

Jason’s eyes open and he stares into the dimness of Con’s living room. Despite being on a couch, it was more comfortable than the bed he’d been used to, and he’d slept like a rock the night through.

Glancing at the digital clock by the tv, Jason rolls his eyes. It was only five-thirty. He could sleep a whole ‘nother hour. But his body was too used to getting up at this time. It wasn’t worth fighting.

Rising, Jason gets in the shower before Con. It takes him long enough though, to sort through his clothes and find his wallet and shoes he wants that by the time he’s ready to go, so is Con.

“Alright, I can swing you by TJY. I’ll stay a few minutes, then head to the lumberyard,” Con comments as they leave. “Tonight you can give me a buzz, or I’m sure anyone else can give you a ride back.”

Jason just nods, remaining fairly quiet. “Thanks.”

The ride to TJY is less than quiet as Con begins to fill Jason in on a few things that have been happening with the case, people back at the ranch in Texas, and more. By the time the parking lot comes into view, Jason is beginning to realize just how out of the loop he really is. He was back…and it felt like getting thrown into an icy cold lake after being in the sun for hours.

The reception is a warm one, and everyone Jason greets welcomes him heartily, excited that he is back. Though grateful, the attention is a little much, and it isn’t long before he’s retreated to his own office, shutting the door and sinking down into his chair. He wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to be doing…but he should find something…

Starting to ignore himself, he dives into sifting through things in his desk, not even realizing that since rising that morning, his emotions have been void. He had shut down again.

“How is he?”

Con shrugs a little as he stands in Reese’s office. “Like a hand grenade with the pin pulled.”

Reese raises an eyebrow. “Meaninig…?”

“I don’t know….” Con frowns. “I think he’ll be alright. He’s just overwhelmed...There’s just something going on in his head and I’m not sure what it is. Maybe he just needs time to adjust.”

“Well, I’m not going to be throwing work at him, if that’s what you’re implying. I’m surprised he opted to come in today at all.”

Scott wanders into work just a little later than normal, heading straight to his desk. Today would be interesting…he’d thought a lot the night before…too much.. but he shouldn’t be worrying. Everything would work out just fine.

Laura grimaces as she waits for Nate to answer his phone. She should have gone out before Katie left, but hadn’t thought about it. She was all ready to go to work, but she lacked one thing. “Hey, Nate, it’s me..um…my car won’t start, and Katie already left…you don’t think you could pick me up on your way into work, do you?”

“Hey, you lazy bum! Day light’s wasting!” Carson bangs on Misty’s window, jogging back to the sidewalk, a mischievous grin pasted on his face.

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