowing someone else enjoyed it made it all the more fun.

Winding down for the evening with an arm around Katie sealed the day with comfortable warmth. Parting was the only disappointment, though with the promise of seeing her again tomorrow, the night was easily faced.

Jason slams his fist down on top of his alarm clock, hating the morning wakeup call. But not only did Reese want him in, but he had to get over to TJY and take care of Trooper, who had reestablished a home in Jason’s office once again.

Rising, Jason shuffles to the bathroom, only to remember Misty was there after he’s showered and changed. Heading back down the hall, he glances into Carson’s bedroom to see she’s still sleeping.

Going to the kitchen, Jason grabs a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast, looking to the living room and shaking his head that Carson hasn’t moved all night. Finishing his breakfast quickly, he grabs his helmet and heads out, locking the door behind him.

The sound of cupboards opening and closing, and finally the front door being shut is enough to crack Carson’s eyes. He lays still on the couch for a while, trying to get a handle on his surroundings. He was still fully dressed….he was…on the couch… in his living room… with a splitting headache.

Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he cringes in the light. His head felt like it was going to explode. What had he done…

Rubbing his forehead, he stands up, a little unsteadily. Making his way around the couch and down the hall, he staggers a bit, using the wall to catch himself before his dizziness takes him to the floor.

His eyes barely open, Carson fumbles around in the bathroom until he finds the pain killers he was looking for. Downing them with a mouthful of water, he turns around, aiming for his bedroom. He didn’t even want to think about what had happened yesterday. All he knew right now was that he felt utterly terrible. Anything else was buried in a dense fog that didn’t seem to want to lift anytime soon. He knew yesterday hadn’t been good, but that was about it. Swaying somewhat, he stumbles into his bedroom where it’s darker, the blinds still closed over the window.

Not hesitating, he flops down on his bed. But it’s not quite what he expected as he hits something that’s under the blanket. Something heavy…warm?

Carson props himself up on an elbow, managing to get his eyes open wider, first to ensure he’s actually in his own bedroom, and second to ensure he’s not seeing things. Yes, there was a person in his bed. It takes him a moment…Misty? What was she doing here? He didn’t have a clue. The reasoning was long somewhere in the same fog as everything else.

Groaning, Carson flops back down on his stomach, forcing Misty to give him room, and stealing the second pillow from under her head to bury his own face in it. “I have no idea why you’re in my bed,” he mumbles. “But if you’re intent on staying, do it quietly, will you...”


*Katie cant help but laugh alittle as the peppers go all over the floor and than another laugh at Domino who wants nothing to do with it. After finished with the mess Katie moves to the shells warming them up.*

"It smells so good Scott I cant wait to eat it."

*After a few more moments of helping Scott and the chit chat Katie and Scott sit down to eat. Taking a bit Katie's face lights up.*

"Oh Scott...this tasts soooo good. I dont think I ever tasted anything better."

*Scott and Katie continues to eat Katie highly enjoying herself after such a stressful day. Once Katie is stuff and dinner is done. They shift into te living room to finish off the night with a movie.*

*Aerith smiles as Jason. She liked finding things she had in common with him. He was such a great person to talk to and hold a decent intellagent conversation with.*

"Ya, my dad liked to show dogs, race them and breed them. So many of my weekeds were spend at the track or with him and the dogs one way or another. It was a fun passtime. I guess I just always kept the love for them.*

*Aerith gives a wave as Jason leaves and finishs up around the restront before heading home herself. Not being able to wonder as she drives what "Robin Hood" was up to tonight.*

*Everyone and a while Misty stirs. Moving a leg or an arm to get more comfortable. Geting up a few times in the night as well to check on Carson and make sure he was ok. Around 3am Misty drifts back deep into sleep till the morning.*

Evening Ends

Domino greets Katie at Scott’s door with enthusiasm, wiggling all over and then running into the living room, soon to come back with her favorite toy to show off. The house smells delicious with aromas wafting from the kitchen.

Scott shakes his head with amusement, and invites Katie into the kitchen where he’s cooking supper. Standing over the stove, the frying pan sizzles with strips of steak and vegetables. “Hope you like fajitas… you can warm up the shells in the microwave if you want.” Scott points to the other end of the counter, but while doing so, his hand hits the cutting board which had extra veggies on it, and they go flying. “Awwww shoot.”

He puts his hands on his hips and looks at the peppers and onions on the floor. “Well…”

Domino comes trotting in to survey the damage, sniffing at an onion, but then backing off, blinking at the strong odor.

Scott gives Katie a sheepish grin. “Alright. So. You’ve just witnessed Scott’s culinary skills at work. Let’s hope I can avoid being such a klutz the rest of the evening.” He gets down on the floor to start cleaning up the mess, keeping an eye on what’s still cooking.

Jason is brought out of a stare as Aerith talk to him. The corner of his mouth upturns. “You seem to know dogs.” He shrugs. “I sort of trained him. He was a mutt I found on the streets. Vet says he’s Mastiff…I say he’s got some Great Dane in him too – not that it matters.”

He polishes off his orange juice. “Anyway, he minded me but no one else, and I ended up keeping him at the office my work’s permission…worked with him for a while, but training him was a cinch. He’s a great watchdog…he can sense danger better than I can, and track down anybody faster than any dog I’ve seen. The only problem is that when other departments have wanted to use him, he’ll get the job done eventually, but no one else can handle him.”

Giving a little sigh, Jason looks at his watch. “I’ve been gone way too long.” He cocks his head at Aerith. “Thanks…for the break.” He knew he still wasn’t being very sociable. He wanted to…he really did…but he was still held back…he was still trapped.

He gives a wave to back in the kitchen. “Thanks, Mabel!” he calls. He looks down at Trooper. “Alright, you ready to go?”

After leaving Mom and Pop’s, Jason goes back to TJY for several more hours, and winds up leaving fairly late after grabbing a simple supper from the breakroom vending machine. Walking home in the dark provided a refreshing break before getting back to the apartment. Not having seen Misty at TJY, he assumes she’s still here with Carson, and enters quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone.

Avoiding turning on the lights, Jason squints in the living room, making out Carson’s lethargic form on the couch. Heading down the hall, he sees the bedroom door open and pauses just a moment, realizing that someone was in Carson’s bed. Assuming it was Misty, he continues to the bathroom then to his own room for the night. He was tired, and would find out how Carson was in the morning.