

*Katie eyes Jason for a moment as a sadness comes over her.Even a bit of shock by Jason's tone.*

"No one is avoiding you J. Maybe I am stupid, but everything WILL be ok. As for you opening up you know when it comes to being with me it helps you. It always has and you always insist on keeping it in anyways even though I dont understand why. I never turned away before cuz of your feelings."

*Katie stands throwing her dish into the sink.*

"I'm sorry you feel like I am treating you with kid gloves. You have been gone for more than a year, everyday I wanted to see you again, to hold you..I wanted to be able to help you cuz I new you would be hurting. I sure as heck know I would be. If Care and worry is treating you like a kid I am sorry. Your right though maybe I should of waited at least a day till you were settled. I guess I just imagend everything differntly. I'm sorry J. I dident mean to make you feel like you would rather be in prison than with me. I'm sorry. Let me know when your settled in and we can both start enjoying life again. You know where my desk is if you need me. I'll be waiting."

*Katie walks slowly out of the break room. The destination in mind her desk. Anything to keep her mind busy as her heart crumbled and her spirit broke.*

*As Stans arm is twisted backwards his other buddys stand ready to defend him as Stan though in pain grins.*

"Well Well Well....if it isent the night in shinning armour."

*The guy across from Stan snickers.*

"Whats the matter dont like to shair you Girlfriend? I would think you would be honnered someone alse would take intrest in her. Means she is pretty and worth something."

*The guy next to Stan growls.*

"Why dont you just mind your own busness pretty boy let us have out fun and you wont get hurt."

*As Wyatt twists Stan's arm he brings his leg out from under the table hooking Wyatt's foot and pulling it from underneath him. The other lung for him.*

*Aerith watches in fear. Looking around the dinner it is pretty empty at the moment and Mable was in the back room with Herb. Acting fast Aerith goes into the back room to try and find Herb for help.*

*Wes smiles. His heart sang with joy that Cindy liked the house. Wes was happy, he had a wife he loved dearly and a wonderful new home. What more could he ask for.*

"As soon as you feel up to it. Yes it does and I figure we dont have alot to fill it now. But little by little we can get more and soon, we are gonna have to much."

*Wes own excitment shows in his voice over the differnt plains that were being made.*


Scotty? Jason quirks an eyebrow. When had that nickname started?

He rubs Katie's hand thoughtfully with his own for a moment, receiving her words quietly. But an irritation is sparked, despite the good intentions.

"Why does everybody think me spilling my guts is the answer all the time?” Jason shakes his head a little as he frowns. “You’re so matter-of-fact just like everybody else. ‘It’ll be okay.’ ‘Just give it time.’ ‘We’re all rooting for you.’” A slight scowl forms. “Is everybody that stupid to think that’s all it takes?”

Jason lets go of her hand to crumple up his sandwich wrapper, dropping his eyes to the table. He was beginning to feel his barrier now, and recognized that look in Katie’s eye that begged him to open back up again. But he ignores it for the moment. “What more am I supposed to give? Or be doing? I haven’t even been here a full day and already I feel like I’d rather be back behind bars just so people stop treating me with kid gloves.” He thumbs out the door. “Even Scott seems to think I’m something to be avoided.”

Wyatt reaches the front door and is about to push it open, when he hears the voices from the other table. Turning his head, he sees Aerith start to struggle with the rougher bunch.

He grits his teeth with anger as she’s pulled onto one of the guy’s lap. It’s obvious from the look on her face that she didn’t want that to be happening, and the man was much too strong for her. Riffraff like that didn’t belong in here.

Spinning around, Wyatt stalks over to the table, a glare on his face. “Women are to be respected around here boys,” he growls. “Or did your mamas never teach you that?”

Reaching out, Wyatt grabs the one man’s wrist, bending it back in such away that he knew it would cause sharp pain. As Aerith is let go, he shoves her back out of the way, his grip remaining on the other man. “I think she told you to let her go.”

Cindy just can’t get over how perfect everything is. On her own feet again, she leans into Wes as she looks out on the back yard. “It’s all simply gorgeous,” she breathes. A little laugh of excitement escapes. “Does this mean we can start moving in?”

Let Go

*As Scott pats Katie's shoulder she turns her head to him.*

"Ok, I'll see ya later Scotty."

