

Scott beams at Katie’s compliment. Cooking was something he enjoyed when he found the time, and knowing someone else enjoyed it made it all the more fun.

Winding down for the evening with an arm around Katie sealed the day with comfortable warmth. Parting was the only disappointment, though with the promise of seeing her again tomorrow, the night was easily faced.

Jason slams his fist down on top of his alarm clock, hating the morning wakeup call. But not only did Reese want him in, but he had to get over to TJY and take care of Trooper, who had reestablished a home in Jason’s office once again.

Rising, Jason shuffles to the bathroom, only to remember Misty was there after he’s showered and changed. Heading back down the hall, he glances into Carson’s bedroom to see she’s still sleeping.

Going to the kitchen, Jason grabs a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast, looking to the living room and shaking his head that Carson hasn’t moved all night. Finishing his breakfast quickly, he grabs his helmet and heads out, locking the door behind him.

The sound of cupboards opening and closing, and finally the front door being shut is enough to crack Carson’s eyes. He lays still on the couch for a while, trying to get a handle on his surroundings. He was still fully dressed….he was…on the couch… in his living room… with a splitting headache.

Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he cringes in the light. His head felt like it was going to explode. What had he done…

Rubbing his forehead, he stands up, a little unsteadily. Making his way around the couch and down the hall, he staggers a bit, using the wall to catch himself before his dizziness takes him to the floor.

His eyes barely open, Carson fumbles around in the bathroom until he finds the pain killers he was looking for. Downing them with a mouthful of water, he turns around, aiming for his bedroom. He didn’t even want to think about what had happened yesterday. All he knew right now was that he felt utterly terrible. Anything else was buried in a dense fog that didn’t seem to want to lift anytime soon. He knew yesterday hadn’t been good, but that was about it. Swaying somewhat, he stumbles into his bedroom where it’s darker, the blinds still closed over the window.

Not hesitating, he flops down on his bed. But it’s not quite what he expected as he hits something that’s under the blanket. Something heavy…warm?

Carson props himself up on an elbow, managing to get his eyes open wider, first to ensure he’s actually in his own bedroom, and second to ensure he’s not seeing things. Yes, there was a person in his bed. It takes him a moment…Misty? What was she doing here? He didn’t have a clue. The reasoning was long somewhere in the same fog as everything else.

Groaning, Carson flops back down on his stomach, forcing Misty to give him room, and stealing the second pillow from under her head to bury his own face in it. “I have no idea why you’re in my bed,” he mumbles. “But if you’re intent on staying, do it quietly, will you...”

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