

Scott turns and looks up from his computer, automatically giving Katie a smile. “Hey. Wasn’t sure if you were gonna be in today or not. How’s things?”

Laura comes down from the porch, grinning at Nate. “I think I can handle this kind of chariot,” she quips. “Thanks.”

Sliding into the passenger seat and buckling in, she turns her head and suddenly locks eyes with Nate. For a really strange moment, there’s a pause and heat creeps into her face. Finally she turns her attention to the road. “One of these days I really need to get a new car…”

A look of total shock crosses Carson’s face as Misty steps from around the corner and grabs him. He almost trips as he’s brought to a sudden halt and pulled around, a kiss landing on his lips. “What the…” He’s cut off by Misty’s passionate exchange, and suddenly finds himself returning the kiss, though he’s still bewildered for a moment .

When Misty withdraws, Carson gives her a smirk. “Good morning to you too, you sneaky sheila, you.” He reaches out to put her in a headlock from the side and starts to drag her down the sidewalk. “You about gave me a heart attack woman! Whatever possessed you?!”

Jason glances at his watch as his stomach growls. It was past noon….he wasn’t used to having to remember meals on his own. He suddenly realizes that he hadn’t even brought anything with him. Looked like it would be a sandwich from the machine today.

He gets up from his desk and wanders out of his office for the first time that morning, heading to the break room. Arriving, he sees Scott warming up his own lunch.

Scott turns and quirks an eyebrow, remaining cordial. “Hey, Jase.”

“Scott.” Jason gives him a short nod, and turns to the vending machine. “How’s it going?”

“Going alright…” Scott wants to say more…but for some reason, small talk doesn’t want to come, so he turns back to the microwave.

Wyatt parks his jeep outside Mom and Pop’s and wanders inside as his routine. Waving to Mabel he heads to his normal table, relaxing for his lunch break. Sometimes just getting away from the office for a little while helped clear his head…not to mention, his regular two slices of pizza sounded awfully good today.

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