*Once Scott leaves Katie turns her attachen back to Jason. Searching his eyes Katie can see a glimps of confustion, but still there was that wall again she could see it now. Why Jason but it back up Katie dident know maybe it was the fact he was at work maybe not, but Katie could feel the hurt inside her ownself.*

"I know everything is probley crazy for you J. Its has to be hard I couldent even imagen how out of place I would feel in a situation like this. Its like if I was to go back to Texas to live, I wouldent know what to do cuz that isent were I belong anymore. But as the days pass J, thing here with come back to you, life will return to normal and everything will be ok if you let it."

*Katie hand finds Jason's on the table.*

"Just dont close yourself off to me, to you friends, to the world. We are all here to help, and it pains us when you wont. I know you have been through so much, thats why I want to be here to help you. I dont have to be here, I want to be here."

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt and a wave seeing as he geting ready to leave. Aerith makes her way over to the table with the rough group of guys.*

"Are you guys ready to order?"

*The guys laugh between themselfs before the bigger of the three answers.*

"I dont think so. You see it dosent have what we want on the menu. We want you!"

*The smile on Aerith's face fades alittle as she trys to hold her composure.*

"Well sorry cant help you with that one."

"Well, arnt you saposto try and make your customer happy and get us what we want?"

"Not when it comes to customers like you."

*As Aerith goes to turn around and walk away the larg man grabs her arm to stop her spinning her around and pulling her closer to the table. The smaller guy next to him chimes over his shoulder in a moking tone.*

"There is no point in staying no to Stan. He always get what he wants."

*A certin fermness, yet a look of shock and fear passes through Aerith's eyes as she trys to pull her arm away but Stan's grip was to strong.*

"Let go of me."

*The guys laugh as he pulls Aerith into his lap. The smell of liquer strong on his breath.*

*Wes returns the kiss the lingers for a long while and than hugs Cindy tight. Leaning his head aganst her.*

"You deserve this and so much more. I'm happy I get to be the one that strives twords making it happen for you. I love you Cindy."

*Cindy still in his arm he walks with her slowly up the steps and opens the door taking her inside to show her around to her new home and than to the back out the house where a sliding glass door is to the LARGE backyard.*


Jason quirks an eyebrow as the strange vibe continues to bother him. Something was wrong... something wasn't right...Katie was really on edge.

He glances back to Scott, then back to Katie again. "Uh... no...he hasn't given me anything yet. Said to settle in for a few days. Guess I need it...I feel like a fish out of water around here."

Scott takes a bite of his food, thinking. "I guess it wouldn't be easy, huh...lot changed around here?"

"Some..." Jason takes a swig of his pop. "...People...things...it'll take me a while to get back in the swing of things." He gives Katie a sidelong glance. "At least I got someone to help me out."

Scott sees the glance, and decides he really doesn't want the rest of his food. "Well, you need something, give a holler." He stands up and throws away his leftovers. Exiting the breakroom, he gives Katie's shoulder a pat. "See you later."

Jason eyes the gesture warily. There was that feeling threatened again. What was going on? He was sure he was imagining things...he didn't understand what was going through his own mind anymore. He did feel like a fish out of water, and it had only been half a day.

Wyatt returns Aerith's smile as she brings him his lunch. "Thanks."
It doesn't take him too long to go through his pizza and is soon glancing at his watch, knowing it's time to get back to work. Rising, he tosses a nice tip on the table and prepares to leave.

Cindy is confused, but does as she's told, completely in the dark. As Wes helps her out of the truck, her confusion increases. But when she's told to open her eyes, her mouth drops open. Tears spring into her eyes. "Oh, Wes," she breathes.

For a moment she can't take her eyes off of the beautiful house. It was her dream come true. She'd waited so very very long, dreaming this dream, and now...it was a reality. "It's perfect..."

Turning her face to Wes, she wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a passionate kiss, then just hugs him tight. "I can't believe it's really real. You've done so much...so much I don't even deserve.... 'Thank you' just doesn't seem enough."

Cindy can't help but turn her head again to make sure the house wasn't her imagination. It was still there...as pretty as ever... even prettier than she'd imagined.

Close your eyes

*Misty shakes her had and laughs at Carson. She cant help but enjoy Carson roughness, and his spark. Misty wouldent want it any other way.*

"I guess tomarrow I'll have to be ready and waiting than for you."

*As Katie sits with the boys her tummy tightens as Jason keeps her out. Her salad dident seem so appraling anymore but she tryed to continue to eat it anyway. Katie trys to keep the conversation light between the to boys as her head starts to spin.*

"Reese have you doing anything exciting yet?"

