

*Katie smiles back at Scott giving a nod.*

"Things are so so, not feeling to grand today but I'm alive."

*Misty leaves Scott and heads to her desk to do her days work.*

*Misty cant help but laugh as she squerms to get out of the headlock.*

"Whatever possessed you to bang on my window every morning? If you wanted to me to run with in the morning you can just say so."

*Misty cant help but start laughing more and she continues to get out of the headlock.*

"I have to addmit the look on your face was pricless."

*Relaxing for a moment Misty moves her arms fast to Carons side and tickles him.*

~*~Lunch Time~*~

*Katie makes her way to the breakroom as her tummy churns. Steping into the breakroom and seeing Jason and Scott sent cold chills down her spin but is passed quickly.*

"Hey guys. Its a party in here."

*Going to the fridge Katie grabs her salad and sits down at the table turning to Jason and than smiling at Scott.*

"J, you want to join Scott and myself for lunch?"

*Aerith looks up from cuting a pie and see Wyatt sit in her section. A smile cross her face as she heads over to him.*

"You know I really do think I have myself a stalker. How are you today Wyatt? and can I get you something to drink?"

*Aerith was starting to grow fond of seeing Wyatt around all over the place. He was the first nice person she had met and he seemed like a pritty good guy not to mention a cute on at that.*

*Geting out of the shower after coming in from the shop Wes throws on a new pare of jeans and a t-shit. Walking quietly back into the bedroom Wes watches Cindy sleep for a long moment. She hadent been feeling to well the last few days and sleep is what she needed. Though Wes hated waking her up he new this time he must. Going over to her side of the bed he sits on the edge and gives her a soft kiss on the forhead and than shakes her gently.*

"Cindy, Hun...its time to get up. I need to take you somewhere. Its important."

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