

*Katie enters TJY and heads for the breakroom. She had stoped off at BK this morning before work and picked up a chilli salad for lunch. Puting it into the fridge she grabs a MD from the pop mashean, and heads back out. Katie felt ok today. This morning was good but as the hours passed Katie could feel the closed off emotions that plunged her into darkness returning. And you could see it in her eyes it was taking its toll even though she tryed to hide it. Taking the long way Katie pass Scott's desk and stop leaning on the wall.*

"Morning Scotty."

*Nate cant help but chuckle as he heads out the door.*

"Sure thing Hun. I'm on my way now."

* After a few moments Nate pulls up in front of Laura's place he see her siting on the pourch. Opening the passanger side roll Nate yells to her.*

"My lady you chareot awaits."

*Nate grins.*

*Misty leans aganst the brick wall a few blocks away. The sound of pounding feet drew closer and Misty new it was Carson. For the last few days Misty had been woken up at the same time every morning by Carson. This time she was the one saprising him. She wouldent be hom when get banged on the window. As the steps get closer Misty turns the courner grabing Carson by the arm and swinging him around planting her lips fermly on his and than drawing away. A grin playing on her face.*

"Good Morning."

*Aerith wakes with a startle as her alarm goes off. Rubbing her eys she looks at te clock it was 6am. Groaning she rolls out of bed to get ready for her first day of work.

Pulling on a black pair of dress pants and a white shirt Aerith slips on her black sneakers and heads back into the batroom to finish up her makeup and put some hair clips in. Finally satidsied she grabs her pirse and slips out f the house undetectied so her grandmother would think she was sleeping still or just shopping. She wasent to fond of Aerith wanting to work. She understand why a girl who had some much money given to her would want to bother working. But Aerith had her resons. She wanted to see like she had acomplished something and was making her own money not having it handed to her.

Finally pulling into the small parking lot Aerith is greeted by Mable and Herb with a wave. Aerith waves back smiling as she gets out of her car."

Mable: "Morning."

Herb: "Good Morning Aerith."

Aerith: "Morning."

*Heading inside Mable shows Aerith around and the normal opening process and how to get reayd for the day. Mable gives Aerith a few off jobs to do before the restront opened. In no time it was 8 and te dinner was open. Aerith seemed to cated on fast only making mistake a few times. About an hour later the busness picks up and Mable is happy yo have extra hands to help.*

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