*Katie keeps her eyes focused on her lunch trying to get herself to calm down.*

*Aerith lets out a giggle feeling her cheeks from some reson turn alittle red*

"Ya, I'm still here. I though I should get a job or my grandmother is going to drive me crazy."

*Smiling Aerith jots down what Wyatt wants.*

"ok thats easy enough to remember so next time you come in I can just get it for you. So dont go changing it up on me."

*Aerith smiles and turns to get Wyatt his drink and have Herb warm up 2 slices. Aerith brings the drink to Wyatt.

A rough looking crowd enters the dinner and sits in Aerith section. Loud laughing can be hurd from there table. Aerith smiles at Wyatt and goes over to the table to get there drink orders. Heading back to grab them she also grabs Wyatt pizza and brings it to him before heading back to the others with there drinks.*

"Enjoy Wyatt."

*Aerith throws him another smile.*

*Wes holds his hand out to Cindy and takes it leading her to the truck. After helping her in Wes leans in her side and gives her a kiss on the lips. Geting into the driverside Wes just sits for a long moment. Finally turning to Cindy.*

"You trust me hun? Close your eyes and keep them close tight till I tell you to open them again And dont worry its nothing bad. Everything is gonna be ok."

*Once Cindy closes her eyes Wes starts up the truck and heads out not being able to help a smile now cross his face.

Making turns here and there Wes drives for sometime till finally they reach there destanation. Shuting the truck off Wes opens his door.*

"Dont open your eyes yet hun ok."

*Wes gets out of the truck and shuts the door going over to Cindy's side opening her door and helping her with her seatbelt. Once she is out Wes scoops her up in his arms and walks alittle ways before stoping.*

"Ok Sweetheart you can open you eyes now."

*In front of them stood a while one floor 3 bedroom house with black shutters. There was a pourch on the front 2 big windows on eather side and 1 big window in the middle. The front yard looked tore up alittle bit still showing it wasent long ago the house was complete but there was grass seed layed down and baby trees and flowers lined the yard showing where they would be.*

"It was finished 4 days go. I was cleaning up, and wanted to saprise you. Now I can carry you into out new house like I should of after we got married."


As Misty’s fingers hit Carson’s ribs, he suddenly jumps, releasing his headlock and squirming to the side. “Hey, hey, now, that’s not fair!” He gives her shoulder a shove. “And don’t ask a guy what possesses him – you don’t want to know.”

He throws Misty a sidelong glance. “Well next time I swing on by if you’re out there in your own running shoes, maybe I won’t bang on the window.”

Jason turns from the vending machine, sandwich in hand. He looks to the table at Katie and Scott. Why it felt strange she was asking if he wanted to join them, he wasn’t sure.

His ears listened, waiting for the sounds of loud voices and clanking silverware, but it was quiet. He was suddenly a stranger here. There were new routines…things he’d been naturally left out of.

Jason shrugs and opts to stay. At least he’d have Katie for a little while, even if Scott was there. Scott... It hit Jason as just a little funny.

Grabbing the end chair, he sits down to join them, digging into his sandwich. Looking up once, he catches Scott’s eye and they stare at each other for a moment. Jason can feel himself start to bristle and he has no idea why. Why did he suddenly feel threatened? He’d never felt threatened by Scott before…ever. What was that look in Scott’s eye that wasn’t there before?

Jason breaks his gaze and glances to Katie, still not even realizing that his wall was firmly in place.

Scott looks down and picks at his tv dinner, trying to come up with something to talk about, but the latest auto magazine he’d gotten seemed less than interesting.

“Well, I’ll be.” Wyatt grins when he sees Aerith. “Decided to stick around for a while, eh?” He cocks his head, not able to help but think she looked pretty cute today as a waitress.

Still smiling, he shrugs. “Oh, I’m doing all right. And yes, if you’re going to be working here, you’ll learn I take a Pepsi every time, along with two slices of pepperoni and mushroom pizza.” He throws her a wink. “I like my routines.”

Cindy mumbles a little as Wes shakes her shoulder and she opens her eyes groggily. “Hmm?” Pulling herself up, she rubs the sleep from her eyes and yawns. “What, why…” She searches Wes’ face for a moment, realizing he’s serious.

Forcing herself to wake up, she gives a little nod, not asking any questions. She trusted him. “Give me a couple minutes…”

Within fifteen, she’s taken a quick shower and dressed, not bothering to do her hair or makeup. Finding Wes again, she gives him a confused look, now ready to ask. “Where are we going?”


*Katie smiles back at Scott giving a nod.*

"Things are so so, not feeling to grand today but I'm alive."

*Misty leaves Scott and heads to her desk to do her days work.*

*Misty cant help but laugh as she squerms to get out of the headlock.*

"Whatever possessed you to bang on my window every morning? If you wanted to me to run with in the morning you can just say so."

*Misty cant help but start laughing more and she continues to get out of the headlock.*

"I have to addmit the look on your face was pricless."

*Relaxing for a moment Misty moves her arms fast to Carons side and tickles him.*

~*~Lunch Time~*~

*Katie makes her way to the breakroom as her tummy churns. Steping into the breakroom and seeing Jason and Scott sent cold chills down her spin but is passed quickly.*

"Hey guys. Its a party in here."

*Going to the fridge Katie grabs her salad and sits down at the table turning to Jason and than smiling at Scott.*

"J, you want to join Scott and myself for lunch?"

*Aerith looks up from cuting a pie and see Wyatt sit in her section. A smile cross her face as she heads over to him.*

"You know I really do think I have myself a stalker. How are you today Wyatt? and can I get you something to drink?"

*Aerith was starting to grow fond of seeing Wyatt around all over the place. He was the first nice person she had met and he seemed like a pritty good guy not to mention a cute on at that.*

*Geting out of the shower after coming in from the shop Wes throws on a new pare of jeans and a t-shit. Walking quietly back into the bedroom Wes watches Cindy sleep for a long moment. She hadent been feeling to well the last few days and sleep is what she needed. Though Wes hated waking her up he new this time he must. Going over to her side of the bed he sits on the edge and gives her a soft kiss on the forhead and than shakes her gently.*

"Cindy, Hun...its time to get up. I need to take you somewhere. Its important."


Scott turns and looks up from his computer, automatically giving Katie a smile. “Hey. Wasn’t sure if you were gonna be in today or not. How’s things?”

Laura comes down from the porch, grinning at Nate. “I think I can handle this kind of chariot,” she quips. “Thanks.”

Sliding into the passenger seat and buckling in, she turns her head and suddenly locks eyes with Nate. For a really strange moment, there’s a pause and heat creeps into her face. Finally she turns her attention to the road. “One of these days I really need to get a new car…”

A look of total shock crosses Carson’s face as Misty steps from around the corner and grabs him. He almost trips as he’s brought to a sudden halt and pulled around, a kiss landing on his lips. “What the…” He’s cut off by Misty’s passionate exchange, and suddenly finds himself returning the kiss, though he’s still bewildered for a moment .

When Misty withdraws, Carson gives her a smirk. “Good morning to you too, you sneaky sheila, you.” He reaches out to put her in a headlock from the side and starts to drag her down the sidewalk. “You about gave me a heart attack woman! Whatever possessed you?!”

Jason glances at his watch as his stomach growls. It was past noon….he wasn’t used to having to remember meals on his own. He suddenly realizes that he hadn’t even brought anything with him. Looked like it would be a sandwich from the machine today.

He gets up from his desk and wanders out of his office for the first time that morning, heading to the break room. Arriving, he sees Scott warming up his own lunch.

Scott turns and quirks an eyebrow, remaining cordial. “Hey, Jase.”

“Scott.” Jason gives him a short nod, and turns to the vending machine. “How’s it going?”

“Going alright…” Scott wants to say more…but for some reason, small talk doesn’t want to come, so he turns back to the microwave.

Wyatt parks his jeep outside Mom and Pop’s and wanders inside as his routine. Waving to Mabel he heads to his normal table, relaxing for his lunch break. Sometimes just getting away from the office for a little while helped clear his head…not to mention, his regular two slices of pizza sounded awfully good today.


*Katie enters TJY and heads for the breakroom. She had stoped off at BK this morning before work and picked up a chilli salad for lunch. Puting it into the fridge she grabs a MD from the pop mashean, and heads back out. Katie felt ok today. This morning was good but as the hours passed Katie could feel the closed off emotions that plunged her into darkness returning. And you could see it in her eyes it was taking its toll even though she tryed to hide it. Taking the long way Katie pass Scott's desk and stop leaning on the wall.*

"Morning Scotty."

*Nate cant help but chuckle as he heads out the door.*

"Sure thing Hun. I'm on my way now."

* After a few moments Nate pulls up in front of Laura's place he see her siting on the pourch. Opening the passanger side roll Nate yells to her.*

"My lady you chareot awaits."

*Nate grins.*

*Misty leans aganst the brick wall a few blocks away. The sound of pounding feet drew closer and Misty new it was Carson. For the last few days Misty had been woken up at the same time every morning by Carson. This time she was the one saprising him. She wouldent be hom when get banged on the window. As the steps get closer Misty turns the courner grabing Carson by the arm and swinging him around planting her lips fermly on his and than drawing away. A grin playing on her face.*

"Good Morning."

*Aerith wakes with a startle as her alarm goes off. Rubbing her eys she looks at te clock it was 6am. Groaning she rolls out of bed to get ready for her first day of work.

Pulling on a black pair of dress pants and a white shirt Aerith slips on her black sneakers and heads back into the batroom to finish up her makeup and put some hair clips in. Finally satidsied she grabs her pirse and slips out f the house undetectied so her grandmother would think she was sleeping still or just shopping. She wasent to fond of Aerith wanting to work. She understand why a girl who had some much money given to her would want to bother working. But Aerith had her resons. She wanted to see like she had acomplished something and was making her own money not having it handed to her.

Finally pulling into the small parking lot Aerith is greeted by Mable and Herb with a wave. Aerith waves back smiling as she gets out of her car."

Mable: "Morning."

Herb: "Good Morning Aerith."

Aerith: "Morning."

*Heading inside Mable shows Aerith around and the normal opening process and how to get reayd for the day. Mable gives Aerith a few off jobs to do before the restront opened. In no time it was 8 and te dinner was open. Aerith seemed to cated on fast only making mistake a few times. About an hour later the busness picks up and Mable is happy yo have extra hands to help.*


Jason’s eyes open and he stares into the dimness of Con’s living room. Despite being on a couch, it was more comfortable than the bed he’d been used to, and he’d slept like a rock the night through.

Glancing at the digital clock by the tv, Jason rolls his eyes. It was only five-thirty. He could sleep a whole ‘nother hour. But his body was too used to getting up at this time. It wasn’t worth fighting.

Rising, Jason gets in the shower before Con. It takes him long enough though, to sort through his clothes and find his wallet and shoes he wants that by the time he’s ready to go, so is Con.

“Alright, I can swing you by TJY. I’ll stay a few minutes, then head to the lumberyard,” Con comments as they leave. “Tonight you can give me a buzz, or I’m sure anyone else can give you a ride back.”

Jason just nods, remaining fairly quiet. “Thanks.”

The ride to TJY is less than quiet as Con begins to fill Jason in on a few things that have been happening with the case, people back at the ranch in Texas, and more. By the time the parking lot comes into view, Jason is beginning to realize just how out of the loop he really is. He was back…and it felt like getting thrown into an icy cold lake after being in the sun for hours.

The reception is a warm one, and everyone Jason greets welcomes him heartily, excited that he is back. Though grateful, the attention is a little much, and it isn’t long before he’s retreated to his own office, shutting the door and sinking down into his chair. He wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to be doing…but he should find something…

Starting to ignore himself, he dives into sifting through things in his desk, not even realizing that since rising that morning, his emotions have been void. He had shut down again.

“How is he?”

Con shrugs a little as he stands in Reese’s office. “Like a hand grenade with the pin pulled.”

Reese raises an eyebrow. “Meaninig…?”

“I don’t know….” Con frowns. “I think he’ll be alright. He’s just overwhelmed...There’s just something going on in his head and I’m not sure what it is. Maybe he just needs time to adjust.”

“Well, I’m not going to be throwing work at him, if that’s what you’re implying. I’m surprised he opted to come in today at all.”

Scott wanders into work just a little later than normal, heading straight to his desk. Today would be interesting…he’d thought a lot the night before…too much.. but he shouldn’t be worrying. Everything would work out just fine.

Laura grimaces as she waits for Nate to answer his phone. She should have gone out before Katie left, but hadn’t thought about it. She was all ready to go to work, but she lacked one thing. “Hey, Nate, it’s me..um…my car won’t start, and Katie already left…you don’t think you could pick me up on your way into work, do you?”

“Hey, you lazy bum! Day light’s wasting!” Carson bangs on Misty’s window, jogging back to the sidewalk, a mischievous grin pasted on his face.